How EU sanctions against Russia are failing | DW Documentary

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The EU imposed sanctions against Moscow as a response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. But loopholes raise doubts about whether these are working.

There is evidence that dual-use items that can also be used for military purposes are reaching Russia – from microelectronics, to replacement parts for related industries, to cars and weapons. How can this be happening in spite of sanctions? Where are the loopholes? To find out, DW reporter Miodrag Soric went to Georgia, a Western-oriented country that officially supports the imposed sanctions. Georgia is also a close neighbor of Russia, with all the economic ties and geopolitical dependencies that that implies. Allegedly, large amounts of exports continue to go to Russia via countries such as Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, and Armenia. How do they get there? How can this be stopped? Miodrag Soric searches for clues.

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Like a man who live in Russia - i can say that our country is being orientating from west to china for almost 10 years and now that process just got boosted.


EU and the US doesnt mean the whole world. when west companies leave Russia, it almost instantly give the surrounding countries a big chance of doing business.


Just because the video showed people in Georgia holding signs saying “stop Russia” doesn’t mean the whole country is in support of it.


The only thing that changed for me is that Cola-Cola has a different label on its bottle now 😂


We close the export directly to Russia but we rise the export to 700 % to friendly countries of Russia and all know what happens. This is showing that the single thing what matters is MONEY.


I work in glass industry and we used to sell a lot of glass to Russia. Guess what, our sales didn't decrease and we started to shop lots of glass to Kazakhstan. It's not hard to figure out where the product is going from there.



Wow, I didn't know that 30 people equals to "most of the people"😂😂😂


Not only are sanctions on Russia failing, these sanctions are making the EU irrelevant to all Eurasia. Once large regions of the world realise they can live perfectly without trade with Europe, without earning or using the Euro, Europe will lose all influence and relevance to them. Europe's sanction on Russia is actual Europe sanctioning itself, which might have been worthwhile if it caused Russia to collapse and Ukraine to win. But Russia is booming, Ukraine is failing, and Europe has to take all pain of these sanctions. A totally self-inflicted catastrophe.


Meanwhile, the EU still buys Russian oil, and the US continues to buy Russian fertilizer. But they somehow feel that their money does not fund Russia's war; however, other countries that purchase Russian goods do. Hypocrisy in action.


The EU and the US have lost hegemony. Africa, Asia and Russia are now doing business with local currencies. Sanctions won't help


The only one feeling the pain is us Europeans. These sanctions are beyond pointless.


Germany: builds car
Russia: buys car
Germany: surprised Pikachu face


Russia has a huge land and maritime border with its neighbors. In reality, sanctions can only increase the transaction cost or reduce the total trade volume. It won't stop Russia from getting the material and goods it needs. There is no way to enforce it on the ground, in the air, and at the sea.


Those people don't care about politic or American sanctions, they just want to feed their family.


Georgia: Can we join EU to escape Russian economic domination?
EU: No, but keep these sanctione we impose on your economy


Very interesting report, thank you for posting!


Georgia, Kazakhstan, Armenia and others have no obligation to obey EU sanctions


Большое спасибо соседям, за санкционные товары.


People always find the way to make a living. I remember like in 1980s we smuggled liquor from Poland to Sweden, Denmark and Norway, very good money. If you think that law abiding norsemen didn’t appreciate our hard work your are mistaken. Bottle in Poland cost about 80 cents US in that time, we get 100 krona for it, a little over 7$ us. After all necessary bribes and expenses we get 5x return on our investment each ferry trip. The best time of my life, I put myself through university doing that.


South Africa was probably the most sanctioned country in the world in the 1970's and 80's. Yet with a relatively small industrial base, it built up a huge arms industry, certainly with some outside help. Having lived through this period, sanctions were really just an irritation, and not what the sanctioners hoped for. There will always be sanctions busters, out to make a quick buck.
