The Leah And Rachel Understanding (and Two Seats)

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Hello Fourteeners Brothers and Sisters. Welcome back. Today we start off with a little fear of the LORD scripture and then readying strengthening scripture:)
From their we reveal another confirmation from the Septuagint about Two Thrones🤯 Absolutely wild to see before our eyes. Because though it was somewhat understood in a sense. Because we have shown the Son seated on the right hand of the Father with many scriptures and their prophetic timings. I had never before seen scripture that tells us there are indeed TWO Thrones!!!
From there we go into a video that was made by a woman to counter what we've proven with scripture about the story of Jacob and his two wives. I felt it was one I had counter because it was directed at our teachings, but was done falsely!!! Meaning she did not study what we've shown, as you'll see, yet made a video where 1000s will watch as she claims these are the things we've said! And I couldn't let it stand. Many speak against us, but not many put words in our mouth which we did not say.
But it gets better. Because I just finished explaining in the previous video about how the church in prophecy generally sandwiches seals and trumpets together. Well in this one, you'll hear of a sandwiching that I have never heard done before, ever. And that even with that sandwiching she still missed the last 6 years of Jacobs story?
Please know this is not an attack. But a needed correction for false words she claims we have taught.
For which I bring clarity to and reveal their understanding:)
Blessings and Strength always.

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I pray for us ALL and our families that We have our houses in Order and are ready to go! I truly love you all Brothers and Sisters and pray for you and all your families. I look forward to meeting you and yours in our Lord presence very soon:)

The 14 Year Tribulation Timeline Chart Overview. Link;

Opened Books the Chapters to Years. Link;

Israel is the time piece to the End Time Years! Link;

June 17, 2010 video telling of future events happening Now;

RECOMMENED PLAYLIST - for all who are new to the revelations of this ministry -
You can view on the Intro page of the Ministry Revealed website (recommended)
You can also view on the playlist page of our Ministry Revealed YouTube channel

Please continue to support us in getting out the truth, Operation 14 Years. We want to get as many of these USB teachings out there as we can before it all begins. To ship them around the world. AND we would like to know which churches you'd like to see receive one of these packages. If you have a church leader or others in mind please give us their name as well as church address/ shipping info. ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD And please don't forget we ask for your prayers first and foremost. Thank you and GOD bless you and your families.

Watch and pray always that we may be accounted worthy to escape All these things that shall come to pass upon the whole earth and to stand before the Son of man.
Рекомендации по теме

wonderful outline of gen 29 ! im with you alain on the importance of correction when there is a clear mis interpretation on the importance of this chapter and topic, my hope and prayer is more will see this


Her channel was recognized & recommended by the Sword of God channel (that has since vanished?) Alain continues to teach through new scripture revelations (that often blows Alain away as well as those who study to understanding ) Ministry Revealed is one of FEW time tested channels. THANKFUL FOR Alain’s long suffering, un-deterred by mockers who refuse to prove his revelations wrong. Holy Spirit continue to strengthen, teach & direct Alain in Jesus name Bless the fourteeners ❤ Amen


Stay strong Alain and fourteeners. Thank you for your unwavering diligence! You are not alone. Keep walking the path you were handpicked for. God bless.
“‘“The Lord bless you
    and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”’


I had been trying to send my mother your vidoes for ages, she always dismissed them and never took the time to acctualy watch and understand. Then a few days ago I sent her one of your newer videos and she asked me “ it’s not that same guy is it” and I didn’t reply I just said just watch it. And anyway she watched it and came back to me and said you are acctualy very good and have good teachings and took back everything she said about you before lol. Now she’s going through your vidoes like a madman


Anyone who diligently studies what has been revealed through your ministry would not come against it in this way. The scripture becomes more and more clear. You’ve given us tangible anchors to hold onto whilst searching and studying to help it make sense. This is why I keep coming back. Anyone can make any claim through putting a 1-2 scriptures together, but you’ve covered so much ground with it all matching and compounding. We are able to start to see His incredible tapestry thread by thread. Thank you brother for your relentless searching and sharing. We’d be much worse off without it.


I was having this conversation with this lady on the other video about the 14 years. I felt like she was responding to my comments from the previous video that I had made some comments to her that she should go and watch ministry revealed. I had no idea that she had already been familiar with the ministry. So it was a little shocking to hear her comment on my comment on the previous video.
It was because she was talking about the bride, I was trying to get her to understand the 14 years but it backfired! Oh my gosh!
I am an a huge fan of the ministry since Nov. of 2020. I have wanted to come on the forum and finally I have a computer to do that with.
I will see you on the forum soon.


Awesome teaching as usual wow! The nerve of false teachers like Sue Keith and Pastor Sandy Armstrong.You know hey know about the Ministry Revealed channel:(


So Good, so good, so good thank you for another teaching. This ministry is by far the best of all I have ever listen to . Revelation after Revelation, scripture after scripture ties all thing together like a beautiful tapestry. I am always so excited to see a new video that you bring to us. Praise GOD the Father, Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit . I can truly say this Ministry is the only one worth listening to, Oh and also Interrupt 165 with Mike. I pray God continues to work through you with the guidance of the Holy Spirit to bring us more Teachings in JESUS name until its time for us to depart . Thank you again and God Bless you and your family.


Hello fourteeners
Hello family Hello bereans from Area 51 Nevada


Stay strong alain, ephesians ch 6 vs 10 to 18 ...and as our Lord says ..let those with ears to hear, hear.


The fiery darts are coming at me so strong!!! I’ve really detached from the world and one of the few things I do indulge in is sugar and the past two months I think I’ve gained 20 pounds! I’m ravenous. I can’t stop. I’m in my 50’s and have never had such a hard time controlling what I eat. It definitely feels like a spiritual attack. I’m also noticing that I’m not wanting to read the Bible as usual. Thank you for saying something about this. I’m praying I can break free in this most urgent time we are in. I cannot wait to meet all of you in the Kingdom some day soon! This life is soooo lonely and isolating down here.


To be honest, having the understanding has ruined it for me when it comes to listening to others that I would previously listen in on, because they don't have the understanding. I get too riled up. I'm not much on diplomacy or tact. It's too much when I want to lash out myself, lol. I don't have time for dispute anymore. It wears me out. I just settle on the fact that the understanding just isn't for them.


That's quite a tap dance Miss Keith did there.


At 57:14 your showing Jeremiah 31 about Rachel weeping. Another connection to Leah and her children coming in is the fact that Leah had 7 children which is a typology of the 7 churches which is the gentile portion.


So well explained! All glory to the Almighty! 🙌🏻


No need to defend yourself Alain. God is your defender. Many false prophets will arise in these last days. It’s part of satans great deception of the masses and the sleeping church. These Will be severely judged & punished.


Sue use to be in our discord but she was only there to try to get views because then she had just a 100 or so subscribers. Then she started telling people that they had to choose what teacher they listened to her or Alain or my channel. Which goes against scripture because she is trying to hold a teaching authority over men which is forbidden by scripture which is why she gets a lot of things wrong and you can see it when she talks because there is pride there. When you go against sculpture you are not led by the Spirit but your own flesh so its not surprising she gets a lot wrong.


To me, Sue’s video was disheartening because she cannot see, blinded. Blind leading the blind.😢😢😢


She was being a smarty pants in her comments about the 14 years. That’s when I figured out that she was familiar with the ministry.


Her hearers need to test the spirit as the scriptures ask us do.
