Armorer Thrall Specialization Crafting guide | Conan Exiles 2020

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In this video I cover all the changes to the Armorers and Armorers Benches.

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Conan Exiles is an open-world survival game, in the brutal lands of Conan The Barbarian. You are an exile, one of thousands cast out to fend for themselves in a barbaric wasteland swept by terrible sandstorms and besieged on every side by Enemies. Here you must fight to survive, build and dominate.

Hungry, thirsty and alone, your very first battle is that against the harsh environment. Grow crops or Hunt animals for food. Harvest Resources to Craft Weapons and Tools. Build a shelter to survive. Ride across a vast world and explore alone, or band together with other players to build entire Settlements and Strongholds to withstand fierce invasions.

When strong enough, march forth into battle and wage war against your enemies as you fight to dominate the exiled lands. Sacrifice enemy Players on the Altars of the Gods and shift the balance of power your way. Unleash your fury in savage, fast-paced Combat and execute bloody and bone-crushing attacks that will see heads rolling and limbs flying.

Isle of Siptah is a massive expansion to the open world survival game Conan Exiles, featuring a vast new island to explore, huge and vile new creatures to slay, new building sets and a whole new gameplay cycle. Fight the elder races in new underground dungeons. Defeat demonic monstrosities that spawn from a storm of pure chaos. Dominate the surge to secure the island’s only supply of thralls.

#wak4863 #ConanExiles #Conan
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Wak is the Conan master. I've already commented here before I'm sure, but years later I still watch this vid to refresh my memory on what I found is going to do.


Now that's busting out a comprehensive and informative video! I hope Mrs. Wak brought you tacos and coffee as you were busting out this video. I love when you do videos like this so I can use them as reference.


I missed alot of the stream today so looking forward to learn what I missed, thanks Wak.


It would have been nice to see a comparison between old and new benches as well. That could all change before this is released though. TY Wak; awesome as ever.


u help me too much about game ty so muchh


First? Caught your livestream thanks for the vids


They could of done so much better. Like having the armorers add vitality, strength, grit, etc. this way players can wear the DLC armors they pay for the way they want. Makes too much sense.


20th!!! Thanks Wak lots of cool new stuff coming.


Good video Wak. very informative, answered most of my questions. My main question is...How do we get the specialized thralls?


Thank you so very much, are you going to make other specialization guides for every type of worker thrall? If yes I'll definitely subscribe hahaha, needing BADLY to learn that


Great vid! very useful info man!
I think the weight reduction crafter is going to be kinda useless, I'llcraft the higgest durability for me, and add an armor reduction kit :P and for my thrall craft the higgest armor, then add more armor with kits :P
As for the crafting benches I find that quite annoying, I mean I'll always use the resource reduction one and leave it while I take a poop or cofee break :P or if im mass crafting I'll be all night


Wow, they seems going to make more advanced to armorer crafting system 😗 . Cool


Just come back from a year break and they've completely f'd the whole game


@wak4863, will these changes affect all current named thralls? As in, will each of them have a specialization? Also, there being no more flawless/exceptional items throws me off. I've been playing for around a month and was finally getting a good grasp of the crafting systems just as they rework everything :P


Soo whats the best armor to put on a thrall now? I used to go with all strength or Vitality on some. Not sure what to farm and or craft now. Great content, keep it coming.


Have you covered the heat and cold resistances Wak?


Awesome video, but is there a place other than downloading the test client, to find out what each armorer does? is there a reddit or a place to find out that information. a spreadsheet would be awesome, of just a list of the three types.


Hey just discovered your channel and I’ve recently picked up Conan. I got a question: Just to confirm, doesn’t matter what T4 armorer you choose of the three, all three will give +2 bonus on armor?


Do you still need a specific armourer for the gear? For example do I need Enis Ironwrought to craft what would have been the old "Flawless Theif" or can I put any tier 4 armourer on the bench and when I craft the Epic Theif set it will come with +10?


Guess im 4th. Wondering if half cost or speed effects when you place a piece on the bench and repair it.
