Twilight Cleric is Broken in D&D 5e! - Advanced guide to Twilight

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Wizards of the Coast wanted to make a domain of cleric that ensures nobody says "better than Twilight"


Still can't believe they looked at the UA and said "You know this needs a little bit more insane broken stuff"


"Shadowheart should of been a Twilight Cleric"

I'm pretty sure they wanted us to have some measure of difficulty possible when playing the game.


Twilight Cleric's so powerful it can even make Monks amazing. Shadow Monk 6/Twilight Cleric 2 can give itself a full minute of free Misty Steps that also gives them advantage on their next attack that turn. Shadow 6/Twilight 6 can also do that while also flying. And since Twilight 6 grants flying equal to walking speed, the more you invest in Monk the more powerful it becomes.

Throw Twilight 6 on a Gunk build and by level 12 you're flying around the battlefield at 45 feet per round blasting enemies with a musket that ignores non-magical piercing resistance (with advantage if it's dark and you are outside their darkvision range but they are within yours).


My DMs have always ruled that Prone only imposes disadvantage if laying flat would reasonably make you harder to hit. If you are above or below someone who goes prone they not only have given you a larger surface area to hit but they've reduced their mobility.

Also as someone playing one right now who has a DM that rules Twilight Sanctuary does not override dim light, you are right that it's easy to get it anyway. I only need a single spot of dim light/darkness to get the flight. I've literally just jumped into a bush or stood in the shade of a tree to get my flight.


Didn't they say they made it strong because they feared no one would find the Twilight Domain interesting from a flavor perspective & not play it? How ironic since many tables and players just refuse to use it for how absurdly powerful it is. Tasha's gets a bad reputation for powercreep, and the Clerics are a reason why.


The campaign I'm playing in has a twilight cleric. She's been the best support caster, so my Forge Cleric can run Frontline fighting. I love the twilight cleric so much.


One thing you forgot about Faerie Fire is that it is excellent to burn legendary resistances!


I rolled high wisdom and con and played a Damphir twilight cleric in Strahd, it was an absolute blast. At level 1 or 2 I stood in a 5 foot hallway with sanctuary and a dodge action, untouchable by ghouls while my party cantripped and halberded them to pieces.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks Shadowheart should have been a twilight cleric, I’ve said this since EA


Twighlight shroud is also the only way to have cover against a fireball because there are no corners for it to go around!

Edit: one of a few ways


Currently playing an unwilling Great Old One Warlock (he was supposed to be an offering by a cult but saved by the rest of the party but it was too late and a link was established. Long story short, the Old One is not ready to awaken and charged the party to stop the cult) Each level his Patron is forcing more power onto him, slowly making him more paranoid/"unstable". Var. Human took observant feat and has 16 Wis & CHR. At level 4, we decided to take a level of twilight cleric, as he is now acting as a cleric for this old one and the latest influx of power is causing him not to sleep anymore (via the Eldritch Invocation Aspect of the Moon).


This video is so validating. I'm a first-time DM running a campaign for a small group, and one is a twilight cleric. The cleric's player is lovely and doesn't intentionally steal the show or play to optimize, but there have been a few times when they've just, by default, become a one-man band while the other two have struggled. They can tank AND heal AND do significant damage. I've been throwing magical items at the other two to try to help them catch up, because I'm less concerned about balance vs NPCs than I am about the other players feeling underpowered by comparison. I wish I'd known about the balance issue going in: I absolutely would not have banned twilight cleric (it actually fits the campaign themes extremely well and I'm not into banning anything unless it's particularly extreme), but I probably could have done more to offset that imbalance within the party up-front rather than having to come up with more tools for them later.

I would add: all those times where Kobold says a particular spell is useless if there is a wizard in the party? That hasn't been my experience, because now my wizard can happily take other spells and the party as a whole can spread out their utility and damage output to cover as many bases as possible. A magically-inclined party that is aware of each other's strengths so they limit overlap is actually quite powerful.


As a forever DM I got to play this class once. I loved it. It was so thematic and had so much flexibility that I noticed it wasn't a pigeonholed class, and I also realised it had flexibility of options which meant I never spammed the same action like other classes or optimisations bring.


I rationalize “prone in the air” as angling yourself to vastly reduce your silhouette at range.
But I’d probably in session 0 ask everyone “okay, would you rather be able to go prone in the air, _but monsters can do it too_ and it work RAW” _or_ “You can go prone in the air but it gives you disadvantage too as you’re angling yourself away from your enemy” _or_ “You can’t go prone mid air.”

I think I’d prefer 2 or 3.


Not to mention, you get a guaranteed surprise round. You don't even need to roll for stealth. Under Surprise rules in the PHB, p. 189, "Any character or monster that doesn't notice a threat is surprised at the start of the encounter."


Twilight cleric is my favorite thing to bring to tables with strangers. They can't mess up anything you're doing and you get to make them feel invincible.


One thing about it being OP is that it is a team based OP. The big stuff all benefits your allies, so it's easier to DM for than if it was just one person making a powerful character. I'm also surprised that you didn't mention Spiritual Weapon, since you can cast it on the turn that you use your Channel Divinity without the usual opportunity cost.


I didn't realize just how strong Twilight Cleric was until I started playing one. Some of the scrapes it got us through were beyond lethal. The great thing about it though is that it's not OP in the way that many meta builds are where they steal the spotlight. Twilight Cleric is a huge supporting presence, but it creates opportunity for the other players to shine. Sure, eventually you can get Spirit Guardians and things going where you'll mop up some fights unless you're unlucky, but blunting the enemy's damage to almost nothing in tier 1, and eating up chip damage at all tiers, is incredible from both turn-to-turn tactical and daily resource perspectives. The advantage on initiative is also absolutely incredible. Being able to get Twilight Sanctuary cast before any enemies attack means allies with turns before the enemy are getting temp HP up before damage happens, often negating much or all of it.
