10 Golden Retriever Pros & Cons (New Owners Beware!)

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Want to know what the main pros and cons of getting a Golden Retriever are?

Golden Retrievers are amazing dogs — I had to condense the list of pros because there are so many!

But the list of cons is what's important, especially if you're considering getting a Golden Retriever. Goldens are high-maintenance dogs, and the worst-case scenario is that you bring one home, realize they aren't a good fit for you, your family, and your lifestyle, and you have to abandon them.

So to prevent that from happening, here's a list of Golden Retriever pros and cons so you can make the right decision!

Have any questions about getting a Golden Retriever? Let me know down in the comments!

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i bought a bed for 700 dollars.... he slept on the cardboard box that it came in -_-


You hit the nail on the head! Everything you said was so, so right on. They ARE the best dogs in the world ! We have been lucky enough to own 3 over the years and they each added so much joy to our lives. They have a special spirit that reigns supreme in one’s life!


I'm watching this video with my almost 5 month old golden laying next to me. YEP, all true. She's always with me or my husband, if i'm not paying attention to her she'll go find something she shouldn't have and walk into my office with it in her mouth. Luckily she knows drop it. BUT she's the best, and I wouldn't trade her for anything! If I could, i'd have a whole pack of Goldens. Great video, and all of it is spot on!


Pros: everything
Cons: they can't actually retrieve gold for you


thank you so much for your videos! I just got my first dog, a golden which has always been my dream dog! she is amazing and smart and so laid back, but also insane with the biting! I thought I was doing something wrong but you've convinced me that she is absolutely just doing what golden puppies do.


I absolutely love my golden retriever Wrigley. Growing up, I loved miniature dachshunds so when I grew up and had the opportunity to have one of my own I had 4 lol. When my last one was about 10 a kid in my daughters 4H group and a litter of Golden’s. I made the mistake of taking my daughter to see them and you guessed it next thing I knew I was the proud owner of a Golden and a 5 pound mini Doxie. Well that was almost 11 years ago. My daughter grew up went to grad school, moved away and yep guess who got left with the dogs, cat, hamster and a 49 cent gold fish her now husband bought her their first semester of college which they left with me that was in 2015 and that fish grew into a 20 gallon tank and just passed away last December. Turns out it was a fancy goldfish with a lifespan of 20 to 30 years. All said and done, Wrigley will be 11 on the 11th of April 2023. He’s always by my side no matter where I am and yes that includes the bathroom if I don’t shut the door. I’m 66, live alone and he is truly my companion and saving grace. When my doxie passed away in 2015 I think He grieved the most. They snuggled together, slept together and did most everything as a team. We ended up buying him a stuffed dachshund toy which he proudly carries around in his mouth and gently lays his head across when he sleeps to this day. I can’t begin to imagine my life without a Golden Retriever. There are no words to express the joy they bring into your life if your willing to tolerate the hair, the constant reminder they need your love and reassurance a lot and if you don’t give it they’re quick to remind you. If you like getting up and down constantly because the door seems to be something they’re always standing on the wrong side of you are to dumb to install a doggie door 🤪 well then a Goldens the dog for you. All kidding aside a dread the day I must say goodby but for now I’m enjoying every single moment he blesses me with.


Our second GR we were blessed to adopt required added costs of training, training tools, thyroid medication, Dasaquin and Free Flow Omega 3. Eventually, two neurological drugs and pain meds. Not including basic maintenance, his “extras” alone were close to $2, 000/year.
Honestly love your optimism that it not be that way. I just have only found it with my one “tiny” dog brought to me the winter of 1978. Best to you and yours.


Greetings, thank you for your information.


ThIs is what I love about them……they are almost always smiling


Thanks so much! Getting a dog soon! Love watching your videos you help all the time


When you said prices i was like OOF, i payed 5k for my lil angel and easily at least 2k in the 2 months I’ve had him with puppy set up, training, & vet.


I’m on my 2nd Golden. The best breed hands down. Great video!


Once you go golden you don’t go back . ever since I had my first one when I was a kid he was really the best ever and the cutest ever. I’ve met other dog breeds but none compare. I’m planning on getting another in the future their like Oreos or Pringle chips lol you can’t have just one.


Pls make a video on how to profesionally train them even if a first time owner for free


I have a Pointer and a Jack Russel. Doesn’t get much crazier than that 😂 Had a Border Collie before that. It was perfect, but got cancer at eight years old. My next one will probably be a golden, or an Australian Cobber. Or possibly a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling retriever. I live rural, and have a big fenced yard. In addition, all my dogs get two long walks every day. Come rain or shine. My oldest dog is 13 1/2 now. Haven’t skipped a single walk in her life.


I love your videos! Oliver is a beautiful dog, just as your always told. Toby is my 3rd Golden Retriever, he is 11 years old and unfortunately was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma back in May, we had his spleen removed and we were told he’d be gone in 1 to 3 months without chemo and with chemo he’d had 3 to 6 months. We opted for chemo as we were told the side effects aren’t as bad in dogs as humans and of course we want him around as long as possibly. Toby was supposed to have 5 chemo treatments, but each treatment resulted in worse side effects and the oncologist team opted to cease further chemo at this time. We had scans and X-rays done on Friday and thank goodness the news was the best we could have asked for, no signs of cancer at this time. Now we’re on a 2 month follow-up schedule. My advice to Golden Retrievers owners is to get good health insurance for your dog so that money doesn’t prevent you from getting the best possible care that they so deserve. People who don’t have Goldens question our judgment putting so much money and emotion into a terminal diagnosis. If you have ever owned a Golden, you should understand, the love is like no other dog I’ve ever owned. I rescued many dogs in my lifetime and have loved them, but I always wanted a Golden. I will never own any other dog breed, they are the best!!! Praying for a miracle for Toby.


My half golden is a mamas girl she follows me everywhere😊


if goldens are considered puppies for life, then u haven't met the flatcoated retriever yet 😂


I'm gonna respect the cons, but go with the pros because we are collecting our golden pup in a few weeks!


I don't own a dog, but I would say that Golden Retrievers are among the most pleasant dogs. So many other breeds are ugly, are agressive, hyperactive, bark and bite...
