10 Surprising Facts About Male Golden Retrievers

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Male Golden Retrievers are adorable… but there are some things about them that are downright weird!

Have you ever wondered why they lift their legs when they pee? Or why they mount other boy Golden Retrievers? Or what happens to them when they get neutered?

See the answers to all of these questions, plus several more strange facts about male Golden Retrievers in this video.

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Great video! I had a female golden, and i only heard her bark 2 or 3 times her whole life! just one bark each almost like she was just testing to make sure it still worked! OH and her name was Daisy! haha!


We had our male golden neutered at 14 months and is perfectly healthy so far and not over weight. Our vet told us to wait until after 1 year to neuter. Seems to be sound data 👍


Our golden retriever named Hugo newer really grow up, even though he didn't had as much energy when he got old he was as playful at 11 as he was as a puppy and he still believed he was a puppy trying to sit in my lap if I was sitting on the floor
He was also very clever and told us in his own way when he wanted to go for a walk
He would go to the hallway and catch the leach from where it hung, straiten it out on the floor then fold it in his mouth and drop it in front of you and then go to the front door, he would also do this if we asked him if he wanted to go for a walk often when we had finished eating dinner
he always new when my father would arrive and stand by the door and wait for him
he also knew when it was time to go to bed
Sometimes he would run away, one time he ran away to our neighbor who had some cats witch he loved to visit, this time he saw that the front door was open so he went to the flowerbed and picked a big sunflower and then he went inside and gave the flower to our neighbor wife and then he ate the cat food
Our neighbor called my mom and told her what an well behaved dog we had that brought her flowers when he came by for a visit LOL
He also loved tennis balls and one time I put four new ones in front of him to see what he would do when I told him to pick up the balls up and give them to me. He would struggle a little at first but he did bring me all four balls, two in the back and two in the front of his mouth.


I live in Australia and have had goldies for many years, i would not wantnto be without one.
My present seven year old is a big male still with everything he was born with, yet he is the most lovable dog you could wish to meet.
At seven, and being a fair sized dog, he still likes to try andd sit on my lap but only half of him fits, but he is happy with that.
His name is Sebastion.
He hates thunder and hides behind the chairs or tries to get onto my chair with me, he does not show the slightest signs of agression and actually runs away from a fight, loves children and will spend all day sitting by the fence watching the kids next door and if he gets a chance would be with them in seconds, he has certain toys that he will walk about with in his mouth all day untill there is food about.
I rwally feel these are wonderful dogs as a companion although when he changes coat he does it in a big way with sometimes a bucket full of hair
From one brushing, so you do need a good vacuum for the house, a small price to pay for such a good


My 3.5 year old male Golden Retriever is a sucker for female golden labs!!!! He makes a bee line and humps when ever he sees one!


My super senior is 17 years old male Golden Retreiver name Lucky. Walk slowly and sleep alot nowadays. I am not a fans neutering my dog. My boy still a happy, love all his food, smile alot, love car ride like a puppy❤


My golden is named Ice hes only 6 months old so we havent got to see that much with him, But as i keep saying he and him you already can tell hes a male. And Ice does not really bark, like only barks when he is Locked up (Only for Emergencys or if we HAVE to paint something and make sure hes safe) Or at the vaccum, Idk if you believe me but he also barks to protect me, But if any of those things dont happen you will never see him bark. And we dont to those often at all so im Glad, im a kid, And even at 6 months he is so gentle and loving, Ice is the best dog ever!!♡♡♡


"Before they are neutered"????
How about "if they are neutered"?
I have no plans to cut off my dogs balls.
His name is Koosh.
Leo never entered my mind.


Also bullet was potty trained at 4 months hes so smart I love him


Thanks. Aren’t most of these characteristics coming to dogs in general?


My Pablo turns 21 months old today. He is the goodest big goofy boi ever. He is patient and considerate with people and animals. He is the best thing to ever happen to me. He loves sticks and females in heat. He weighs a lean 42kg so he is quite large but not fat. He is e best and I hope he lives long and I can make him happy and tired!


We have two Goldens...They run to the front door barking even when the neighbor across the street shuts a car door.


My golden male lived to 12 years. He had no illnesses, and still bounced around like a puppy. He was never neutered. I have a 9 month puppy today, and after watching this, plus my experience, I don't think I will get him neutered either. I had a female who was fixed and died of cancer tumors at 8 years. My large yard is well fenced, and I always keep my darlings on leash when we go anywhere. Never had any problems with mine around other dogs either.


Please put a video on what to give to eat and above all about vaccination which all required and at what age


i just got a golden retriever puppy. i’ve had her about 5 days now. she’s doing really good about going outside and pottying! i’ve only had 2 accidents in the house, which was my fault for not catching it before hand. i’ve seen several videos saying to wake your puppy up from sleeping to take them out around 2am every morning. but i don’t recall my parents doing that with our family dogs. they learned to sleep through the night and go in the morning. do you recommend waking them up to take them out? or teaching them to go in the mornings first thing and last thing at night? i feel guilty for waking her up! she’s around 8 weeks old!


I have a male Golden who turns 6 years old in a month and is still playful as a 2 year old 😅


Got our male 'English cream' after he was neutered and near 2 years old. No humping, no puppy stage, no hiking the leg to pee, no nothing. Rarely barks.


Training, training, training. Both of my granddogs never mounted!


My male golden retriever learned to go outside to pee... by imitation... following the female that was 3 months older.


No buddy is the best name for a male golden. They are the best buddies in the world
