Man Built This Trap In His Backyard, And It’s Disgusting How Well It Works

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For many of us, our homes are our safe places. It protects us from many of the things outdoors, but what if these uninvited guests still find themselves in your house? I’m talking about pests, and annoying insects. Who would want a mosquito buzzing near their ear when they’re trying to fall asleep? And certainly no one wants a bed bug infested house! Fortunately, there are a few easy ways to get rid of these annoying pests. If you have uninvited guests in your house, from Fire ant colony casting to fly bags, here are 15 Effective ways to get rid of all insects at home.

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If you keep fresh fruit in your home, You may soon have a Fruit fly problem. No worries, Just place some of whatever is attracting them in a Styrofoam cup. Put cling wrap over the top, secure with a rubber band. Poke holes in the cling film with a toothpick. They clime in the holes & can't get back out. Works for me every time. Enjoy your fresh fruit without the pests like we do here in Florida year round.


Stink bugs have been around a hell of a lot longer than 1996!! I was a teen in the 70's, and I remember having some stink bugs land around our house during their mating season, because we were next to an empty field with old trees.

Those plastic bottle traps work for any flying insect. You just have to look online to see what solution to put in the bottle to attract the flying insect you are trying to get rid of.


I had a German cockroach Prineville in my house, it became a pretty big problem in our town. I live in Canada so in January it got to -35 Celsius or -31F. I drained all of our water lines, opened the windows, turned on a bunch of fans to quickly spread the cold air around and left the house alone for a couple days. Turned the heat back on, it took a while day four the furnace to heat the house again, but I never saw another roach in my house. Easy fix if you live in Canada, chemical free.


Mosquitos are food for birds and bats. That's why you should never kill a bat. Mosquito's are they're main food.


Mythbusters proved pretty definitively that the water bag trap for flies is absolute junk. If I remember not only did it not work, it attracted more flies than anything.


12 gauge shot gun. Although it might be difficult to find the flies body, you can be quite sure you got him. 😎


Five gallon buckets make excellent mouse traps. Mice can't jump out when they get in there. We drill a couple of small 1/8 inch diameter holes - 180 degrees across from each other, about a 1/2 inch from the top. Then put a straight piece of coat hanger wire in the holes across the top. Bend the ends over so it will stay. Put the wire inside a 12 oz sturdy plastic bottle with lid and drill holes at the top and bottom of the bottle so the bottle will spin on the wire. Then put some peanut butter on the bottle. The mice will fall off the bottle when they go for the peanut butter. Actually you don't even need to do all that. We have found dead mice in the bottoms of plain empty 5 gallon buckets that never had a trap mechanism put on them and didn't even have any bait in them. I have put a few pieces of dog good and a teaspoon of peanut butter on the bottom of an empty 5 gallon bucket and caught mice only doing that!


Yikes!! 😱 I get the heebie-jeebies looking at all of these bugs and pests! Thanks for some great tricks to get rid of them!
My brother is a great wood worker and made some awesome carpenter bee traps! I have one outside on my deck (that they are destroying) and it works great!
P.s... You should have showed more of the fire ant nest casts, they're incredible!! 😉


diatomaceous earth works on all crawling insects. I LOVE it


In Brazil we have various names for fire ants, but my favorite one is clean foot, because they gonna clean you foot out of existence ;w;


I got a mattress from a friend and never knew there was bedbugs in it. My floor has a carpet. I noticed shortly that I had those little buggers. So i got rid of them on my mattress with bug spray and put plastic on my foundation so it reach the floor. They couldn't climb the plastic. Then I sprinkled baking soda over a 4 inch path all around my bed. Those that tried to climb the plastic was covered with the baking soda carried it to their nest and within a week I wasn't pestered with bedbugs anymore. Do it. It works.


I've been spending $5 per bag for fly traps. I feed the outside cats there's 4 regulars that come when I leave for work, and when I return. I normally don't have a problem, except with ants. But this spring 2022, the amount of flies was horrendous. I'd never seen so many flies. Those fly bags work. Just get a couple gallon Ziploc bags to put the full icky fly bag in, because they'll escape into the trash can if you are just using a couple trash bags to put it in. Larvae crawled out somehow. 🤢 Washed out the trash can. But yes they work. Never occurred to me to make a DIY fly trap.
The other bug traps, simple and genius. Thank you for the video, greatly appreciated.
Take care, stay safe, have a nice day.
👵🙂✌️🖖 😷 🙉🙈🙊 🌎☮️🕊️


Ok you said stink bugs were first discovered in Allentown PA in 1996 and spread, I’m 57 and used to have stink bugs all around our house when I was kid in the 70s. And yes after you kill one you don’t do it again they stink like some sort of chemical that is hard to describe, perhaps mothballs mixed with naphtha and pine tar.


The mouse trap can be done much easier. Use the rod in the center top portion with an empty soda can that spins on the rod. Cover the can with peanut butter, and move it to the center of the rod and bucket.
Use 2 ramps on either side of the bucket .
The mouse or rat climbs the ramp, jumps to the can to get the peanut butter, the can spins, and they fall into the bucket. 5 gallon bucket or larger.
You can let them go away from your house, or you can put water in the bucket, and they will drown.
I have used 2 of these for a year and a half, and have gotten rid of over 30 mice and rats.


My first memory in life is my mom pulling red ants off my eyelids after my brothers put me on a red ant pile when I was a baby!
I remember that she put me in a tub of water and started pulling them off!
Needless to say my brothers got a whipping!!!


GoJo is an excellent treatment for fire ant bites. If put on immediately after being bit it will take away sting and prevent festering. Generously apply and let dry.


For inside the house to get flys, take a spray bottle fill with water, Add ohhh half teaspoon of dish soap to like a 16oz bottle, shake it up till it gets sudsy. Spray fly as fast as you can & it makes them so they can't fly then dispose of them


Some of those moths on that sheet or just downright striking and there's some of the shots it looks like it's art it's beautiful mother nature is so fascinating she has from the ugliest to the most beautiful


I always check hotel beds and rooms for bedbugs. My son had an infestation in his house. Those things are so hard to get rid of. They can hide in the walls.


The heat lamp pan of dish soap also is great to help with fleas they are attracted to the heat from the light and drown
