Показать описание
In this tutorial I will show you how to create a simple OLED project.
You will learn:
- how to connect the OLED (ssd1306) with a NUCLEO-F103RB board
- how to set up a CubeIDE project
- how to integrate an external OLED driver from GitHub
- how to display text and change the background-color
Link for the external OLED driver:
Have fun :)
Reinhard Krisam (hacksOnTable)
Need help realizing your embedded-projects?
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You will learn:
- how to connect the OLED (ssd1306) with a NUCLEO-F103RB board
- how to set up a CubeIDE project
- how to integrate an external OLED driver from GitHub
- how to display text and change the background-color
Link for the external OLED driver:
Have fun :)
Reinhard Krisam (hacksOnTable)
Need help realizing your embedded-projects?
Write me:
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