Halo 5 Blue Team Opening Cinematic

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Watch the opening cinematic to Halo 5: Guardians Second mission - "Blue Team". Led by the legendary Master Chief, Blue Team boards a derelict Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) research facility to ensure its contents don't fall into the hands of a renegade faction of Covenant zealots.

Halo 5: Guardians - available October 27th exclusively on Xbox One.
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Blue team knows how to make a dynamic entrance.


The reason I love this cinematic to much is because I love the Spartan II's from the books and it gives me hope that they'll do them justice in the game. Well, they really can't, since it would be like playing with god mode. If you read the books, you know what I'm talking about.


I love this, if anything it highlights the difference between Spartan IIs and IVs. One is a lot more tactical and smart about their approach because of all their training and experience. The other is a bit more rash because of their new tech.


1:15 I love this moment. Fred asks John if he's good. John confirms and Fred doesn't push the issue.

Fred know something's not right, but he trusts him to do his job. That's the level of professional trust and friendship they have.


After watching both Fire Team Osiris and Blue Team's trailers back to back I'm loving what 343i is showing us in regards to just how different the teams are:

-While Blue Team seems focused and reserved, Osiris seems untested and chatty.
-Blue Team is ready to go in full armor, while Osiris mills around without helmets, only putting them on just before they jump.
-Osiris is surrounded by new tech and gadgets, both on their armor and in their drop ship, while Blue Team travels in a stripped down Pelican.
-Osiris jumps individually and Locke is the last to leave, while Blue Team jumps together with Chief in the lead.
-Osiris' trailer shows off the speed, agility, and new tech at the disposal of the Spartan IVs, while Blue Team shows experience, seasoning, and wisdom.

All in all, Blue Team shows that they are a singular unit, utterly professional, that has worked together for a considerable amount of time with a clear leader they care about and will follow anywhere, while Osiris highlights the individuality of each Spartan IV and how they function as a group of individuals. The differences in tech and technique, and whether or not one is more superior to the other, will sure be interesting when the two sides finally meet.


Ever since they announced that Team Osiris is going to be going after Blue Team in Halo 5, my first thought has been "How could this newly formed team of spartan IV's, with no experience working together, ever hope to take on Blue Team?" Just seems to me like they wouldn't stand a chance. We're literally talking about the most experienced, fluid, and lethal squad humanity has ever known. Hell, most of their dialogue in this cut-scene was filler, since Blue Team communicates so well with each other that none of it would have been necessary. Anyone else feel that way?


I’m an old Veteran. Some combat experience, but not like many others. My grandkids are HALO fanatics, and I’ve been reading/watching videos about Master Chief. It’s amazing!


I love that Linda is back in the fight after having been clinically dead. Thank you Cheif for saving my favorite Sniper!


I just love how Fred cares about Chief. This emotion in his voice. One can immedietely grasp this specific bond between the Spartans - their unique brotherhood.


Blue team is a family.
Red team is a squad.


Great, they didn't add avengers fighting style to blue team, they kept them to act more professional and have a veteran-like style, good job 343.


This is one of my favourite halo scenes. Not because of emotion or looks but because it truly shows the effectiveness of a spartan II team.


This was even better than the Team Osiris Opening Cinematic.


Fredric was always my favorite in the books good to see he cares for chief like a brother


"Course correction only! You don't wanna end up like Georgia."


Thus far, I've been reading a lot of "It doesn't feel Halo enough."
To be perfectly honest, I like the way this trailer was done. We see Chief with his family (finally), and they're worried about him. We can actually see true emotion in what is a FPS, which is a welcome change.
Now the action. Gunshots in space, I don't really care. And sure it was short, but that was the point.
With Osiris Team, they're compensating for the fact we don't know alot about their team. So they hit with a lot of action to make them "badass."
We don't need that here. We know who they are, what they can do and how this will end. Its the presence they get right. They don't need to prove their prowess. We already know it.


Love the return of the classic halo theme for blue team. Really good to differentiate the generations and brings some nostalgia. Love it


"Throw the Unggoy out the airlock!"
Gets thrown out the arilock.
That's karma


2:02 i just love how Chief and the rest of his team just kept their position and was sliding across the floor while the other elites just fell into space!


Can you imagine being an elite on guard duty and out of nowhere Chief and Blue team bust into your cargo hold?

*ight imma head out*
