Talkin' Sabbath with Sam Waldron

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This was filmed at the Why Calvinism Conference in Tullahoma, Tennessee on February 24, 2024. Keith and Dr. Waldon discuss various views of baptist covenant theology, in particular on the subject of the Sabbath.
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I didn't know Sam Waldron before, but after discovering that he is amillennial and against dispensationalism, I will definitely be listening to more of his sermons.


I really appreciate these gracious conversations. Thank you.


Sam Waldron is a treasure. Thanks for having him on.


Keith, I've never seen you nervous. Your respect is pretty clear.😊


Ive appreciated Waldrons work as i have listened to him over the years. I agree with you keith on the difficulty of acceptong the tripartite division of the law.


Dr. Foskey, Dr. Waldron,

Thank you for the teaching ..🙏❤

I pray to see uses soon..🙏❤


Your interviews are fantastic. Thank you!


One of the best theological minds of our day, absolutely love this man .


Keith, if I had a church, I would let you in. I love the kind of things you do with these interviews, especially your humility and nonconfrontational approach. To think the mind of man can fully understand the ways of God, brings great humor to me. If God rested from all His labor on the seventh day and came out of retirement according to John 5:17 and even gave Jesus a job in the Family business, it might have something to do with John 5:21, where God raises the dead and gives life to them and even so the Son gives life to whomever He will. I hope we never lose sight of the fact we are all given a ministry of reconciliation and of the more excellent way that Paul tells us about. Even if we have all knowledge, without love it counts as nothing and whatever level of intellectually correct theology we attain, God's desire is that we take on His divine nature. I know that God has called many to the office of pastor and I pray they understand their job is to serve the Lord Christ, who, is the only Head of the church.


The question I keep coming back to in these chats is….what is the motorbike doing inside the lobby?


Wow this was like a conversation between Peter and Paul. Very blessed.


Great discussion. As far as the Creation Ordnance argument. Where does the Bible say that Creation Ordinances don't change? What about the creation command in Genesis 1:29-30 to only eat herbs and vegetation? Do those who believe that Creation Ordinances don't change also believe that you cannot eat meat?


Exodus 20:8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Exodus 20:9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
Exodus 20:10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
Exodus 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.


Does anyone know where I can watch the Calvin conference? Will they be posted somewhere on YouTube? Thank you.


If it’s a creation ordinance why are none of the other nations outside of Israel never rebuked for not obeying it?


The big problem is that the phrase 'the Lord's day" is found only once in scripture; in Revelation. It is not defined as but is only assumed to be Sunday. The dirty little secret is that it has numerous parallels in scripture, being referred to as " the Day of the Lord". Now you know where I'm going. John was not in the spirit on a Sunday, he was in the spirit on the day of the Lord! It's so obvious; John was in the spirit ( having a prophetic vision) of the day of the Lord...the last days, the end of days, the time of the end before Jesus returns. The Sabbath was never changed and will always be not any one in 7, but the 7th day in 7.


It is a sabbath because it goes with the feast of Tabernacles. 7 days Israel was to prepare themselves, and on the 8th day it was to be a holy Sabbath to them. There are many Sabbath's in the Mosaic law that are Sabbath's that do no fall on Saturday. It's also the reason children were circumsiced on the 8th day. It was a sign that Christ would rise on the first day of the week. Our eternal rest.


Sam came to take your Amill Crown 👑 home with him. 😅


Christ referred to himself as the Lord of the Sabbath


Keith, you are NCT, right? Thank you for the interview brother!
