My Life with ADD - Rick Green

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This guy rocks. Seriously. This guy and "How to ADHD" Jessica are the best in the world at explaining this stuff. Thank God for both of them.


I got diagnosed with ADD 18 years ago as a teenage. Spent my whole life fighting ADD. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Not until a friend recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 9 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.


This man is a hero. The struggle of adhd is very real.


I thought I was the dumbest kid in every class I had ever been in. Apart from science and art. Now people tell me I'm really smart and now at 30yrs of age I'm only just beginning to believe people and friends weren't joking. When I left school at 18 I was able to learn what ever I enjoyed, I did this through the internet and books, YouTube helped aswell. I discovered by accident that if you have ADD you have a surprising ability to hyperfocus on any topic you find interesting. For example a friend of my parents Teaches in university to people who wish to become personal trainers in any area the choose. After a two hour conversation She asked me if I had studied in university. She was surprised which lead lead her curiosity based on my knowledge of everything to do with the human anatomy, nutrition and how to train. I even told her things she had not known. So don't be discouraged if you have ADD, you can learn anything that you really enjoy, your brain will absorb it all and faster than normal.


I'm happy I found this video. As a teenager with ADD it's been really hard for me. My friends usually think i'm weird. It's so hard to focus in classes and I get distracted to easily. And when I didn't know what my friends just said I ask what they were talking about and they just go "oh nothing." Many people think i'm annoying because I ask something and then I just ask it again. I just can't help it. I can never sit without doing something else. I usually just do random stuff with my fingers. Sometimes my friends are talking about something and I just always wanna join in and know what they're talking about. I don't mean to be annoying like I have to know everything but that's just me. People might explain me a thing many times and I don't understand it, but when someone else tells me it I understand. In class I don't always hear what my teacher says. It's like watching 10 tvs at the same time. I have so much to think about and when I get distracted, I can hear nothing. It's also really hard to study. I read something and right after i'm like "What did I just read?.." and then i'll just read it again. I've always wanted to be normal and that people would accept me the way I am. I've realised that I get really well along with people who also have ADD, ADHD, autism etc. I'm still so happy to see people in the comments who also have ADD. It makes me feel better and I don't feel left out. I just wish more people would understand what it is like to have ADD.


I was diagnosed with ADD 15 years ago as a teenager. But I never saw it as a disadvantage. For example when I enter a room I've seen everything, even the colour of the ceiling, missing the main subject cause there are a shitload of new impulses and everything is more interesting than the thing you have to do. You know 'normal' people don't have this, use it in your advantage, and focus exists if the subject is interesting enough.


"David would be a really good student if only he would apply himself." The soft way of describing "Hell on Earth."


Rick Green literally saved my life, and he has no idea who I am. I got diagnosed because of a video he did. Diagnosis changed my life and saved my career and my relationship as well as directly the life of someone else who I helped to get diagnosed and get the help they needed. If I ever meet this guy in person I'll probably quite inappropriately give him a hug and start crying. Partly because I have ADHD, and partly because I'm so damned grateful.


I have ADD and if I don't take the medicine I have like super powers... I can hear better and see better. At primary school I had the best teacher in the world because she understanded that life whit ADD is hard. If I started to draw in class I could not stop. If someone is doing even the smallest noise EVER I will hear it and it will drive me crazy.
(Sorry for bad english)


I want so much to understand why my life has turned out so badly, compared to what I wanted. I'm a smart man. I did well in school all the way to Grade 13. I was at the top of my class in accounting in college. But I struggled to get through university, and graduated with just enough of an average to get an Honours BA degree. My memory sucks. The quality of my work sucked before the Covid shutdown. And from my earliest memories, I have felt like I am just a spectator in my own life.


I am 49.5 years old, and just found out I have ADHD. I read testimonies and watch videos and just cry because I still remember all the times people treated me badly for what I said and not understanding why because I was trying to be nice, engaging or understanding and they thought I was rude. Not understanding why I can't tell my husband, boss, etc how I feel without crying. And now it's like heavens have been opened and I see the light. RICK I'm from Minnesota and have watched Red Green for 30 years, and just THANK YOU for helping others understand ADHD and making us all laugh with your gift.


What many seem to not know is you can focus but in many cases get way to focused but not on the things that really need the most focus in your life.


He brought me to tears, i am 30 year old, finally understood i am not alone and can fight this horrible disorder. I lost hope i can ever live normal, i am in the beginning of the journey to heal my soul from ADHD. Good luck to everyone 🍀


Man...that made me is very overwhelming feeling this way. I hope to get properly diagnosed in 3 weeks ...


Thank you for validating me. I’ve always been “gifted” but have always “not met my potential.” It’s so fulfilling to know not only is it not my fault, but other people experience the same thing!


#2 when I saw his videos I literally won the intelectual lotto. I’m 41 and in the process to be diagnosed.


A nearly ten year journey (so far) in trying to figure out why I operated the way I do. Why my jobs were hell. Why I couldn't organise my flat, washing, food. Why I was always in debt. ADHD was a lightbulb moment. It was the realisation of it that made me cry for the first time in years because I finally understood myself. Now I'm trying to get a diagnosis and having to fight mental health people who are anti-diagnosis and belittle my attempts. I will succeed in this if it's the only thing I will feel I've succeeded in...


My family LOVED "ADD and Loving it, " and I appreciate your heartfelt comments here.


Oh man!!! "You don't have ADHD, you just need to focus more!!"... That's the crux of the whole thing, he nailed it!! When I was young I couldn't imagine other kids seriously making more effort to foucus harder I could see some were simply brighter, no problem. But my mom and dad would say "you need to make more of an effort"... And I wanted to by it's hard when there si not one train-of-thoughts but countless ones an you keep jumping from one to another.

I really felt the emotion at the end, by the way. Luckily my life went a bit smoother. My wife learnt to live with it, but she does prompt me to have a focus when it's needed. I have medication which I don't take every day but it does help.


Wow I just watched was in tears I'm 62. 3 marriage two bankruptcy only got to see specialist 4 Jan put me on 30mg elvance adult don't seem to be doing a lot but I've been diagnosed now I can understand why my life is such a mess and thankyou for all your help
