Why I Still Use Dropbox (instead of Google Drive or OneDrive) in 2023

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I found this video after freaking out on google drive. I’ll be making the switch. Thank you.


Thank you! You have confirmed what I already thought, and you’re a tech pro—I’m a learn-as-you-go type. My frustration with Google drive is that when I think I’m making a file available to anyone with whom I share a link, invariably the person can’t open it and I have to “give permission” in a 2nd message. Dropbox ALWAYS works with shareable links and no 2nd step!


Totally agree! I was debating on switching but this video highlighted my favorite dropbox features I had forgotten about. Thanks


Agree with you. I'm using dropbox too, and the best in synchronization, and it synch everything regardless for filename. While onedrive can't synch files with special characters.


I’ll be switching to Dropbox now having watched your video, thanks Mike


100% agree. There are lots of services out there with some cool features, but Dropbox never let me down and for pure syncing and cloud storage it’s still the king imo. Simple fast and reliable.


1) Dropbox is sometimes faster for saving documents, doesn't fail sync often - this is cos Dropbox did it first so they do it best
2) better offline sync functionality
3) offline sync also means that it's good for backing up files from your computer that you want on hard drive and cloud


hey thanks. i have been using dropbox for only super important personal documents. while i was just browsing around in file explorer dropbox showed up and got me thinkingi i also have it on my phone, laptop and pc. though i use Google docs because i can keep notes and thought maybe dropbox can edit file notes and such. so i started researching dropbox and watched your video and it verified i have been right about Dropbox is a secured file system. i will expand onto it. Thank you much.


Only problem for me is that OneDrive is actually cheaper. Right now it's $5 per user, per month for 1tb each under the business plan. Google and Dropbox cost more for less. I'm currently stuck on Google Drive but am eyeing OneDrive for this very reason.


Dumping Google Drive because I find ton's of files were missing etc. Done with them.


Even if the receiver doesn't have DB the sender could still share. There's a link that they could use to access the file on a web browser. Everyone has web browsers.


For me Dropbox has a different interface on each of my devices so I can never find anything. It puts huge folders on each of my devices. It now put every file i put on my computer into Dropbox. I'm going to take everything off it, stop my subscription and only use it if i want to transfer a file from one device to another. I've had to find a work around to actually download files. Some devices are easier than others.


When Google and Microsoft will be gone, Dropbox will still serve us without errors.


Wow! You're my new hero! I've been pulling my hair out with Google Drive and OneDrive! Thanks to you, I'm on my way right now to check out Dropbox! Thank you!


Just saw your video - have been using DB for many years - My 2 issues are automatic limit increase w/additional cost - I use ~890GB don't need 2TB. And Unknowingly got caught in that "Smart Sync" Fiasco a couple of years back. Finally got it turned off - and then had to download many files to local DH where I thought they were.I happily use the Selective SYNC option on each PC to keep the files I want on that device myself. Hope they NEVER TURN IT ON AGAIN! Thx for your video.


Thanks lot for your precious advice, you saved my time on what I was looking for.


Thank you for this video it helps me even more to setup to Dropbox business.


One drive has “memories” that pop up on my phone and you can view memories from the past. Can Dropbox do that?


The one thing I think Dropbox should improve (Other services like google drive or ms onedrive have the same problem) is that when you set a folder to be accessable offline on Android, you can only access this folder within the Dropbox App and not with file managers or music players. The files are not like on the pc version normaly stored on the local storage but are a part of the cache of the dropbox app.


Very interesting. I get OneDrive for free and had to switch over to DropBox for my sanity. The OneDrive Free Up Space function does not work and all of the MS techs are clueless. I traced the issue to BitLocker setting a file attribute to P and that tells OneDrive to keep the file on my SSD drive. MS techs don't understand that I'm not the one setting the file attribute to P and I don't want to kept the files on my SSD drive. Dropbox does not use stupid file attributes to control status so when you tell DropBox to free up space it just works.
