Simple Semi Abstract Watercolour Landscape

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New Watercolour Landscapes for Beginners Course Available Now! 75% off
This is a really simple watercolour that captures that feeling of emptiness! It reminds me of a trip many years ago (almost 20) up to north Canada and drilling holes in the frozen lake to go fishing with some great guys from Montreal! The music in the time lapse part of this video is made by friend Aaron Stone. Links to his channel on Isight Timer and twitter is below. He is an amazing man with sound!
The colours used were: (all Winsor and Newton Artist Quality Paints)
Yellow Ochre
Mix of Winsor Blue (red shade) and Light Red
It was painted onto a half sheet of Rives BFK etching paper 280gsm, white, 38cm x 56cm.
The brushes used were one and two inch hake brushes and a small series 7 round sable for the trees and bird.
Happy painting everyone!
I would just love it if you joined me on Patreon! The link is below!
Tony Smibert’s Books for Sale:
My Four Most Popular Videos on Youtube:
Winsor and Newton Artist Quality Tubes:
Winsor and Newton Cotman Tubes (student quality):
If you just want two hogs bristle brushes then the best thing to do is to head to your local art supplies store and buy them there.
Watercolour Paper
Rives BFK etching paper. Probably best to source this from your local store so you can look after the paper and not have it posted unless you are buying a large amount of paper and it will be looked after. There is nothing worse than getting hundreds of sheets all with a indent in them. Having said that you can actually source this paper from amazon:
Some people have been extremely happy with the state of the paper when it arrived (and some not!)
I love this paper it is soft and lights are lifted easily from it.
Equipment Used to Film Each Episode
This is a really simple watercolour that captures that feeling of emptiness! It reminds me of a trip many years ago (almost 20) up to north Canada and drilling holes in the frozen lake to go fishing with some great guys from Montreal! The music in the time lapse part of this video is made by friend Aaron Stone. Links to his channel on Isight Timer and twitter is below. He is an amazing man with sound!
The colours used were: (all Winsor and Newton Artist Quality Paints)
Yellow Ochre
Mix of Winsor Blue (red shade) and Light Red
It was painted onto a half sheet of Rives BFK etching paper 280gsm, white, 38cm x 56cm.
The brushes used were one and two inch hake brushes and a small series 7 round sable for the trees and bird.
Happy painting everyone!
I would just love it if you joined me on Patreon! The link is below!
Tony Smibert’s Books for Sale:
My Four Most Popular Videos on Youtube:
Winsor and Newton Artist Quality Tubes:
Winsor and Newton Cotman Tubes (student quality):
If you just want two hogs bristle brushes then the best thing to do is to head to your local art supplies store and buy them there.
Watercolour Paper
Rives BFK etching paper. Probably best to source this from your local store so you can look after the paper and not have it posted unless you are buying a large amount of paper and it will be looked after. There is nothing worse than getting hundreds of sheets all with a indent in them. Having said that you can actually source this paper from amazon:
Some people have been extremely happy with the state of the paper when it arrived (and some not!)
I love this paper it is soft and lights are lifted easily from it.
Equipment Used to Film Each Episode