Abstract watercolour trees

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Quick and easy abstract watercolour painting tutorial. colours and instructions given! Happy painting! Winsor and newton watercolour paint on cold pressed baohong paper.
Music: Morning
Musician: LiQWYD
#watercolorpainting #easywatercolorart #learntopaint #learnwatercolour #lovetopaint #paintingstepbystep #abstract #abstractart abst#watercolortrees #abstracttrees
Рекомендации по теме

This is stunning yet simple - I’ve been thinking of trying this type of painting will it be ok for absolute beginners? They’ve got some nice frames with mounts in the sale in the supermarket Asda atm, just saying - also charity shops good place to find frames I find


Love your painting technique! It flows beautifully. I have a super annoying condition, Misophonia It basically means sounds can literally make me want to punch holes in the wall with my fist! It has plagued me for as long as I can remember. Dripping water, tapping noises from any source, clock ticking, lip smacking when someone is eating all have an acute effect. So, I tell you all that to share with you that the tap, tap, tap of the background music was bad. If you included any verbal instruction I missed it, because I had to mute the sound. I am not the only person who has Misophonia.


That is the best landscape tutorial I have ever seen ❤


I just "wrote" my observations to a EUROPEAN, how much I love Europeans for their "Art", but in this chanel, I have to say, that, Americans don't know what art is, actually!!!


It amazing how creative people are. I would have never thought of doing a painting like you. Very creative, nicely done. Minimalist but very artistic. Looks like a modern graphic design versus an actual painting, but it looks great


I did this tutorial this morning to try out some different paper.. I wanted to see how the paint flowed on a different type of paper than I usually use and this was a real fun exercise. I really like what you did here.


Wow, that's amazing... and such great colours.


Too Cool!!!😎 Thanks for sharing!!! Subscribed!!!


Hello, have a good time
Thank you for this wonderful sharing, your artwork is appreciated, you have a very beautiful and valuable channel, you are a talented artist, your skills are excellent, congratulations, dear colleague


Wow !
I want to try this
Thank you ❤


Love this! Gonna try it myself and thanks for demonstrating. The following is directed at youtube, who will never see this, so I'm ranting in the wind - For the love of all that is holy, please offer better public domain music. It's like the same X variations of Y number of songs. There has to be more out there that people would be willing to let you use for free. This stuff is like elevator muzak of the 2020s. Like you put Mannheim Steamroller under an actual steamroller then through an array of 20 effects processors. Okay, end of rant - LOL! I guess I could just turn my sound down 🙂


Have just had a go but in a rush as too impatient but it still looks ok 👍


Exceptional tutorial. The result is a professional painting of ingenuity & aesthetic techniques with a wow-factor I hadn’t experienced before! The unexpected swipe that creates reflections, the dry gaps, & colors. I'm definitely trying this! And the music is beautiful. Thanks for listing the music credit, as I was able to add it to my music app favorites! Thank YOU. 🌿💜🌿


I have been looking for a demo on this tree-painting technique. Love it! Thank you so much.


Now that’s brilliant, so simple but amazing, thank you for sharing your skills


In a way I love when the instructions appear because the letters match with the painting!
Me only feeling that way ?😊

The BGM might be better(sorry), maybe softer sounds would work better?

I really enjoyed watching you painting.
Thank you,
and keep on going ❤


No need of music banging in the ear while trying to concentrate on your instructions.
It disturbs the spirit and lose concentration in the tutorial. The great masters didn’t have a symphony playing while painting a masterpiece.
But you do paint beautifully. Thanks for sharing.
