Want To Get Ahead In Your Career? Stop Being So Loyal and Start Being Selfish!

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Want To Get Ahead In Your Career? Be Selfish and stop being so loyal. (And Act Like A Free Agent). Let's face it, corporate loyalty is dead. With mass layoffs on the rise in tech, (Google, Amazon, Meta, IBM, Salesforce, SAP and others) many people are questioning their loyalty to the company. In this video, I share why I believe you should always act like a free agent and the CEO of your career.



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Are you struggling with your job search? Applying for job after job and not getting any interviews? Perhaps you’ve got a few interviews but always seem to get passed over for the job? Or maybe you’re not satisfied with your current career and want a change. Well, you’ve come to the right place.

As a corporate recruiter with over 20 years of experience hiring thousands of employees at all levels into major corporations, I’m going to spill the beans on how to get noticed by recruiters, start getting more interviews, navigate through each step of the hiring process, and ultimately land the dream job you deserve.

But that’s not all - I firmly believe that to truly experience career success, you need to think bigger. Multiple streams of income and budgeting are crucial to forming a layoff-free lifestyle and helping you achieve your goals.

If these are things you’re struggling with, that’s what I specialize in. I’ve got a website called A Life After Layoff. It’s loaded with tips and tricks for getting noticed, interviewed, and hired by your dream company. Make sure you check it out!

I’ve got weekly videos coming at you, so make sure to subscribe. You won’t want to miss a post. Join me as we explore these things, all from an insider’s perspective!
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I got a good job once and about 5 months later was offered almost 40k more somewhere else. I took it, and while it felt uncomfortable leaving so early, it’s true that nobody will do what’s best for you except yourself. Companies will drop you without a second thought.


I worked at a company where a woman received her 20th work anniversary flowers at noon on a Friday. Then, that same afternoon, she was laid off. An epic HR blunder. Simply Spectacular.


At 65, working both a full-time job, and a part-time evening job, I’ve finally died on enough hills to conclude with this.
1.Loyalty is a two way street.
2.Respect is where you find it.
3.I’ll give a good faith effort and integrity, and that’s all.
4.I work to live (deal with it).


“Selfish” is what I would describe companies as.

We are completely FREE to make the best decisions for ourselves and our family.


Companies are laying off so they can hire new people at a lower rate.


Being selfish keeps you making more money and advancing. Never stay loyal to a company once they put you in their cog or wheel there is no incentive to move you up or promote you.


Don't be loyal to companies, but definitely be loyal to friends and colleagues. The mistake a lot of people make is being more loyal to their employer than their friends. Companies won't do you any favors. But friends will help you get your next job.


I’m just completing 50 years in corporate America – 30 years as a C-level executive. This video is dead-on-balls accurate. You are a free agent. If you are excessively loyal to your employer, you are the fool. You do the best job you can do while you’re on board – earn what you are being paid. But you can resign at any time for any reason and be fired at any time for any reason. Be ready for it. Don’t be afraid to make a move. It’s your life. When you receive your pay, everything is even. Nobody owes anybody anything at that point. Your company is not your family, it’s a team. Don’t get too close to people you work with – especially subordinates. It rarely ever works out well. End of tirade. Good luck.


I worked for a huge finance company where I would regularly meet the CEO and when we talked about staffing he told me, “don’t look at them as people, look at them as boxes”…suffice to say I did not last much longer there…


I always tell others to never be too loyal to your job. The minute you cost them too much money, they will let you go and never check on you to see how the rent payments are going.It’s a business transaction. That’s it.
Another great video Brian! WE ARE…


Stop pleasing other people and learn to please yourself first!


My former work unit lost 1/3 of the staff since the pandemic. It meant that the rest of us had to pick up the case load. And guess what ? no raises for doing 20-30% more work. We were given the "we are family" and "work harder for the good of the family" speech.
Fast forward to fall 2022- They let over 300 "family members" go with no warning.


On the flipside of things, don't be so eager if you actually have a "good" job, which by that I mean your boss respects you, you're paid fairly, can live comfortably and you are genuinely happy where you work. Those are as valuable as gold. I'd rather be happy making $75k than miserable making $100k. I know money is important, but your mental health is even more important.


I started with $48k yearly salary in 2020 and changed jobs every year with increased salary ; $56k in 2021, $70k in 2022, and now starting a new job soon at $80k in 2023.


This kind of behavior has been happening for more than 30 years. Look, it’s treacherous out there. This advice is spot on. My goal is to make my money, feel good about my contributions and get the hell out when I meet my savings goal.


You're so right. Employers have returned back to their unprofessional ways. I've learned to put myself first & loyalty left my vocabulary a few years ago


It's amazing how employers (not all, but the culture of employment has changed) want to blame other people for not having a work ethic and yet treat employees badly. Then wonder why there is a great resignation.


I was laid off suddenly without notice in the middle of last year, after working there for almost 2 years. Was a normal 12 hour day until the last half hour, where I found out it was my last day. No hints, no warning, no heads up, nothing... Yes, I was working 12 hour days being treated like a middle schooler for only decent pay. Idiotic in retrospect.
They called me back about 2 months later, asking me to come back. But I already had enough time to set my mind straight. I didn't go back.

You're right. Company loyalty is dead, and it's about time I realize that.


This is why Americans need to start and do their businesses.

I cut hair for a living, and I had a client from India who had his own business here in America. He asked me, “Why do Americans work so hard to make a corporation so rich?” he had such a great point. Americans work so hard to make others rich when we live in a country where we have the opportunity to build a business as well.


When I was a manager, employees would come to me when they had a new job feeling a little guilty and sheepish about it. I had to tell them (off the record of course) that there was no reason to feel that way, that they should always put themselves first. Companies will suck the life out of you if you let them.

When we had layoffs, there was one guy who had to be called in - this was long before the cooties so it wasn't a remote work situation - I think he was actually on PTO. He was all excited because he thought he was getting promoted. He was laid off.

Another guy was on overseas assignment, had never even met his boss in person. When he finally returned to home base, they said to him "Oh, we missed you." Not in a good way. There was a layoff while he was in transit and they "missed him" but now they could do it.
