Use AI to get ahead while others panic (PREPARE NOW) | Tom Bilyeu

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On Today's Episode:

AI is going to obliterate your job. And that’s fantastic news. It will finally free you up to make real money. If you don’t panic, that is. Most people are going to panic. Don’t let that be you. Stick with me. I’ll explain.

If you do a search on google about AI you’re going to find a lot of terrifying things. You’ll see art that’s indistinguishable from the best artists on the planet. You’ll hear how AI can pass college exams and get a high score on an IQ test. For many of you, you’ll even see examples of how AI can do your job better than you can. And this is all with a clunky phase one product. Wait until AI has been on the market for 6 months. Or more terrifyingly, 6 years. No one is safe. It will be that disruptive.

But as I always tell people, moments of disruption present the biggest opportunity. But you’re going to have to be aggressive when everyone else is freaking out.

So… is AI really THAT revolutionary? And if so, how do you really make money with it?

The short answer is yes. AI will be the biggest change not just in your lifetime, but in anyone’s lifetime. It is the ultimate force multiplier. Right now, humans are limited by the rate at which they can think. This determines the rate at which they can solve problems. And as Elon Musk says, people are paid in direct proportion to the difficulty of the problems they solve.

If you try to beat AI, you will lose. What I want to convince you of in this video is that you don’t need to beat AI, you need to use it.

It almost doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, you’re going to be able to do your job better with AI. But you need to get the first mover advantage. To do that, you need to stop researching AI and start using it. At my company, Impact Theory, we’ve already integrated AI into our marketing funnels, our copywriting pipeline, for art concepting, final image generation, creative ideation, and human voice generation. And that’s all just in the last few months.

I’ve been watching Ai closely for a while now, and we’ve reached the elbow of the exponential curve. Things are only going to start moving faster from here. The key is to not get left behind. So don’t waste a single minute lamenting about how things are changing. Change is inevitable, and change at this speed is dangerous if you’re not paying attention.

Given how much AI has already altered our systems, over the next few years I’m expecting it to majorly accelerate our ability to test and learn. And whoever learns the fastest is going to win.

This is all happening in plain sight. Everyone is talking about it. But to take advantage of this moment, I need you to do three things:

Reframe your thinking around AI. Don’t see it as the enemy. See it as a tool. It really is a tool. You’re not going to be replaced by AI, at least not yet. You’re going to be replaced by a human using AI. Be that human that replaces others.
Figure out how AI is going to disrupt you. Face it head on. Don’t run. Don’t hide. Identify your vulnerabilities.
Identify all of the AI tools that are relevant to you and master them. Learn absolutely everything you can.

Remember, this is the very beginning of a very aggressive revolution. Moving quickly gives you two advantages:

You can rocket ahead of other people by mastering the tools. If you master the tools, people are going to turn to you because you’re able to more efficiently solve problems. Going back to the Elon Musk quote - if you can solve harder problems faster, you’re going to get paid more. And in these early days where most people are stuck in the “deer in headlights” mode, you have an unfair advantage.

The second advantage that AI gives you is an almost unimaginable amount of efficiency in certain tasks. Don’t get me wrong, AI isn’t a panacea. There are plenty of problems that right now AI sucks at. Sam Altman, the founder of OpenAI, maker of the ubiquitous ChatGPT, has himself said that people are getting so hyped up that they’re going to be disappointed. If you think that this is Terminator 2 already and ChatGPT is going to turn into liquid metal and save you from space aliens, yes, you’re going to be disappointed.

Take action. Learn. Build. Create. Leverage AI and see what you can do together.

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The most important thing that should be on everyone's mind currently should be to invest in different sources of income that doesn't depend on the government. Especially with the current economic crisis around the word. This is still a good time to invest in various stocks, Gold, silver and digital currencies.


I'm a plumber, I think my job is safe 🤣


Use AI to realize ideas you've had but would require too many resources to realize on your own. AI creates too many options which breeds stagnation paralyzing you with too many choices. Focus on realizing things you're passionate about.


@tom: As a 25 year vet of the animation industry I’m curious how anyone can say ‘you won’t lose your job or be replaced’ when that’s already happening. Take for instance Genius Brands upcoming release of shorts where they leveraged chatGPT for scripts, and other AI tools for art and even voice. I certainly see a number of my peers that could’ve been employed.. all for ‘cost-effectiveness’ and not ‘quality of product’. I’d also love to hear Lisa’s take given that she’s an artist. Are we all supposed to promote ourselves to art directors/voice directors/animation directors that simply sit around and program prompts into AI Tools rather than working with talent and finding those moments of inspiration and connection that can only come with human interaction? I mean, what does it say about where we’re headed when we take mediums such as art and entertainment where the whole goal is connecting and relating with each other and turn it over it AI?


In Chinese the word crisis is made of two characters. One means danger, and the other opportunity.


If you didn't watch this till the end then understand this" AI is not gonna replace you, who is going to replace you is the person using AI smartly, so be the one who uses AI smartly and rest assured you are never gonna be replaced.❤


The first part of your video sounded a lot like what they were saying about computers in the 80's. Back then, all the pundits were saying, "it's the end of the 40 hour work week", and " you'll have more leisure time than you'll know what to do with ". Instead, the opposite happened. Computers were so fast and so efficient that they created more work, not less. Thanks to computers, more people could have "working vacations." And, you could do more work with fewer people.

Don't get me wrong, I love computers. They're awesome tools, just as AI is an awesome tool. I've used ChatGPT, and I love it! It helped me write code for my Arduino, and it told me how to cook a New York strip steak.

I'll remain cautiously optimistic.


So true . While universities and school are banning their students from using ai, Khan academy has intergrated chat gpt into their tutorial as a teaching tool with Insanely impressive results


If AI becomes so advanced that no human can understand how it works then it will no longer be bound to human will.


Happy to see you that excited Tom!
I am an IT specialist and engineer.
Yes, most of the predictions will become True, sooner or later.
Today it is easier to dream a little bit.
I know its limitations pretty well.
Professionals, who do not know AI internals, are usually much more excited about it.
The top scientists of Math and Physics are a bit less so.
AI will not discover new Math or new Physics theories anytime soon,
but will be able to come up with Math or Physics equations that will surprise even professionals.

I am really worried on the educational front in general.
Lazy students will not learn the basic things, how the world actually works and will rely on AI.
This might lead to even more zombies that we have Today everywhere.
On the other hand, strong professionals in IT, Engineering, Writing... and even artists will benefit
quite well using AI, as you suggested.

I foresee the knowledge gap widening. The smart people will get even smarter and the idiots will stay in the darkness forever and be left behind.


Tom, thank you for your insights and generosity. You are an inspiration brother.


I was one of the people who panicked and as a tech teacher and a writer I have changed my mind. I am excited for this.


I am sharing this with my son. I really hope he listens and checks it out. I have learned so much by just playing with AI. We are training and learning from each other.


Wise words Tom. .Thanks! Action cures all. So true. Being in the creative industry as an art director for 25 years I am used to disruptive changes. I am all in AI since one year. But Still 24 hours is not enough. The disruptive effect of AI is truly unpredictable. It’s massive. Not only the lay offs. Any digital content will be indistinguishable wether it’s human made or by ai in 2 years or less. If we don’t focus on our human core values like love and compassion we will be doomed by AI within the next 50 years at least. We need to act as one entity. Like AI. So let’s overcome what separates us fast and then let’s Rock’n’Roll!❤


Thanks Tom for giving us a clearer view and motivation. Now, I can jump forward...


I am a nurse & I really hate charting/documenting the same boring stuff every single day! I wish I could just talk it to my device as I’m doing it that way I don’t have to stay after work to document what all I’ve done all day! 🤦🏻‍♀️


What Tom is advocating is no different than someone telling the next generation not to lament about transhumanism/cyborgs, but to become one as well to keep up with the Cyborg-Jones. NOW is the time we need to lament & put up firewalls! Tom, please do not discourage people from researching & pushing back against AI. AI is not just some new technological advancement like past technological advancements. It is actually going to end the human species either directly or through transhumanism. NOW is a crucial window of opportunity to speak up, before we are too far down this AI track & at the point of no return.


Thank you Tom, we really really enjoy and appreciate your content for KE


If you don't disrupt yourself, someone else will (10:27) Fantastic quote


As always, thx Tom.
We absolutely love you.
Can't wait to be a part of your team, soon, very soon.
