Shocking Discovery! Astronomers Discovered a Shocking Ancient Galaxy using the James Webb

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In this episode, join us as we delve into the mind-boggling realm of astrophysics! Witness the jaw-dropping revelation of GS-9209, an enigmatic galaxy discovered by astronomers using the groundbreaking James Webb Space Telescope. This mind-blowing find challenges our understanding of the early universe, as GS-9209 emerged a mere 600-800 million years after the Big Bang. Unravel the secrets behind its rapid star formation, abrupt cessation, and the unprecedented influence of its supermassive black hole. Get ready to expand your cosmic knowledge and explore the captivating mysteries of GS-9209! Subscribe now for more awe-inspiring episodes on the latest discoveries in space exploration.

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00:00 Intro
01:25 What is GS-9209?
02:52 Why did GS-9209 stop forming stars?
05:22 What does GS-9209 tell us about the universe?
07:46 Thanks and Enjoy!

Best Telescopes for beginners:
Celestron 70mm Travel Scope

Celestron 114LCM Computerized Newtonian Telescope

Celestron – StarSense Explorer LT 80AZ

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Рекомендации по теме

Every time the narrator says 'GS-9209' -take a swig of beer/drink. Great drinking game


I'm liking the new way of explaining, number indicator, layout summary and all ❤


New drinking game... A shot every time the narrators says "GS 9209"...


There are many strange galaxies in our universe, radio galaxies, frozen galaxies (at the most distant scale we have ever seen with a telescope), merging galaxies, galaxy clusters that have their own dynamics, etc. etc.
The universe is a kind of "living space body" and has its own individual laws and is also full of "miracles" (processes that are inexplicable for us) and to this day we know maybe 5% of the entire universe (100 years ago maybe just 0, 1 %). I really enjoy every new discovery, it positively stimulates my imagination and also my ability to analyze...
I think these very first galaxies (this group of galaxies discovered by the JWST that shouldn't be there at such an early stage in our universe!😉) were may be remnants of an earlier universe (or a neighboring universe) and have a very specific different way of evolving. Each part of a multiverse appears to be different, with a different evolution and laws of physics...


I forgot, was it BS 1409 or GS?
Can you please repeat one more time?


If we are looking back through time.. can we see Earth out there in the different stages of it's history? And if that's true can I somehow go back and start over again??? Cuz I've screwed up so much up to this point, I'd like take another try at it. Get back with me if this is possible?🤔👋


Brilliant astrophysicist through age, size, distant galaxies that are 13.4 billion years beginning of the universe . Thank you for this


No Problem. Assuming that the Universe is eternal in space and time, then GS 3209 becomes a typical elliptical galaxy some 10-12 billion years old. In 1986 a Marxist suggested that as telescopes improved we would see pretty much a continuation of what we already observe. Dialectical materialism is a good picture of nature.


nothing shocking, we simply see farther with better precision with the JWST ! so we got more informations to get more constraints on theories


Surely this galaxy can be given a name with less than 9 syllables pronounced over and over and over....


Black holes are not a menace. They are essential for the stability of the universe. 🙋


I love this channel, I'm going to the fields of space, astronomy, physics, nanotechnology, chemistry, biochemistry experimental physics and five five engineering fields


I have a question: Is there third neighbour galaxy, I only know Milky way and Andromeda galaxies but is there other galaxies near? Our universe is amazing with full of mysteries and these space videos are so interesting and awesome. 🌌🪐☄️🌠☀️🌓🚀🛰🧑🏻‍🚀


Missing from this, is our ego. We continue claiming age as a ratio of observation by 'us' ! The oldest are furthest from 'us'...really ?


How the multiverse propagates. A layman visualization. Imagine a water drain as a simplistic visualization of a black hole. Run the visualization backwards for A simplistic visualization of a white hole. Every thing has travelled through the center, leading to landing on expanding spacetime. Time is the constant that without it, we could locate the center where Big Bang happened on the space. But, time is like the strings of balloons coming together in a knot (Big Bang), leading to space where the strings of time have brought the space expanding forward in all directions. Everything was at one place in one time therefore everywhere was the center of the Big Bang universe at one time. In search for where it began, , you tell me where the beginning of a circle is, and I tell you where you think the circle ends. If you think of the circle or sphere as an expanding circle or sphere, the focal point is the beginning of the circle or sphere and the center at one time, was every point in the circumference of the circle or the sphere. The center of the universe is a location hidden by time and out of our reach by 13.8 billion expanding years, plus out of our visual range by minimum of additional 33 billion light years of viewed expansion in a 93 billion light year visual horizon, which in that picture only, we’re the focal point (center). Black Hole White Hole Entanglement. Subject of 2022 physics Noble prize


I have a feeling we may have to rewrite the history and presence of our current universe !


Could GS9209 be composed of very large (100 Solar Mass) stars which used up all the gas in the galaxy. They would be fst burning and could all be dying after 500 Million years.


Guys, I have a serious question. From what I understand The JWST was a searching for life non stop analyzing everything. My question is this. If after 10 years, life span of Webb, and there’s nothing found, will you still think there’s intelligent life out there or even primal ooze? I think we are alone. Thanks


I don't know.... it's hard to have a lot of confidence in this information from a galaxy 25 billion light years away, when we dont even know what happened on Mars...


I’ve always wondered if we are ever going to be able to look past the edge of the universe even though it may not be possible as the universe expands faster than the speed of light and I’ve always wondered where the centre of the universe is and where exactly the Big Bang happened is the Big Bang location the centre? Or is it in a different area what does the centre and the edge of the universe look like what does space look like past the sun what is beyond interstellar space you must remember we are in the Milky Way galaxy and it’s very big I don’t fully understand space nobody does really but I wonder if we are able to go past the Milky Way galaxy will voyager 1 reach another galaxy even if we lost communication with it is there any life forms past our solar system and is or was there any life forms on other exoplanets I feel nasa should try to land a space probe or something on another exoplanet when we are able to and try to get info back from whatever we landed on the exoplanet but that’s far in the future earth will be around until our black hole consumes our solar system but until then we must continue getting and sending things and info from space
