What if Terminator went back in time to Assassinate Anakin Skywalker

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What if Terminator went back in time to Assassinate Anakin Skywalker? Let’s explore the depths of this scenario in the video.

The twin suns of Tatooine blaze overhead as a pair of Podracers zoom through the desert dunes. Anakin Skywalker is neck and neck against the reigning champion Sebulba. As the two near the finish line, Anakin’s cobbled-together podracer begins to sputter and lose power.

The control panel flickers wildly, and warning lights flash as something terrible is happening. He frantically looks over the controls and then towards the engines. He sees a fuel line has been loosened and now leaks the precious substance from his podracer. Standing in his seat, Anakin begins to reroute power and tries to reconnect the fuel line. He watches as stray fuel splashes over one of the engines, catching on fire.

The young racer ignores the heat as he tries desperately to reach for the fuel line and without realizing it, he channels the Force and pulls the hose into his hand, allowing him to reconnect it. Just in time too as it gives him the burst of speed to win the race.

The crowd erupts in cheers. Shmi Skywalker rushes forward and embraces her son while his friends laugh and cheer him on.

Amidst the celebration, Qui-Gon Jin smiles but notices someone making his way through the crowds. It's a tall, imposing figure slowly approaching them, his cold eyes focusing on Anakin.

The Jedi Master tries to act as casually as possible and leans over to Obi-Wan.

Qui-Gon: “Obi-Wan, why don’t you take our young friend back home so he can start packing

Obi-Wan looks at his master in confusion but catches his eyes and nods. He takes the boy by the hand and leads him away.

As the two leave, the figure follows, and Qui-Gon trails behind. He cuts the figure off near an alley.

Qui-Gon: I take it you’re the one who sabotaged my friend’s Pod Racer?

Without a word, the Terminator lunges, its arm morphing into a blade. Qui-Gon raises his lightsaber just in time to parry the attack. He grabs the attacker by his arm and drags him into the alley where they won’t be seen.

However, the Terminator’s strength is immense and he begins to push Qui-Gon back. Seeing how he can’t hold him back, the Jedi drops down and lets the blade pass through him. He follows and drives his lightsaber into the Terminator’s chest. It should pierce his heart, but its liquid metal construction begins to close the wound.

Qui-Gon can only watch in shock before the TX-1000 backhands him across the alley. Taking a deep breath, Qui-Gon rises to his feet and rushes at him, hoping to use superior speed and agility. He scores a dozen hits against the slower Terminator, but none of these wounds slow him down and all begin to regenerate.

Qui-Gon: You’re no ordinary droid.

The Terminator grabs him and begins lifting him off the ground as he levels the blade against his throat.

Terminator: I’m no droid.

Suddenly, a flash of blue light intervenes as a lightsaber severs the Terminator’s arm and drops Qui-Gon. A hooded figure steps in between them and turns back to Qui-Gon.

Future Obi-Wan: Come with me if you want to live.

Qui-Gon sees a new arrival and then turns to see the Termniator regenerating his limb. He gets to his feet hurries after his savior and rushes out the alley. They head down one of the more crowded streets that lead back to the Skywalker residence, allowing them to lose the Terminator.

As they run, the new arrival’s hood falls back and Qui-Gon’s eyes widen at the sight. Although he’s closer to his age now and grew a beard, he recognizes the face of his apprentice.

Qui-Gon Obi-Wan?

Future Obi-Wan: “Master, it’s good to see you again.”

Qui-Gon: What is this thing?

Future Obi-Wan: A killing machine from the future. He’s been sent here to take young Skywalker. Now there is much to explain, but we must get the boy out of here first.

They return to find the rest of their group waiting for them. Anakin was finsihing packing and saying his goodbyes. Qui-Gon introduces future Obi-Wan as one of his contacts on Tattooine and tells Anakin to follow him as they prepare to leave.

As Anakin hurriedly gathers his belongings, Qui-Gon and Future Obi-Wan stand by the door, keeping watch. Qui-Gon senses the turmoil in his old apprentice’s eyes.

Qui-Gon: We’ll need to talk soon.

Future Obi-Wan: I know, Master.

With Anakin ready, they hurry back to the desert where their ship is waiting. Just as they approach the ship, someone else appears on the horizon, approaching on a speeder bike.

Qui-Gon: Anakin, drop!

The boy drops to the ground just as the nightbrother appears and ignites his lightsaber.

Their lightsabers crash in a burst of sparks as Qui-Gon holds the Sith Lord back and then tries to slash at him.

Qui-Gon: Go. Tell them to take off.

Maul raises his lightsaber and advances on him, whirling the blade and kicking up sand toward the Jedi Master. But as they lock blades, a third figure leaps between them, sending them both
Рекомендации по теме

Why do I get the feeling that the Terminators being in Star Wars is both a bad thing and a good thing at the same time.


Still wondering what would have happened if Jabba's goons had killed John Wick's dog.


Terminator should have reprogrammed the droid army and recreated skynet.


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the jedi and maul: you are terminated!!

This is a brilliant crossover, I hope you do more crossovers, I hope you do what if Anakin went to Carrie Whites world after having those visions or what if Wanda went to the Star Wars universe to teach Anakin Skywalker to use her powers


What if Ahsoka died in the Temple bombing?


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Nice job making Obi Wan say the line @ 3:09


As we know darth vader was a natural engineer and could use mechaguru or whatever so what if he used skill to create nanobots to repair his lungs and burns while also making limbs that could conduct the force to make lightning. This could relate to inquisitor baris as she used nanobots in the bomb and he may remember nanobots and their uses. He could could also conduct experiments diguised as torture to fool sidious, learning to heal wounds, make force sensitive droids/limbs and using nano bots to manipulate mididclorians to strip or enhance the force in individuals.
What I was thinking was that he used nanobots to remove scar tissue especially around the lungs and he would be dipped in bacta or bacta would be applied this would allow him breath which means he can meditate more deeply. And for the limbs, it is possible to make material force sensitive and I was thinking he make limbs skeletal looking like in attack of the clones but would then cover the we either grafed flesh from his body or flesh made from his blood and other ingredients like perhaps kyber crystal this would make the force flow from him easier and perhaps with the sith alchemy in the limbs making his force lightning more powerful. Basically an uber vader who is perhaps stronger than full potential anakin.


What if during the siege of the jedi temple, a wormhole opened up in the coruscant skyline as several daleks and dalek saucers begin coming out of it?


Well shit. I was hoping for the future Kenobi to sacrifice himself so Qui-Gon could live to train Anakin.


Wow. Obi-Wan gotta deal with Qui-Gon's death twice. Very sad to see but still a good video👍🏽👍🏽


What if The Emperor of Mankind from Warhammer 40k trained Anakin Skywalker?


See this is the reason why I follow Darth Theorist & nobody else 🔥

He is the only one who is doing StarWarsFanFictions from a totally different twist compared to what we always see on the YouTube Timeline.

Same Character in Anakin Skywalker but nothing follows Canon ITS JUST ITS OWN ORIGINAL STORY WHICH I LIKE!


16:18 "Maul tries spinning" - yeah, that's a good trick


What if Plo Koon trained Cal Kestis? But with a twist, Plo and Cal survive order 66 together and Plo continues Cal’s training in exile. Plo and Cal survive by jumping out of their ships before they crash after being shot down. Plo could make Cal a better duelist and also teach him how to use electric judgement. Cal also would likely form a friendship with Ahsoka during the clone wars, Plo and Cal could eventually reunite with Ahsoka a few years after order 66 and the trio could join the rebel alliance. If you make Plo survive the events of the OT in this timeline, he would become the grandmaster of the new Jedi order and could maybe even prevent Ben Solo from turning.


What if the Goblet of Fire accidentally sent Harry to the Jedi Temple?


Obi-Wan being the protector is both fitting and ironic. Good vid, can you do a video on if Obi-Wan and Anakin fell in love?


What if the Incredibles were in the Star Wars galaxy.

Or what if The empire invaded Metroville.

For the 2nd one…how would things be shaken, especially with syndrome and his operation.


E1 and post E3 obi wan is interesting.
Nice to see maul having charisma and as a small villian in his own right.


What if Voldemort and Palpatine joined forces
