Cyberpunk 2077 | PS4 - PS4 Pro - PS5 | 1.6 Patch Comparison & Framerate Test | Analista De Bits

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PS4: Dynamic 1080p/30fps (common 972p)

PS4 Pro: Dynamic 1440p/30fps (common 1188p)

- Ray-Tracing Mode: 1440p/30fps
- Performance Mode: Dynamic 1800p/60fps (common 1512p)

- Patch 1.6 will be the last update that PS4/PS4 Pro versions will receive. The performance you see in this video will be permanent on these platforms.
- PS5 will continue to receive updates alongside Xbox Series and PC.
- PS4 and PS4 hold 30fps with some stability, but with some drops at demanding moments.
- PS5 has some tearing and fps drops in performance mode.
- PS5 Ray-Tracing mode only applies to shadows.
- PS5 load times are 6 times faster.
- Noticeable absence of npcs and vehicles on PS4/Pro causes the city to look much less alive.
- Problems with pop-in or loading of some textures have not been fully fixed on PS4/Pro.

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PS4: Dynamic 1080p/30fps (common 972p)

PS4 Pro: Dynamic 1440p/30fps (common 1188p)

- Ray-Tracing Mode: 1440p/30fps
- Performance Mode: Dynamic 1800p/60fps (common 1512p)

- El parche 1.6 será la última actualización que recibirán las versiones de PS4/PS4 Pro. El rendimiento que veis en este video será permanente en estas plataformas.
- PS5 seguirá recibiendo actualizaciones junto a Xbox Series y PC.
- PS4 y PS4 aguantan los 30fps con cierta estabilidad, pero con algunas caídas en momentos exigentes.
- PS5 tiene algo de tearing y caídas de fps en el modo rendimiento.
- El modo Ray-Tracing de PS5 sólo se aplica a las sombras.
- Los tiempos de carga en PS5 son 6 veces más rápidos.
- La ausencia notable de npcs y vehículos en en PS4/Pro provoca que la ciudad se vea mucho menos viva.
- Los problemas con el Pop-in o la carga de algunas texturas no han sido arreglados en su totalidad en PS4/Pro.
- Las mejoras con respecto a la versión de lanzamiento ha sido sustanciales en PS4/PS4 Pro, pero insuficientes para considerarlo un producto estable.

- Patch 1.6 will be the last update that PS4/PS4 Pro versions will receive. The performance you see in this video will be permanent on these platforms.
- PS5 will continue to receive updates alongside Xbox Series and PC.
- PS4 and PS4 hold 30fps with some stability, but with some drops at demanding moments.
- PS5 has some tearing and fps drops in performance mode.
- PS5 Ray-Tracing mode only applies to shadows.
- PS5 load times are 6 times faster.
- Noticeable absence of npcs and vehicles on PS4/Pro causes the city to look much less alive.
- Problems with pop-in or loading of some textures have not been fully fixed on PS4/Pro.
- Improvements over the launch version have been substantial on PS4/PS4 Pro, but insufficient to consider it a stable product.


Here's my 100% trustful opinion about the game as a fellow PS4 PRO user. The game is absolutly playable and enjoyable, framerate is almost constant, and loading textures are way less common, still, the game suffers from animation bugs, most of them while pulling any weapon while combat or maybe a busy area, which at times is annoying. In my experience on the game, i've found driving through the city way better playing with 1st person camera, not only it was a much more enjoyable drive, but also loading textures were way way way less common. At the npc appart, i have not had the luck to try the game on a powerful npc that can load tons of npcs on the cities, but, tho im a big fan of busy areas with tons of npcs, and if the would add more npcs to the PS4 version i would not complain, i dont find the PS4 version lifeless, it has many random encounters and filled with many missions all across the map, you wont feel like is dead at all. That's my basic opinion of how the game currently is, of course there is a big wish list, but for any out there with a PS4/PRO i highly recommend the experience


They've definitely polished up the last gen versions a lot but now I would like them to further improve the current gen versions to make them more distinct


60FPS is hands down the best choice, but I’m really surprised. The biggest gap I saw was between the ps4 & ps4 pro.
If you have a pro, looks like it’d be perfectly fine to play on.


At least you did ps4. Everyone else out here acting like last gen didn't have cp2077


Great comparison... It would be interesting to compare the first version and the patch 1.6 on PS4 and Xbox one, I think they did a great job improving the game.


wow they managed to make the ps4 resolution close to 1080p it is much sharper than before's 720p


I love that its playable now on old gen but srsly the constant loading of textures and the sound issues if you are going too fast is still very apparent forcing me to wait for everything to load before I can do anything.
PS: Still no iguana bowl on my apartment


"Patch 1.6 will be the last update that PS4/PS4 Pro versions will receive. The performance you see in this video will be permanent on these platforms."
Hi there, I think they said last gen consoles will receive updates but they'll be bug fixes and improvements to stability. But yes, they will not add new features (such as the new cop system or the vehicle combat that they mentioned they're working on.) to those consoles.


the only downside is the dips while streaming assists and and crowds density and pop ins
but it is very normal for most last gen games so its consider playable now


I still don't get why Rockstar could manage to properly populate GTA V's Los Santos with believable levels of NPCs *on PS3* no less, but CDPR couldn't with this game. smh


performance mode is the best looking mode in a lot of comparisons here. + it delivers the 60fps.
no-brainer on ps5.


The game to be fully playable without having ANY bugs/glitches and performance drops will be better by the end of 2023 the exact day when it was released back in 2020 and having a discount of course like 75 or 80%


I think my vision is kinda shitty because apart from the resolution, I can’t see much of a difference, visually speaking. But they clearly gave the last gen version a little polishing, cause it look waaaay better visually than it did when it first came out.


I only have PS4 slim and being able to play this now decently makes me happy. Can’t complain tho, but the game is so fun to play.


Ray-tracing is just a word for this game.


YOU make the best summaries in your video descriptions of everyone out there 💟


I have a pro, dont have money for a 5. This version certainly looks appealing framerate wise!


PS5 is probably the best console version if you have the choice. Haptic feedback, fastest loading, smallest file size, lowest input latency and more stable frame rate (marginally). Only minor advantages over Series X but they all add up


I installed the patch and im three hours into the game and it plays and looks great on the ps4 slim
