TOP 5 Impossibly Rare Items In Classic WoW!!!

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Yo! Soldiers of Classic! Here's a top 5 of some of the rarest items to grind in classic wow!!

- Punkrat

This Feeling - Lakey Inspired

dire maul, classic wow, rarest items, top 5, impossible grinds, blizzcon reaction
most rare items, most op items, dire maul guide, solo tribute
dire maul, classic wow, rarest items, top 5, impossible grinds, blizzcon reaction
most rare items, most op items, dire maul guide, solo tribute
dire maul, classic wow, rarest items, top 5, impossible grinds, blizzcon reaction
most rare items, most op items, dire maul guide, solo tribute
dire maul, classic wow, rarest items, top 5, impossible grinds, blizzcon reaction
most rare items, most op items, dire maul guide, solo tribute
dire maul, classic wow, rarest items, top 5, impossible grinds, blizzcon reaction
most rare items, most op items, dire maul guide, solo tribute
dire maul, classic wow, rarest items, top 5, impossible grinds, blizzcon reaction
most rare items, most op items, dire maul guide, solo tribute
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Is this the most complicated ad to sell a hycanith macaw ive ever seen!


I'm still grinding mobs and dungeons hoping one day I'll get an item drop that gives me my Dads respect on equip.


Years and years back I was hanging out with a friend as she leveled fishing in the barrens as alliance. She got the one ring and gave it to me. Then in tbc I remember the 2 ring was a thing with 22 to all stats. Good stuff.


The Deathcharger dropped by Baron Rivendare is usable by Tauren. Under normal circumstances they cannot ride Deathchargers or Raptors, and are limited to Kodos and Wolves. This means that it is not "kinda useless" to all horde players, and neither is the raptor that will be dropped in Zul'Farrak. Tauren get the short end of the stick when it comes to mounts, making these rare mounts extra valuable to them.


3:40 it's also cool on the horde for Tauren's since they can't ride Deathchargers usually either.


I got the Rivendare’s charger yesterday on Dreadmist EU! Damn I’m happy!


0.01% drop chance.

WoW players: Reeee, that's impossible to grind!

OSRS players: Damn that's decent. Give me two months, I have no life.


Fun fact. The oozeling was used early on to push more detrimental debuffs off your characters debuff table and had the ability to cheese certain boss mechanics because of this.


I farmed Hyacinth Macaw for a very long time during WotLK. On the Cata pre-patch launch, I had racked up over 20k kills on pirates. Within a week of the pre-patch landing, my friend had it drop from a random enemy in STV. He was lovely and donated it to me probably to stop me from throwing my laptop off a building.


I had the Disgusting Oozeling back in the vanilla wow. You could throw pints of beer at it which the boozeling would drink. Also after few patches Blizzard too the oozeling aura off but added bubbling sound effect which would drive people on the raid crazy. Total silence then suddenly... bubbling.


The only time I ever saw a Teebu's drop was in 2006 during the opening of Ahn Karaj off the outdoor raid bosses that were part of the event. And I ran alot of dungeons to help people and their alts get attuned for stuff like Onyxia, BWL, MC, and farmed the dungeons for rare flask and tailoring patterns like Robes of Faith and flask of supreme power


I found the oozeling by accident back in the day. It has a 3% chance to drop from the bags, but the bags themselves have a relatively low drop chance too, therefore making the drop rate more like <1%, so it's much rarer than you mentioned in the video @punkrat

EDIT - the mobs drop the bags at a rate of 13% according to wowhead. 3% of 13%, meaning this pet has a 0.0039 in 100 chance to drop. I am definitely no mathematician so please correct me if I'm wrong!!!


The debuff from the oozling is the reason why it was so sought after. It prevented you from getting other boss-related debuffs


I had been playing WoW for a while. I remember I started dating my now Wife during the days of AQ40. She had never played a game like WoW before. I got her into it and while leveling in STV she got a Hyacinth drop. It stood out to her because it was her first pet. We were not living together at the time so she was playing and had it drop. She pulled it out - ran around for a little bit and then sold it to a vendor. Later that night she told me (as if I didn't know there were pets like this in the game) that she was doing a quest and kill pirates in "Booty Bay" and had a bird drop. My eyes got huge instantly... She paused in her story, looked at me puzzled. "Can I buy it back after I sold it?" she asked. I died.

100% a true story. I'll never forget this moment. LOL She is lucky she's great or I don't think we would have made it past this moment.


Can confirm Teebu's drops in raids, we got one for our Rogue in MC, from Golemagg.


With the oozeling you also have to take into account that the oozes don't always drop a bag which increases rarity even more


Only saw Baron's mount drop once back in vanilla. Didn't get it but i had UC at exulted so i had an undead horse for my troll anyway. Still would have been nice. Do have the Macaw on Classic and had it in vanilla though


I just got Rivendare's Charger yesterday after 102 runs over the expansions & many more during vanilla. Now i need it on Classic to!


Had the macaw on my undead warrior after grinding goblin rep, after becoming exalted with blood sail buccaneers, and I didnt realise the 1 ring was rare. Had many of the 1 rings drop, always thought it was trash tbh so I'd vendor them😖. Now the death reigns I farmed even in WOTLK. Never even got it then. I'd farm on my dk for hours a day, so frustrating lol


*One does not simply walk into Blackrock Mountain!*
