Phonetics vs Phonology

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A quick video explaining the basic differences between phonetics and phonology.
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I once got accused to not knowing a damned thing about linguistics just because I got the terms confused in the past. Now, to be clear I'm not a certified linguist, but I have been studying as much as I can for well over a decade now, and I have more than once impressed actual linguists with my knowledge (even if it pales compared to theirs). To me, the terms were interchangeable, and I tended to prefer the term 'phonology' for some reason. The particularly embarrassing part was that I specialize in phonetics (I got into linguistics back when I wanted to make an auxlang, thus the focus on pronunciation).

One minor mistake got me forever branded a poser. Of course, I later found out that sub-reddit was actually part of a network of sub-reddits run by these two lone trolls who were using them to get information they could use to troll people with. For the longest time I even had a problem with a stalker who kept posting highly hurtful things about me every time with a new account that had a name that parodied my own. Eventually, a mod on a non-troll board was able to get in touch with reddit about the issue. I never saw that stalker again, and all those communities suddenly had a completely different mod team running them. I still never posted in a linguistics sub-reddit again. Also, I don't post in reddit at all anymore, after I was falsely accused of 'promoting violence'. When I appealed to reddit, they refused to believe me and sent me a message that I was obviously a 'dangerous individual' and that they would be putting me on a watch list. I deleted both my accounts (I had set up a second I rarely used back when I had that stalker) because seeing how my words were twisted the first time, and how my appeal failed, I saw no way I could make another post without some conspiracy theorist reddit mod trying to use it to use it to make false accusations against me.

Point is, don't post on reddit. In general though I've never had a good experience with the linguistics or the conlanging community. I guess any board where newbies can ask questions on anything are simply an unsafe place to post, because they're always swarmed by trolls looking to harass ignorant people.

Lately though I've been looking more into linguistics again, mostly though because I was contemplating making my own conlanging channel. Really though, I don't know if I actually know enough to do such a thing. It seems impossible these days to find any research material on linguistics. Seemingly everything comes from wikipedia, and we all know how reliable THAT is. I did try to get people to fact-check Mark Rosenfelder's books for me (the Language Construction Kit was my introduction into linguistics), but no one was willing. David Peterson told me himself one of the claims Mark made in the LCK2 was in fact false. Can't find anything else fact-checked though. I even got in trouble on the conlanging sub-reddit once for simply questioning Mark as a source. Seriously. I just asked 'is Mark Rosenfelder a reliable' source, and they acted like I had questioned God himself. They never did address the question, they just insisted I was a horrible person for considering such an idea. I asked this after I found out that he's not a certified linguist. Yeah, fun times. Really thinking that honestly it may be better if I didn't bother with this conlang channel idea.


So basically phonology is more about the linguistic value of sounds while phonetics is more about the physics of sounds.


Nice, didn't really got the difference until now :)


im sorry to inform you that phones are produced in china, and no phoneticians are involved
