Peptic Ulcer Perforation|Is it life threatening?Symptoms,Treatment-Dr.Nanda Rajaneesh|Doctors Circle

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Dr. Nanda Rajaneesh | Appointment booking number: 8971755794
Consultant Onco Surgeon and Laparoscopic Surgeon|Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Bengaluru
Peptic Perforation is definitely a dangerous situation. Peptic Perforation involves perforation of the duodenum, perforation of the stomach, gastric perforation we call it. Hole in the stomach and hole in the duodenum, that is the digestive juices including the bile juice and the pancreatic juice, they are entering the abdominal wall or the abdominal cavity, and they start digesting the abdominal cavity, that is the normal tissues gets digested as though they are the food. So this is a very dangerous situation. So if you leave it patient may end up in SEPSIS. Sepsis means infection and that infections spreading into the blood and it can even cause multiple brain deaths and this can lead to death of the individual. So that is the reason why the earliest reason and intervention for Peptic Perforation is Surgery itself. So how do these patients present? So these patients with Peptic Perforation may be having Long Standing Ulcer symptoms, that is Abdominal pain post prandial or after eating food they may be having severe pain, gastric ulcers, and they may be having relief of pain in duodenal ulcers in such situations suddenly if the individual develops severe excruciating pain in abdomen suddenly that us going down into the abdomen casing distension of abdomen, abdominal Rigidity and guarding of the abdomen, then we think it is a perforation of abdomen and we evaluate these patients to look for gas under diaphragm. There are many methods of diagnosing these patients and only treatment is surgery, what we do is normally we do open surgery for Peptic Ulcer Perforation. But these days when individuals come in early stage, we can also close the perforation laparosocpially. Duodenal perforation can be closed laparoscopically. Most important step in the surgery is a good wash of the abdominal cavity and the method of stitching of this perforated area, the way we stitch it and we put a drain post surgery for 3 to 4 days to make sure even if there is a hole forming again, we identify it and it gets localized and it can be treated again later.
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I can't quite remember exactly what it was called but I ended up drinking myself into an ulcer along with other painkillers and antacids. (was extremely depressed) it became septic and perforated, before I knew it I was in complete agony for 3 hours with the worst stomache pain I could imagine.. then boom, stomache surgery. The docs said I may not have lived had I not come in when I did 😞 im grateful to be alive, sober, and recovered 🙏 I pray to anyone reading this>> PLEASE DONT WAIT AROUND LIKE I DID.


I called the nearest hospital telling them I have these symptoms and they said there’s 20 people here waiting to be seen and that I wasn’t going to be seen any faster even though it feels life threatening


I had one last March (2023) and I was septic shock and infected. I survived because the intensivist doctors and nursing staff.


Back in 2002 one night I was getting my clothes ready for my first day of high school and I remember ironing my uniform when I got a bad constipated feeling, I remember trying to poop but couldn’t and I looked at my stomach and I had a full on 6 pack, which was weird because before that moment I never had a 6 pack on my stomach. Then the pain came. Agonizing pain. We called 911 and they came but couldn’t help, they said it could be a took me to ER and that’s when they told me I need surgery. After surgery I was in the hospital for 2 weeks to recover. They told me it will never heal so I have to take care of it. I’m 35 now and strong but every now and then I spit up a little slit of blood in the mornings.
Stay safe people and take care of your body!💪🙏🤝🫡💯🇺🇸


I think I have a peptic ulcer. I went to the hospital and was diagnosed with H Pylori bacteria but I haven’t done an Endoscopy yet to check if the ulcer is bleeding and the H-Pylori won’t go away after two course of antibiotics and HPP.. I’m not vomiting or have the black tarry stool just pain mostly when I’m. Hungry .. And sometimes when I drink liquid I feel like my stomach is leaking water down.I’m in Africa I don’t know if I am receiving the right treatment.Everyday I’m scared I could have a perforation and don’t even know if I have slow sleeping yet


My dad passed away because of that underlying cause. 😢


My uncle one of the toughest nicest guys around just passed from this tragic


this poor inmate died from a perforated ulcer in jail in atlanta. he cried out for help and was ignored by everyone in the jail.


My friend has ulser but he will recover most certainly .


If I was diagnosed with ulcers...and then was told that I had holes in stomach and thats why I required major stomach surgery while I was ununconsious. Should doctors have explained how to care for my body after this surgery? They did not. And should I be having my stomach regularly checked for ulcers?


I had this happen to me about a year ago I almost died I didn't even know I had an ulcer


I had a burst ulcer once mainly due to the appendix.


I couldn't breathe and I was heavily panting.


My friend died 2 weeks ago from this 😢


I’m not a😊 2:19 2:19 2:19 2:19 2:19 2:19 2:19 months old and I am 🎉 my love
