Why I Homeschool: My Homeschool Story

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When people see me trudging through my days, five kids scampering around my legs, they often wonder why I do this? Why do I homeschool? Today I share with you my homeschool story, my experience with public school, and what made us decide to homeschool our children.

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Public school is brutal! Survival of the fittest! I was bullied and turned into a bully as a result. Lots of suicide attempts in high school. Just horrible. 😓😞


Thank you for bringing up “trying to enjoy it”. We get so wrapped up and stressed out about finding the perfect schedule and curriculum that we forget to cherish that time with them. A great reminder that I needed. Thank you!


I'm 18 years old. You really inspire me to become homeschool dad. I've had an overall negative experience with public school. High school was just overwhelming and I felt very lonely and depressed. In elementary school and middle school, I had quite a lot mean, dismissive teachers who didn't care much about me. This video reminds me that I really want kids on my own someday and have a full time job teaching and nurturing them. :)


Loved this! Enjoying your children and protecting them is the goal. Appreciate you sharing your journey!


Loved this! Grew up in public and private schools, and was homeschooled for most of high school. Homeschooling was by far my favorite! I agree that the schools (and world in general) has progressed so much, in the worst ways possible. Grateful for the choice to homeschool my children.


My first born is only 2 months old and I'm already looking into homeschooling. I get SO much negative feedback from people I tell this to saying she'll be "weird" or "antisocial" so it's quite a relief to see it having worked out so well for you. Side note: I too was bullied WAY more in catholic school than I was in public school, I wonder why that is??


Hi! I am a new homeschool mom. This was just what I needed to hear today!! Thank you!! 💖 💖


Oh man, homeschooling is way more sweet in theory than in practice!!! I love it, but it is the hardest thing I’ve ever done! Great story!


I hate the stress that teachers put on kids these days in school and the fact that society is raising our children. I plan on homeschooling if I have children. I remember not getting to experience the world enough (I was a competitive dancer) because of school stress and feeling boxed up.

I also work in daycare and have seen how society is taking away so much of what children/teens/adults need in the name of $$$. I don't want to be the parent that gives their child Tylenol and sends them to daycare because they can't miss a day of work. I don't want my children spending more time with teachers than with me. I want to raise my own children, and I want them to grow up with confidence and learn what is most important in life. Not being the prettiest, or the smartest, or the one with the most money.

Thank you for sharing your journey!


I too had horrible experiences in school from K-12. Was bullied in my (Christian) community school, was bullied by the same kids at church. So yeah, I get that! High school was horrible as I too was a shy, nerdy fish out of water with no self-confidence. Looking back on it, it was like a bleeding animal in a shark tank. Kids looked at me as an easy target to bully. So glad to be done with that! The good thing is, it has changed for the better and bullying is taken much more seriously, but I'm still very thankful to be homeschooling my youngest son.


You are one of my fav homeschool moms to be encouraged by.. seriously! ❤️


Thank you so much for this Rebecca! I have not found a homeschool informational resource like you. I am so thankful that God led me to your blog. It feels like you're a big sister taking me by the hand and saying "Breathe....and let's do this."


You are absolutely beautiful and so kind in your videos! I pray that your experiences in public schools no longer affect the way you see yourself. I pray that the Lord blesses you many many times over for your self sacrifices and sharing your testimony for others. Don’t ever believe those lies of the enemy! You’re more valuable than all the money in the world!! Thank you so much for sharing!! God bless.


My husband is a police officer as well. And he feels the same way. At first he was against it and now is 100% on board


I loved this! Thank you! Thank you! Your honest and real! I’m also in BC with 4 kids. I’m only homeschooling 2 (grades 2 & 4) right now. This is our first year and I’ve already switched schools once and even some curriculum since changing. The single most difficult thing about homeschooling that I’ve come across so far is figuring out a flow for how each kid learns best and how to juggle it all.
Thank you again!


Only just discovered your channel but boy do I resonate with you so much! I heard you talk about starting a business sewing baby things- I also had a business selling baby things and I also sew, wanting to be a stay a home mum ....and what is about grade six and bullying.... I also had horrible experience in grade six!? Love your honesty and your ability to be so real and open. Thank you!


Love this! Thank you SO much for sharing your story! I have 3 little boys (4th boy on the way😂) and they are also all VERY different learners from me! I have had to adjust my expectations and plans much this year, but since I have been able to let some things go and focus on my kids strengths we have been having SUCH a better time filled with way more joy and peace and a lot less tears!


Thanks for the reminder to enjoy homeschooling. I needed that.


Thanks so much for sharing!! Trying it new this year 🙏


I absolutely know what you are talking about --- it feels like I am having to change our homeshool strategies every half year to accomodate the changes in my children and my growing understanding.
