The Offspring - Gone Away (Official Audio)

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The official audio for The Offspring’s “Gone Away”

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Maybe in another life
I could find you there
Pulled away before your time
I can’t deal, it’s so unfair

And it feels
And it feels like
Heaven’s so far away

And it feels
And it feels like
The world has grown cold
Now that you’ve gone away

Leaving flowers on your grave
To show that I still care
But black roses and Hail Marys
Can’t bring back
What’s taken from me

I reach to the sky
And call out your name
And if I could trade
I would

And it feels
And it feels like
Heaven’s so far away

And it stings
Ya it stings now
The world is so cold
Now that you’ve gone away

I reach to the sky
And call out your name
And if I could trade
I would

And it feels
And it feels like
Heaven’s so far away

And it feels
And it feels like
The world has grown cold
Now that you’ve gone away

#GoneAway #TheOffspring​ #Offspring​ #LetTheBadTimesRoll #OfficialAudio
Рекомендации по теме

The original from 1997 feels like its from the perspective of a recent loss. Its loud, its full, its raw. With each instrument the full range of emotions involved is in play and the pain is uncontrolled, almost exploding out in rage and agony against how unfair it was that this person was taken so soon, so abruptly.
This rendition is 24 years of life later, the anger and pain has simmered down into sadness and a dull, everpresent ache. Emotions have come back under control, but like the memories and the love, never left. The years that passed let the rage and fire fueled by loss peter out, and now instead of the full range of emotions flung out by each instrument in the original, we have the simple, concentrated display of them humbly put forward solely through the piano and vocals. The years changed the pain, but the feeling never left. If I could trade, I would


My dad passed away two weeks ago all of sudden. This lyrics shows exactly what I'm feeling right now. It's been rough and I can't stop crying.


The original felt so raw but this version is like the pain that doesn’t go away. So amazing


I lost my husband to cancer in 2017. This captures the raw pain of grief that never goes away.
Forever my love, Tommy


You made a 32 year old man cry like a kid. Thank you.


My sister died unexpectedly when i was 25. Heard this song a million times when it came out in the 90's but never paid attention to the lyrics until today. Every line is hitting me like a hammer. The loss is something I've struggled to live with at times, and these lyrics can't possibly describe the hardship any better.


the fact that they can redo their own song so many years later and its still good is incredible


I'm a 40 year old guy with tears in my eyes listening to this song, thinking about all the people I lost in life.


Here’s to everyone who has lost a loved one. Music is amazing. The original is awesome but this version brought me to tears.


When I was a kid "Gone Away" used to be my favourite Offspring song. Even though I didn't understand much english at the time (not a native speaker), I knew it had a deep message and always felt overwhelmed.
But this version is in a whole other level! Absolutely beautiful!
Thank you The Offspring, for being the band of my childhood. Punk never dies.


This is my all time favorite song. The original version came out when I was a teenager. Both my older brother and I loved the song. We didn't have any money, so we would both try to catch it on the radio, to tape it on a cassette tape. My older brother caught it but I never did, so I would take it from his room once a week to listen to every time I had to cut the grass. I would actually choose to cut the grass so I could listen to it. Then I would put it back in his room without him knowing I had it.
When I was 16, he was 18, he then passed away in a car accident. To this day, this song will always have a place in my hurt.


I’m crying more than I did when I first heard the original version of this song. Dexter’s vocals with the piano track absolutely tugs at my heart strings in a whole new way. Well fucking done guys. Well fucking done.


I have lost too many immediate family members in my life, but nothing will ever come close the death of my father. It's been seven years just this past August so now hearing this version really tugs on the heart strings for me. There have been many songs over the years that make me think of him (and others like my grandparents) but this one really hits home for me... Amazing re-recording / new version off a timeless alt rock song from over 20 years ago!


This is how it should have been done. Heart wrenching lyrics, finally with the right music.These words have so much place, as I have lost most of my family.


Played this at my stepsons funeral, everyone had tears hearing this version. It really tears at your heart


I had rediscovered The Offspring in July 2017. A few days before I went to a convention, I had gone over to a friends house to record an acoustic cover of this track. After going to the convention and moving to Kansas, I woke up on July 21st to find out that my hero had passed away.

That day, music was the only thing holding me together. I hit shuffle, and the original version of this song was the first song to pop up.

I don't cry easily.

That day, I was not myself.

Rest in Peace Chester.


The Offspring was the first band I ever listened to, and I was gifted Americana on my 12th birthday as the first CD I ever owned. I don’t listen to this kind of music much anymore but I’ll always recognize The Offspring for being the most important band of my youth. I can go back and sing every lyric of every song from every album, and I love them just as much now as I did growing up.

That said, the original Gone Away is such a classic, but this is a beautiful take on it.


NO one can uniquely cover an Offspring song like the Offspring.
Damn. I need a Kleenex.


I hope you know we still feel your pain Dexter, beautiful rendition of an already amazing song. For anyone who has lost someone they loved, I hope this song brings you peace, and at least a calm during times when it’s hard. Much love everyone.


I'm not crying! You're crying!
