Was Joseph Smith the only one who saw the gold plates?!

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Under oath in court one or more claim to have saw the plates with their spiritual eyes and not actually their natural vision.


To be fair, Johnny said "no one is allowed to see" in the same sentence that refers to the beginning of the translation process. As far as i know, this IS technically correct. It wasnt until much later that others, especially the eleven witnesses, actually were permitted to see the plates.


Ahh.. church made art, the most reliable source of history. I always loved the picture of Joseph translating with the actual plates in front of him, only to learn later he actually translated with his head stuck in a dark hat with a magical rock at the bottom. If you study these supposed witnesses testimony some of their accounts speak of seeing the plates as if in a dream. And why did they need to go out into the woods and pray to be shown the plates instead of Joseph just showing them himself if he actually had them in his possession? If you read any of this with an open mind it becomes unicorns and fairy dust in a big fat hurry


Even if I deny the church in the future. I won’t deny seeing those golden plates


Did all the witnesses actually see the literal physical plates set before them? Could it have been a vision, or a dream of the plates that they saw?


There was also the overwhelmed mom though!! Remember that? From Saints??


Joe and Hyrum weren't going to be farmers


About 25 people saw them. Joseph Smith Jr., Lucy Mack Smith, Oliver Cowdery, Martin Harris, David Whitmer, Christian Whitmer, Hiram Page, Hyrum Smith, Jacob Whitmer, John Whitmer, Joseph Smith Sr., Peter Whitmer Jr., Samuel H. Smith, Emma Smith, William Smith, Katharine Smith, Josiah Stowell, Alvah Beaman, Joseph McKune Sr. and others.


Joseph Smith and his golden devil buddy that gave him those plates are in hell now. Don't go with him.


All of those witnesses were convinced by Joseph that they saw them with their "spiritual eyes". They didn't actually see the physical plates with their eyeballs. Mormonism is so easy to disprove lol


They werent aloud to see them up till a perticular time i thought


So let me get this straight. So Joseph said "any one who looks at the plates will die" then proceeds to show a group of people well just leaving the plates on a table covered in cloth? Contradiction after contradiction.


All the testimony’s came from friends and family members who invested there money in this book being successful so they would have a pretty good reason to make this up


So where are these plates now? They must be in pretty condition considering they’re gold.


Ywah totally... but later on the witnesses saw em, not at the beginning


All three “witnesses” later retracted their testimony stating they had seen the plates with their “spiritual eyes” they stated that they saw the plates as you would see a city through a mountain. All three witnesses later left the church. How is it that Joseph initially stated that if any man other than himself were to see the plates, they would be destroyed, yet later he convinced them to bare false witness they had seen them? I simply do not understand how people including yourself refuse to actually research events they mention and lay their eternal soul on. Mind boggling.


If this was the only issue with Mormonism, I get that it might not be the one that causes disbelief. But it’s just one of thousands of absurd things one must believe in order to be a Mormon. The religion is based on being presented with numerous facts, and each time, the Mormon must choose the less rational explanation. The Book of Mormon is best explained as a 19th century piece of fiction, not a magical golden book.


This is one thing that makes it hard for me to believe that Johnny Harris is trying to be truthful. His entire video wasn't the worst attack by any means but he certainly is well aware of (at least) the 11 official witnesses of the Book of Mormon. This is a very weird claim for him to make.


I have been watching Johnny Harris’s videos for some time now and finally thought that I had found someone who presented a balanced unbiased and as honest as possible view and opinion on many subjects. I was impressed. I eventually found out that he and his wife were formally LDS. That didn’t bother me at all as I considered his LDS upbringing as a good basis for honest journalism with integrity. I enjoy many of his videos. It is sad to see this one as it clearly misrepresents and to an extent mocks the events of the restoration. It’s disappointing but I guess he really doesn’t care about presenting the facts and then letting the viewer make a truly informed decision. Very disappointing


At least 13 people saw the gold plates.
