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In todays video I am showing you how to prevent bumpy textured skin so that your foundation looks perfectly smooth and flawless! These are really quick easy steps and will make a huge difference to the way your skin looks! PS - this also works really well to hide enlarged pores!!!!

⋆S O C I A L M E D I A⋆
SNAPCHAT: @nikkiajoy

⋆P R O D U C T S U S E D⋆
(Use code 'JOYBOGO' to get 2x full size setting sprays for only $22!!!)


⋆R E L A T E D V I D E O S⋆

⋆C O U P O N S + D I S C O U N T S⋆

The 'Slay All Day' is seriously the BEST setting spray for oily skin!! I also love their lipsticks & liquid lips!
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Use code 'NIKKIAJOY' to save 10% off any Sigma Brushes!!

⋆W H O A M I?⋆
▽I am an Australian Makeup Artist and Beauty Blogger. Here on my channel you will learn tips and tricks on how to apply makeup, beauty & skincare product recommendations and ways to save money on makeup! I also upload easy step by step makeup tutorials that will teach you how to master any makeup look, from a dramatic smokey eye to a soft sun kissed glow! I share tidbits and recommendations that I have learned over the years working as a professional makeup artist in Australia - I am also a qualified Paramedic/Nurse and continue to work in these roles outside of makeup (I lead the ultimate double life!!) - I've got your back when it comes to long wearing makeup for shift workers!

Music from No CopyRight Sounds

FTC: Some of these links are affiliate links which I make a small commission percentage through. You do not have to use these links, but if you would like to support me in that way you're welcome to! I do not endorse products or brands that I do not wholly support and believe in the quality of.
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anyone else look amazing in your mirror in your room and then you go to school and see yourself in your camera in the school lighting and want to barf


- Wash face well
- Use a moisturiser or facial oil
- Use a damp beauty blender for the foundation and pat on the face
- Push setting powder into the face with a beauty blender
- Use setting spray


I am 62. I did everything you instructed, and today my make up looked amazing. Thank you so much. I just got the Exfoliant in my Ipsy bag. Good timing! I love it!


Lots of negative comments. I tried these tips and they WORK! My foundation looks much better with the blender bounce technique than with my expensive foundation brush.


I just want to thank you!! I have been binge watching all your videos for a couple weeks now and all I can say is WOW!!! I’m 45 with oily textured skin with big pores and have struggled with them my whole life !!! Over the last 2 yrs I have gone through a full body transformation losing 170lbs and a toxic mind set!!! I’m finally happy with myself, come to realize it wasn’t the weight at all I was unhappy with, but anyway, I’ve gotten on some great skincare routines, but still learning, but still look ten yrs young in just 2 months!!! Anyway I finally did my makeup Friday the “right way” and omg I did not even recognized THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!


Step one. Use the beauty filter on the camera.


"You can use almost any oil" okay Imma get the vegetable oil from the cubberd

Edit: *cUpBoArD**, I was 13 when I wrote this comment 😂


I noticed that if I used the sponge my make up looks so cakey and pores soooo huge and textured sling and if I use a brush and tap it looks AMAZING i guess it depends on what it works for everybody . Also I use everything in cream and not powders like blus highlighter etc so my skin kind absorbes it and if I use anything powder it looks soooo bad /cakey even when the fancy Laura mercier products .


Good application tips but physically exfoliating your skin daily can cause more harm than good in the long run.


These techniques were a game changer for me. I am so glad you made this video. Mature skin, sin damage and old scarring from acne makes for a less than perfect canvas. The application steps helped smoothen the appearance, cover imperfections and my primer and foundation lasted and did not look patchy or mask like at the end of the day! Thank you so much


Omg this was an INSTANT game changer! Thank you so much!!! The difference between my makeup yesterday and today is astounding!!!


Your makeup looks cakey and masklike. I use brushes and i use a patting motion just like how you use the beauty blender and it works for me.


Yesterday, I used brushes for my foundation/concealer/powder, and I swear I nearly cried by how bad the texture looked. I used all of these tips, except, I subbed a powder puff for the damp sponge for setting powder (a wet sponge in my powder just feels wrong lol) AND holy shit, i look like I have completely different skin. THANK YOU SO MUCH. sigh, I feel so much better today and excited to show off my make up <3


The first YouTuber I’ve come across who’s whole video is less then most of the youtuber ‘introduction’ out here and honestly I love it! Can’t stand when they talk and talk for ages rather then getting to the point and for that reason I shall subscribe!


Just what I needed to know. I am struggling with rough textured skin as I’m over 50 and have not taken the best care of my skin the last 10 Years. I am using a three month retinol treatment now to get rid of the buildup of rough skin. I’m using Josie Maran Milk as my moisturizer and getting great results but after I apply makeup I can see every little flaw. Especially after I apply my setting powder. I have setting spray but had no idea how to use it. Thanks for sharing this information!


I love how you make how to hacks short videos. It’s very straight to the point and doesnt waste time with unnecessary intros. Keep it up :)


I️ love how much info you include in the videos for us! Never thought I️ was actually making things worse by rubbing primer in with my hands! Also never knew why I️ felt like I️ was removing make up by applying foundation and powder with brushes. Seriously thought I️ was crazy and that didn’t happen! LOL so this definitely made my day! Also your ring is STUNNING 😍


She’s using beauty filter on her camera, so tired of this bs


I have struggled with flakey dry skin and my makeup coming off 30 min after I put it on, even after exfoliating, but I did everything in this video and my makeup looked amazing for 6 hours! Prob would have lasted longer but I took it off. I will never use face brushes again when my skin is dry!! My beauty blender is my new best friend. Thank you Nikkia!!!!


If u have textured skin, u shouldn't use powder, just use the setting spray
