Is Social Justice Just? Why Income Inequality is Just [POLICYbrief]

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Is income inequality just? In this POLICYbrief episode, Yaron Brook of the Ayn Rand Institute gives his take on the morality of economic equality in a video series on social justice.

As always, the Federalist Society takes no position on particular legal or public policy issues; all expressions of opinion are those of the speaker.

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Related links:

Yaron Brook: Capitalism & Inequality

Yaron Debates: at Yale - Is Inequality Fair or Unfair?

Differing views:

Justice, Inequality, and the Poor

Inequality Is a Choice

Sports vs. Social Justice

Law as the Code of Inequality and Wealth

The 4 biggest reasons why inequality is bad for society
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This would be a great video if hundreds of years of systemic injustice had not been heaped upon large portions of the world. He is right in a vacuum.


"people who make a lot of money, deserve a lot of money". Think, for just one second, and realise that this is untrue. The entire premise of the argument, is untrue. Social justice is recognising that people do not always get what they "deserve". Social justice is about giving people the opportunity to get what they deserve.


Social justice has many different meanings and ideas. If taxing the wealthy to give to others through different forms of welfare can most likely have a positive outcome, then people wont frown upon it as much. Issues happen throughout the process of carrying out such a plan and it makes people think its a failed project. When it comes to welfare a lot of projects are one and dones after producing poor or undesirable results. Failure will happen so there needs to more effort into perfecting and finding something that works well.


It’s funny how at 1:40 they have the Lady Justice statue with the eyes blind folded. The statue is completely anti social justice.


Interesting seeing the comments for this video and the video saying social justice IS just. Both are pretty much filled with opposing arguments only. Interesting arguments on both sides if you're open minded enough to listen and not focus on face value emotional arguments. Lol at the LeBron James argument.


How do altruistic ideas compliment collectivist and co-op notions of non-consent community (ownership) trust?
I'd believed "a man of ideas names his price" had this been of A. Rand. Advocate for her times...


Social "justice" is the opposite of justice. Correct.


What a load of bollocks, firstly he takes his own made up definition of social justice, and secondly how is it just that a ceo should earn 300 times the income of normal workers, how is it just that the six richest people in America own as much wealth as the bottom 50 percent of the whole of America, justice my ass. No one is arguing that we should all earn the same


no ownership actually means it all belongs to everyone, so everyone feels equal responsibility to use it sustainably and mindfully, rather than no one feeling that responsibility. Subtle erronious injections like this video's no ownership interpretation is how they indoctrinate you via, what sounds on the surface, noble and progressive ideas.
