New M4 iPad Pro VS M1 iPad Pro - In DEPTH Comparison

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❓QUESTION❓ - What do you think about the Mini-LED vs OLED? Is it a big enough change? Which do you prefer? (Second Question: This is my first video that I have done in 4K, let me know if you see a big enough increase in quality or if it looks pretty much the same as before).

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⏰ Timecodes ⏰
00:00 - Screen Brightness/Color Differences
02:02 - OLED and Blooming Test
05:44 - Other Screen Differences
06:51 - Anti-Reflectivity Coating - Did it get BETTER?
07:38 - Thinness Comparison
08:44 - Weight Changes
09:19 - The “new” Camera Bump
11:40 - Front-Facing Camera and Microphone Test
13:20 - Magnetic Accessories NOT Compatible
14:04 - M1 vs M4 Chip - What has changed?
16:23 - Geekbench Benchmarks
19:35 - Brief Gaming Performance Test
22:15 - Final Cut Pro for iPad: Export Test
28:07 - Chip Similarities
28:27 - Battery Life: Different, but Similar
29:26 - Apple Pencil BATTLE! Which is the PEAK Pencil?
32:18 - NEW Magic Keyboard VS Logitech Combo Touch
39:14 - Final Thoughts

#technology #apple #ipadpro #ipad

In this video, we go through as many differences as we can think of between these two different iPads. It is on the longer side, but this is so we hopefully don’t leave out anything that’s important to cover. Obviously, if something seems like it is missing, then please let us know and we can always make follow up videos. We are adding many detailed chapters so you can find the information quickly that matters to you. We hope this video serves you well!
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This man having less than 100k subs is a crime. This was such a great review, no blabbering about stuff, straight to the point + super in depth.


I own the m1 (12.9) and I had to go and check out the m4. I was surprised to find myself not blown away by it. It wasn’t the same as upgrading from iPhone 12 Pro to 15 pro max


Better review than 99% of tech YouTubers. Also, I was looking for this specific comparison, I am double impressed. Subbed


Nope, the M1 is excellent and 95% of its users are satisfied with it! Nice comparison but the only practical difference is the thinnest! Not worth $1k.


Wow that battery does seem much better! That is encouraging!


Thank buddy for such detailed review. You just vanished all my doubts whether need to exchange my m1 to m4. Great job!


I'll add this also. I'm an artist. I don't see the benefit of haptic feedback or rotating as "superior." It feels more like a preference, if you prefer one over the other. They are the same pencil otherwise. If those other features aren't beneficial to someone, then it's doesn't matter. The diff between Apple pencil 1 and 2 was pretty big. This is so minimal to pay another 129 again for 3 new things seems a waste. I really dislike that we cannot use the AP 2 with the M4, that alone will make it harder for me to choose apple in the future. The accessories should just be cross device, they did this on purpose to make more money.


Excellent video. I can tell some of that was tricky to get on camera, but I think it came through really good. Some of the stats were a bit hard to read in the benchmarks, even on 4K.


Detailed and very useful comparison! Thanks :)


Watching on my M1 iPad Pro and I feel that the M1 is more than enough, I don’t game on my iPad. The M4 is nice but I will keep my M1 a little longer.


I just upgraded from 1st generation IPad Pro and purchased my the iPad Pro m4 9th generation Thanks for the video it helped to decide


Great video I tried the iPad Pro 11 inch with the OLED display For 7 days inside and out side in bright sunlight, couldn’t tell any difference, except in extreme bright sunlight. You could see it slightly better than my 7 year old iPad Pro 10.5 inch with 600 nits of brightness.

I sent it back to Apple because I could not see anything to justify paying over $1300 with a case. speaking of a case when I bought my iPad 7 years ago, I also got the Logitech keyboard case at the time for $139 back then it was not called touch because there was no trackpad but it did have a full row of function keys like Apple finally decided to add 7 years later. 7 years ago I paid $800 for the 10.5 inch iPad Pro. The logitech keyboard case protected it perfectly after a few severe drops no damage whatsoever to the iPad.

The Apple, so called magic keyboard has absolutely no protection around the edges which is where mine landed three different times so for anybody spending over $1000 to not have that protected seems ridiculous to me. The new Logitech keyboard worked perfectly on the new iPad 11 and the bigger trackpad is a nice improvement compared to my older model. Apple is offering a $100 trade-in but I may just decide to sell my old iPad with the logitech case and first generation pencil that still works fine for $275. Which I will apply to buying a new 13 inch iPad Air. The only thing magic about apples keyboard is the price.


I have both the M1 and M4 13" iPads and when I compared the brightness, the M1 came in much brighter! Is there an explanation to this?


I never comment, but came across your channel recently and... damn, the amount of effort that goes into your videos really shows. Subscribed and wishing you the best!


I think your videos of the M4 are way better than most reviewers. Can’t wait to see more!!


Regarding the keyboard, Apple had planned everything in advance in their product evolution. It's clearly calculating, making a small trackpad and the next year bigger.


I watched many Youtuber’s create their content around this topic of whether to get an 11 inch pro or the 13 inch pro, and clearly there were moments that I could feel that you were leaning towards 11 inch as a preference. that became clear towards the end of the video and I respect you for taking the time and doing such a savage review of the two as I come from a 12.9 pro trying to decide whether should I get an 11 inch or 13 and at the moment I'm testing out the 11 inch pro and all the points that you made make so much sense. The biggest gainers are the mobility, the portability when sitting in a coffee shop or on the move you don't have to think twice and I've noticed that 13 inch if you're spending money on that it's just better to get a MacBook Air for their size and real estate. If that is a real concern if you would like to also get the ease of holding it in one hand whereas 13 inch inch model feels a bit worrysome for me, but the 11 inch is such a perfect spot with the new camera set up and the performance of the Apple Pencil and the coming AI features with the new iOS and for iPad it is going to be a game changer in my opinion and that's the direction I think with more and more software apps are heading to. Great review again, wishing your channel a lot of success from Canada.


I’m using the 2017 iPad Pro with the A15X chip. Tempted to upgrade to the M4 even though all I do is just surf the web and watch YouTube. But I’m starting to feel the lag and battery is deteriorating


Basically, it's the OLED that made me buy the iPad pro M4. Everyone has different needs.


I am using an m1 pro 13" as well, and thinking if i should get the m4 upgrade. Do you think i should upgrade to the M4? main point on using the ipad is for games only. :)
