7 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Turned 20

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don't ever say i didn't warn you.
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Right on the mark! The only one I can think of that I would add is learn how to cook. You can save SO MUCH MONEY by learning a few simple recipes that you can easily spice up in a variety of different ways to keep you from eating fast food/keep you from spending all of your money ON fast food. My parents instilled the importance of knowing how to cook in me before I went to college and it's something I'll always be grateful for.


This man just saved a generation in under 5 minutes


As a 36 year old married to an accountant, I can confirm this is all accurate. Do all the things this man says.


Me, a 22 year old:



"Growing up" or "becoming an adult" does not mean you have to stop liking what you liked when you were younger, all it means is that now you have more responsibilities in life. As long as it isn't hurting anyone (including yourself), screw other peoples opinions.


I hope those under 20 are actually listening because Omni is spitting facts


I really do appreciate when people talk like this to us viewers.
It makes you more relatable and makes me appreciate your content more.

Even what you said about family.
I had someone I called my aunt and she wasn't even related.
When she had passed away last year I thoroughly missed her and still do.
She did more for me in my life than people actually related to me.

Thank you Omni I really appreciate videos like this.


Omni sounds like he’s giving a presentation to the class in this vid


Me a 19 year old:

Nice just in time!


This is all fantastic. I'd like to add on a few lifestyle things:

- Learn how to cook, and stop eating/drinking so much junk and sugar.
- Develop an exercise+stretching routine and be consistent. Many issues that people have with their bodies stem from poor diet and lack of exercise.
- LEARN HOW TO LEARN and self-teach. I used to teach in a university, and my best students were the ones that figured out that my job was to point them in the right direction, not hold their hand through every step. Sadly, they are in the distant few in terms of coming to that realisation.
- Get comfortable spending time alone, bored, and with your thoughts. Loads of negativity surrounding yourself can melt away simply by being more aware of yourself and not having distractions like Youtube or Instagram constantly nibbling at your attention.

There are more that I can think of, but these are the most important that I can think of.


YES, YES, 1000% YES. SPIT FACTS AT THESE YOUNGINS MY GUY, the biggest lie I grew up with is that Adults know best, when in reality they're just big kids with money and less rules SMFH...Also ugly gang is IN THE HOUSE LOL


If Omni made videos about investing, taxes, and finances, I would watch, but I’m assuming that would be kind of boring for him.


Dude taught me more in 3 mins than my parents did in 19 years.


I'm 21 and man the family thing is relatable.
My folks always drag me into their conflicts and try to make me pick a side.
Like ??? please stop. Y'all are acting like children.


This man is spittin' straight FACTS! I wish I knew all of this when I turned 20. I'm turning 30 next year.... guess it's not too late to repair the damage. :/


god you are turning into one of my favorite youtubers the more you do these real talk videos. I love it, keep up the good work!


Here's the two I'd add:
- We low-key live in a world of lies. Lying is not only everywhere, it is the actual best response in a multitude of situations. This is applied on every level of society. Being honest to a fault is actually a very bad idea and a behavior others will be very quick to take advantage of, especially professionally. If you haven't already, grow a skin, and stay on top of things, particularly when money is involved.

- You won't change people's minds. Your facts do not matter to a convinced person, they have their own. The more you oppose these, which you'd inevitably have to do, the more personal it'll become, and no one wants to listen to someone they dislike, aka it's human nature you'll be fighting against. Plus nobody wants to be wrong. Do not waste your time.


This video helped me learn more in 3 minutes than 2 months of sitting in a classroom


I guess i should look into investing. I'm already 21, and putting into a 401k, but perhaps there's more that I can do with my money to further help me live comfortably down the line


Dang! I'm over 30 and needed to hear a lot of this. I better get started on being smarter!
