Guitar Wrist Position, Technique, Pain, Fatigue & Tension: Top 5 Tips

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Guitar Wrist Position, Technique, Pain, Fatigue & Tension: Top 5 Tips to maintain health and prevent tendonitis or carpel tunnel. Being self taught, I've picked up my fair share of bad habits, this is one I've thankfully started to rectify! Broken down in to 5 easy to understand and very useful areas, we learn about different methods to make playing challenging passages easier. Even that pesky F major barré chord can be made way more easy with a simple small movement!

♫ Tabs ♫

♫ Timestamps ♫

0:00- Intro
0:05- Lesson Overview
0:56 - Tip 1
1:16 - Tip 2
2:06 - Tip 3
2:36 - Tip 4
3:17 - Tip 5
4:02 - Recap


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#guitarwristtechnique #guitartips #quickguitartricks
Рекомендации по теме

0:00- Intro
0:05- Lesson Overview
0:56 - Tip 1
1:16 - Tip 2
2:06 - Tip 3
2:36 - Tip 4
3:17 - Tip 5
4:02 - Recap


The first time he said "being largely self-taught, " I thought he'd said, "being large and seven foot tall." I had to stop and rewind.


Really good practical instruction. Really relevant to beginner intermediates. Especially if personal lessons are not available or affordable. More of this practical stuff wouldbe really good. Thanks a lot


Great video. Keeping a healthy posture while playing is so important and sometimes overlooked. The general rule is to avoid tension whenever possible and stop if you feel pain. You really don't want to injure yourself!


Bless you for this! I started playing guitar 12 years ago when I was 10, and was only ever self taught. Due to how tiny my hands were back then I grew into the bad habit of pushing my wrist forward to tackle power chords and bar chords and never was able to knock it as I got older. Gonna practice this and hopefully save myself a lot of wrist pain!


Awesome video! I was worried that my wrist posture wasn’t good and thought I had to bend my wrist more because that’s how you were properly supposed to hold it. Glad to know having a straight wrist is the best because that’s what I’ve been doing! You also saying to control the guitar and don’t let it control you gave me a big surge of punk energy and made me just not care as long as I was comfortable. Thank you!


Right to the point, straightforward but nuanced advice, relatable examples, calm delivery (this is my favorite part -- no need for fake hyperactivity [but also not trying to trash talk the people who do that or have that personality, I know it can be effective!]), nice background track at good volume to fill the air, not superfluously padded to 10 minutes, good use of video chapters. Well done! You make it look easy. Earned a sub & like


My wrists and fingers have been hurting the past few days and im pretty sure i have carpal tunnel so ive been taking a break from guitar playing, but it's so hard to not play!!! I really really hope my wrists will heal up after some rest and that i can get back to healing, i will defo use some of these tips when i get back into it. Ive been writing a lot of riffs with some funky barre chords and some weird hand positions which has caused a lot of strain, so ill need to properly re-examine my technique so i can play them without any injuries


Awesome video!! I’ve been playing for a couple years and fixing my left hand posture fixed so many of my issues. Thank you!


Interesting video, thanks for your views. I have occasional wrist pain and problems with flying fingers when playing scales or fast riffs etc. Many other sites say that thumb placement can cause these issues for me and that your thumb should not be pointing down the neck towards the nut and headstock, but as close as parallel to frets as possible behind the 1st or 2nd finger. While I dont point my thumb direct down the neck, it is often tilted that way. You are the first person i seen that says that is ok, thanks maybe i not the bad after all, but still have problems with flying fingers to sought out. I guess what is most comfortable should be a major factor to consider in thumb placement.


Wish I had seen this video a year ago before I wrecked the tendons in my wrist. Great video thanks.


Hi, thank you for making this video. see the wrist position at 1:04 ? That’s the one I keep going back to. It’s very hard to play barre chords or even anything on the low e while keeping my wrist straight...BECAUSE MY FINGERS ARE SO DAMN SHORT. So I’m bending my wrist to allow my fingers to reach those strings. What do I do?


The struggle is real my friend. I've reached a plateaux in my speed and precision and I've located the problem being my wrist position.
Need to find an optimal position now.


Whoa that's exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!


Thank you so much for this man! I am concerned that my playing habits might hurt my wrist more, but this is gonna help a lot 👏


Great info! Worst advice I saw the other day was another guy forcing the perpendicular thumb thing. He lost me at 'you might find yourself doing what feels natural' - like it's a BAD thing lol
Slash also does the EVH vertical neck move a lot btw


Which direction should my thumb be if I’m playing power chords? I’ve struggled a lot with pain in my wrist and this video did help.


I’m going to try and start implementing these tips into my playing starting tonight during practice. Much appreciated. After that I’m going to binge watch Peep Show. I forgot all about that show. Two great things to take away from your video. Chers!


Good simple video - Make the guitar work for you!


Thanks for this, I am having a difficult time finding consistent sources on proper wrist techniques. How do you keep a straight wrist while playing barre chords? And how much wrist bend is okay?
