Guitar For The Practicing Musician Read Through February 1990 - Whitesnake and Steve Vai!

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In this video we take a look way back at Guitar For The Practicing Musician from February 1990 when Steve Vai recorded and album and toured with Whittesnake. There are also other cool articles in this issue with Tesla, Joe Satriani, Alice Cooper along with some classic advertisements and gear. It's always fun to get into the time capsule and go back to these years of guitar!
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I enjoyed your read and you spent more time with it than I did. And I put the whole thing together! Be goode John Stix


writing a letter to the magazine was the equivalent of youtube comments. if there were no youtube comments I would write you a letter asking you to continue these reviews of old magazines, I love it!


I saw SRV and Jeff Beck in Hartford that year. Excellent! Fun walk thru. Thanks


I love these episodes!
It feels like just BSing with a cool neighbor, and the memories are a trip! 👍
You’re hilarious Marty!


SRV my favorite guitar player! I like a few other players! But SRV I never listened to blues till SRV 1983ish? after that I was hooked!! unfortunately my dad wouldn't let me play sports after 9th grade and no guitar that was a toy too! he died! I was 19 and started playing guitar all the time!! thanks Marty!


Have to go into the archives for that one, couldn't wait for the next issue to come out


Bro I have a bin full of those old mags, all the good ones!


Hey I had this magazine back then. All my magazines disappeared when I left for the university but I remember learning to play Kitten got claw and Love song. The was now YouTube back then, there was no internet! 😂


I saw Whitesnake with Steve Vai opening for Heart at Nassau Coliseum in 1990. They blew Heart away.


I saw Stevie in Buffalo in 83 he opened for the moody blues. Took my girlfriend there was no opening act advertised. Had no clue till he walked out on stage blew me away he was awesome


I also met the whole band of Boston and was backstage and front row seats at Bentley College in Waltham Mass when they first started right after the album came out. one of my friends friends was going to Bentley college and one of his classes I guess was something to do with putting concerts together, maybe a business course, I'm not sure. and so he got Boston to come play and I think the tickets where $3 a piece or something back in 75 or 76 I can't remember the exact date but that was some good times boy.


I agree about those Joe S. articles. He is applying his brilliant musical mind to describe what is happening in those solos. They were composed that way because the notes sounded great. Thanks for addressing that. It used to intimidate me back then thinking I had to learn all that theory to sound that way. Keep playing and pick the colors and notes you like. 👍


I still have my guitar magazine collection from the 1990s. Guitar for the Practicing Musician, Guitar World, Guitar School, and a few issues of Guitar Player. Overall, I have to say I envy kids today who have the internet and amazing inexpensive recording software as learning tools, but there's also a lot of garbage and distractions to sort through. The quality of those magazines back then, especially the transcriptions and musician interviews is still unmatched.


Cool time period - just before the bottom dropped out on '80's metal/hair metal. This was probably put together in late '89. A year later, Nirvana came out and that was that! I remember being crushed, learning guitar in the early '80's and enjoying the guitar decade - only to have it all go away. I liked and still like some Grunge stuff. But I miss the mid 80's guitar action!


I was under the Tutelage Academy of Shawn Lane, it never paid off! So I just watched and listened. lol


Meeting Steve is pretty cool that's awesome. I met Roger Daltrey and John Entwistle 1973 when I was just a we lad 13 years old had no clue who they were ironically. but I really did, after I met them I was like oh it's those guys, we hung out for probably an hour or two shooting the s***. it was in a public place called Fresh Pond in Cambridge Massachusetts they were riding brand new 10-speed bikes with 12 gears and we had never seen that, me and my friend Carrie and so we were admiring their bikes and they come walking over and introduce themselves pretty freaking cool. And I guarantee Roger Daughtry would remember me because my left eye is up and he asked me about how it happened and like I said we hung out for so long that I'm sure he would remember who I am. I'd like to find out actually ask him if you remember me that day I bet he would. They gave us each guitar pick and showed us pictures of the band .I asked if I could have one of the pictures but they wouldn't give me one.


Need a tesla modern day cowboy lesson. That intro


With cat litter, it all comes down to how it's cooked....


Oh Marty! Cat litter to mash potatoes. WTF lol }


Nah, @Marty5150, gotta disagree on Slip of the Tongue BIG TIME:) Cheers
