AC Joint Sprain Stretches & Exercises - Ask Doctor Jo

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The AC (acromioclavicular) joint is where the acromion and the clavicle come together.

The first stretches are called pendulums. Use a chair or counter top for balance, and lean over so your arm hangs down towards the ground. Move your body, not your arm in circles so your arm swings around like a pendulum. You can also rock front to back and side to side. Start off with 10 of each and work your way up to a minute of each.

The next stretches you can use a Swiss/therapy ball, or if you don’t have one, you can use a table or counter top. This is an active assisted stretch, which means you are moving the arm now, but the ball will support the weight. You will slide your arm forward with your thumb facing upward towards the ceiling and lean your body forward until you feel a stretch. You can stabilize the ball with your other hand. Hold it for 3-5 seconds, and start off with 10-15.

Next you will do isometric exercises for internal and external rotation of your shoulder. Isometrics are when you are activating the muscles, but not actually making the movement. You can use your other hand to push into, or you can do these exercises against a wall. You want to keep your elbow by your side. Bend your elbow with your fist out in front of you. Push your fist into your other hand gently towards your stomach and hold for 3-5 seconds. Then put your other hand on the outside of your fist, and push out gently for 3-5 seconds. You don’t have to push hard. You just want to feel a little pressure in your shoulder area. Do each of these 10-15 times.

For the last exercise, you will do a shoulder external rotation with a resistive band. Try to keep your elbows by your sides through out the exercise. If you want to roll up a small towel and place it between your side and your elbow for each side, this will keep your arms close to your side through out the exercise. Keep your elbows at about a 90 degree angle and your thumbs up towards the ceiling. Also try to keep your wrists in a neutral position. You don’t want to over stress your wrists, and then have a wrist injury. Slowly pull both arms out away from each other keeping your elbows at your side, and then slowly come back in. Start off with 10 of these, and then work your way up to 20-25. If that becomes easy, then move up with resistive bands.

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Doctor Jo is a Doctor of Physical Therapy.


AC Joint Sprain Stretches & Exercises:

DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Ask Doctor Jo, LLC and its officers for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. Ask Doctor Jo, LLC makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. Use of this content is at your sole risk.
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I keep finding myself back on this channel and it’s a love hate relationship 😂


Wow, I can't believe how effective those shoulders swings are... literally did one set of them, and my shoulders already feel way better.


I just love you Dr Jo! Super helpful yet again! I have been a dedicated monthly subscriber and can't thank you enough. It's great whenever I run into a physical whatever to be able to come to you with reliable, professional sound advise and exercises. You are flat out awesome!


Thank you!! I have seen multiple websites and other videos. Your video are very easy to follow and offer simple solutions to actually do at home! 🙏


This is the 4th time Ive found myself on your channel. At this point, you've become the light at the end of a monotonous tunnel


i did the first exercise and my shoulder slipped back into place 🤝


Thank you so much, I got a grade 1 ac sprain while lifting someone and after I was out of the sling, these exercises really helped with the unstiffing and just making it so when I normally lift it, it hurts way less.


"Cause it's getting hot in here!". I laughed out loud at this one. Keep 'em coming🤣


What if the injury happened years ago? Will these exercises still be effective or is surgery more likely needed?


Dr. Jo,

I suffered a Grade 3 from an acrobatic mishap and tore all three ligaments of the AC joint. The clavicle and Acromion separated completely. I had surgery 2 days later. They installed a metal plate to hold the bones in line and sewed the ligaments. Before the surgery, there was pain, stiffness, weakness but immediately after the surgery, the pain was so intense that I have note slept for more than an hour at time since. It took me about 11 days to be able to move my arm forward even a little but now on day 13, I have a little more range. I was encouraged by the doctors to "use my arm normally" but not to push past the pain which is a joke when the arm is basically flaccid by my side and constantly hurting. At this point, I am at the 2 week mark and it has improved but there is a great deal of stiffness and pain. The thing is, the most pain is in that muscle which would move my arm forward. I also have a problem standing up straight with good posture because the shoulder seems sort of stuck forward. The doctors are unhelpful. I'm in Germany and they just pass me around as someone else's problem. How far should I stretch and should I stretch the high tension points? I will do your above exercises but do you have anything special for getting my shoulder to come back a bit? I am hunched forward by it and my whole body is being affected.


Hello Dr. Jo. I came across your videos when I was looking up exercises for my Pes Anserinus Bursitis. I also have mild pain in my shoulder, which I self-diagnosed as AC pain. These exercises make a lot of sense and I am starting them today. Just wanted to thank you for making these videos, before I started. I will post my progress weekly (hopefully).


Finally! Looking for a way to fix a shoulder I landed on off a fall from a skateboard. First actual information I've found. Thanks


Hi Dr Jo
my AC joint still hurts after 1 year, fell forward with arm stretched, did stretches, used Roller wheel, electro therapy, rest, swim .
even sleeping on side it hurts .


awesome, thanks! i am recovering from a grade 3 sprain. been two months and still about 75% range of motion, 25% to go. i should have done these earlier ;)


Thank you yet again, Dr Jo, for another invaluable tip on how to loosen up a slightly tender / slightly stiff joint.


Showed this to my mom whos suffering an ac joint injury for months now lets see what happens. Will update in 6 weeks.


will this lower the bump that I sort of have in that ac area... thanks


I had the injury and bone protrusion in the shoulder for no reason a week ago... All I did was walk and do a few push-ups and pull-ups, i.e. I get stuck in the air... Note that I have a herniated disc in the lower What is the treatment and when do I start Exercise and can I recover


My shoulder bone are comming up, it will help me by doing this exercise
