EMF Sensitivity? Here are 3 Key Supplements to Eliminate Your EMF Sensitivity

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EMF sensitivity is a massive issue.

The unfortunate part, is most people have NO idea they are sensitive to WiFi, 4G, 5G, cell phones or other types of EMF.

Common symptoms of EMF sensitivity are:
- fatigue
- irritability
- insomnia
- headache
- depression

We are electrical beings and electromagnetic frequencies disrupt our natural ability for our cells to communicate with each other.

Here are three must have supplements to support our modern day conveniences of EMF and WiFi:

1. Optimal Electrolyte: This is first. One must have sufficient electrolytes on board or EMF sensitivity will 100% occur - as well as a slew of other issues.

2. Optimal Liposomal Glutathione Plus: This is next up. Glutathione is the body's primary antioxidant. EMF causes excitation in the brain which is damaging. Glutathione mops up the damage.

3. NADH + CoQ10: This is last step and may not be needed if the Optimal Electrolyte and Optimal Liposomal Glutathione Plus made you 100% better. You'll know within 60 seconds. If needing more support, take a nibble of the NADH + CoQ10 Lozenge. Be mindful of how your head is feeling. It should feel very clear, energized and vision very crisp. If not, you may need more of it.

These all are found in the EMF Sensitivity category at Seeking Health here:

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I have emf hypersensitivity...the struggle is real. No one believes me. Thanks so much for the video.


25 years I suffered with this and you're the first person to not only take it seriously but also offer useful solutions. Thank you so much for everything you do, Dr. Lynch.


I’m an electrical contractor in Southern California. I work with EMF consultants that use meters to check for dangerous signals in the home. I separate the router from the WiFi and put WiFi on a switch or timer. I then wire up the home with Ethernet cable so the client has internet access to all hardwired devices. I’ve been doing it for over 7 years. I learned about it when my children were born and have been helping others ever since. If you are in the area or just want some advice. Feel free to reach out to me. Mateo


I feel so relieved right now, solutions to my anxiety and lack of sleep! I’m 81 and my health has declined not to mention the stress of current events! Going to watch more of your videos and order some products! Thank you so much!


when I drive into the city I wear a faraday cage hoodie, I bought on Amazon for $50, it does help, I wrapped cell phone in it and I called my phone and it DId not ring, I take NAC 3 x a day. good luck we are being f d.


Mold toxicity from mold exposure and chronic infections are also a BIG culprit of EMF sensitivity


I first came across your book, Dirty Genes, and appreciate your insights on MTHFR. Since 2019 I've experienced EMF sensitivity and have done quite a bit to mitigate exposure to it though I have not fully recovered. Thank you for sharing this.


I have the most insane EMF sensitivity. Even non-wireless devices kill. Just the power in the walls. I live in an unpowered camper. I don't think anyone knows anything about this condition because I've tried everything for years. All I do is research health stuff and nothing ever did ANYTHING. It's not oxidative damage or calcium ion channels or anything known. If you could just take some electrolytes or do a heavy metal detox nobody would have this problem. It's something serious that has not been identified. My life is over. Was a long time ago actually. No friends, no job, can't even stand to be in public, can't go anywhere or do anything. Even my electric skillet for cooking causes ripping burning pain. I'm so screwed. We got Starlink 5G death satellites here last year and I've been rapidly dying ever since. I saw them go up one night, like a train of lights in the sky. I honestly didn't expect anything. But 2 weeks later they turned them on and it's torture. Never sleep anymore. My life has no value and I beg to die every second because it feels like every cell in my body is being ripped apart and burned. Ain't no glutathione going to stop that. Normally I'm fine. Before our entire state got Starlink, I could go into the mountains and feel great. I don't have nerve pain or insomnia or depression. It's all EMFs. I'd do anything. I have done everything. But these treatments are a joke. Nothing helps even the slightest bit. I think a person SHOULD be able to feel when they're being microwaved. I think it's all the people who can't feel it that have nerve and brain damage. I think us "sensitive" people are actually the normal ones. I've never had a cell phone or wifi so I'm probably one of the few on the planet who hasn't had their nerves and brain destroyed. It's all the "normal" people that have the condition that they can't even feel their brains being fried.


I'm reading Dirty Genes right now. It's a game changer for me when I work with clients. Thank you so much.

I also experience EMF sensitivity. My friend sent me this video link. I have Lyme disease and have cleared all symptoms but for chemical and EMF sensitivity. As I implement the suggestions of the Dirty Genes protocol, I am hoping that these will fade away.


It also makes red blood cells migrate towards each other instead of swimming around easily doing their thing. There's a video here on YT of a scientist demonstrating this with blood on a slide beneath a microscope. Moving the wifi near them you can see them start to clump together - it was mind blowing! Perhaps that's why I feel so sluggish when I spend too much time on my iPhone.


Thank you, thank you. I’m not going crazy. The stabbing pain in my left arm goes away when I’m away from WiFi, Bluetooth etc. I put my phone on airplane mode and it helps. Blessings 🙏🏾


Redmond sea salt stops a headache instantly for me.


I get hives from chemicals possibly emf too. NO doctor will even consider its environmental. I moved to a very woodsy area and I feel much better and have less hives. When I'm working a lot on the computer or in cities, it comes back.


I didn’t have the NADH on hand but the liposomal glutathione & electrolytes definitely brightened me up and had a bit of a kick!


I too am a sufferer! I can't stand near Bluetooth, WiFi, 3/4G and any electrical appliance! The sharp stabbing pain begins almost instantly! It's like an ice pick going thru my skull! My eyes start to hurt and if I do not remove myself I begin feeling terrible nausea and feeling of faintness. It's so bad that I sleep in the bathrooms of hotels to be protected from WiFi or network emissions as the walls offer some protection and if it's too intense I feel like I am dying! It's horrible that we are not taken seriously or believed! I too like using my iPhone and the likes but I always have to watch that I don't over do it! If someone has their Bluetooth next to me, I don't even have to look or know they are there! The searing pain through my skull tells me straight away! How can they say it's imaginary? Why won't we be believed?
The minute I turn off all devices my headache lifts like a veil and the pressure and burning in my skull just dissipate! I am struggling every day with tech emissions! My life revolves around trying to balance it by getting enough sleep away from EMFS and eating anti inflammatory foods! It's like a bucket that overfills and needs to be emptied in order to have any amount of tolerance of EMFs! Please people believe us! We DONT want to be like that! We too used to love WiFi's and mobile phones! We do not CHOOSE to be this way!


I chew about 3 whole cloves before I go to town and during when driving near cell towers. It's not s quick but reduces the exposure.


Magnesium is a highly recommended and it helps with ATP. I unplugged my wifi and hardwired my connections


Great explanation. I've been taking adrenal cocktails along the lines of Morley Robbins. I take Acerola Cherry powder (whole-food-Vitamin-C-source) with salt and either avocado or potassium-bicarbonate or sweet potato for the potassium.


Thank you so much for this video. I’m going to try what you suggest in the video as I suffer with CFS as well as have a sensitivity to EMFs.


My eyes feel like they’re burning out of my head after looking at the computer at work.
