The Qualities Of A Great Manager (INTERVIEW QUESTION)

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INTERVIEW QUESTION - What qualities do you believe a good manager should have?

You are more likely to be asked this type of question if you are applying for a managerial position. If you are applying for a managerial or supervisory position, then this question is designed to find out what you will be like as a manager.

Managers are required to lead and also to be great role models for the organisation. Have a look at the following response and use it to structure your own answer:

“The key quality should be leadership and the ability to look ahead towards the horizon. The manager needs to be ten steps ahead and already making plans for the future. They also should be good role models and be capable of leading by example. Approachable, fair and enthusiastic are other important qualities but above all a successful manager needs to lead when things aren’t going as planned. It is his or her responsibility to lift a team out of a difficult period and motivate people to achieve the vision of the organisation. The highest calling of a true leader is inspiring others to reach the highest of their abilities. The company’s aims, objectives and vision are what the manager should work towards and have at the forefront of his/her mind at all times.”

Some of the qualities of a competent manager include:
• Being a visionary and a role model for the company.
• Being able to delegate work effectively.
• Identifying strengths in employees and using those strengths effectively.
• Identifying development needs in individuals and providing appropriate feedback and support where necessary.
• Being flexible and adaptable when required.
• Being capable of implementing the company’s policies, procedures and vision.
• Leading by example.
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