19 Qualities of a Great CEO

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In America, you can go to the city hall and register any business for less than $200. You can then call yourself a CEO. You can even get a business card and add the title, "CEO" to your card. But do you know what it takes to be a real CEO, a great CEO? It's when hundreds of other people call you a CEO. At that point you've earned the right for other people to see you as a CEO. So today I get into the qualities of a great CEO.

#1: Know How to Manage Their Ego - 1:12

#2: Have a Touch of Humility - 3:07

#3: Are Extremely Driven - 3:34

#4: Care for Their People - 8:45

#5: Study Human Nature - 11:16

#6: Comfortable Handling Contradictions - 12:46

#7: Think Outside the Box - 15:11

#8: Have a Reputation - 15:45

#9: Great at Asking Questions - 19:00

#10: Want Feedback - 19:31

#11: Always Raising Standards - 19:40#12: Build Strong Alliances - 21:10#13: Speak Different Languages - 22:25

#14: Know Their Weaknesses - 23:31

#15: Know What They Do and Don't Know - 24:03

#16: Very Decisive - 24:27

#17: Understand Timing 25:06

#18: Very Strong Drivers - 25:23

#19: Very Good at Rallying the Troops - 25:45

Valuetainment- The best channel for new, startup and established entrepreneurs.

Schedule: New episodes every Tuesday and Thursday on a broad array of entrepreneurial topics.
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1.Know how to manage your Ego
2.Have a touch of Humility
3.Extremely Driven
4.Care for their people
5.Study Human Nature
6.Comfortable Handling Contradictions
7.Think Outside the box
8.Have a Reputation
9.Great at asking questions
10.Want Feedback
11.Always Raising standards
12.Build strong Alliances
13.Speak Different Languages
14.Know their weakness
15.Know what they do and don't know
16.Very Decisive
17.Understand Timing
18.Very strong Drivers
19.Very good at Rallying the troops


I’m 14 years old and just watched you video. My goal since I was little was and still is to become a CEO of a company big or small. I have started going door to door and have got some money from mowing lawns, pulling weeds, baby sitting, dog sitting, cleaning, and dog walking. Your video has helped me get a better understanding of what it takes to become a good CEO. I hope one day people will recognize me. Not as a glorified CEO, but as a humble financial CEO that people enjoy being around.


1. manage their egos
2. Shows humility. EGO is the enemy
3. self driven or know hw to drive their people
4. Cares for their people. Yr people is the most important products
5. CEO understand human nature
6. CEO comfortable at handling contradiction
7. Solid CEO thinks outside the box
8. CEO has reputation. He has back bone cant be pushed arnd
9. Ask the right questions
10. Appreciate feedback
11. They raise standards
12. Build alliances
13. Speak different languages. They talk to media diff, to employee diff etc
14. They know their weakness very well
15. They know what they know. They know what they dont know
16. They are very decisive
17. Understands timing
18. Very strong drivers
19. Very good at rallying the troops


I went for a thumbs up before even watching the video. That's how used i am to the Quality of your content. Thanks man


#20 Being a CEO is a lifestyle. You gotta live it every moment, there's no taking break coz you enjoy doing it as break turns out to something productive weather be it a conversation, idea or a thought


This is one of the best videos you've come out with. It has opened my eyes to some things I need to work on and develop. Thanks VALUETAINMENT crew.


Imagine I'm a Zimbabwean living in South Africa and watching this 7 years later. Greatest channel for any young entrepreneur building a business.


exceptional, as always, Pat! There's only one more I would add - clarity! The best CEOs I've studied or worked for are CLEAR about company direction and vision, CLEAR about their expectations, CLEAR about responsibilities for different positions, CLEAR about cultural values, etc... No clarity=messiness. Biggest Takeaway here: Speaking different languages!


Yes Pat, I'm from Malaysia & I'm watching this! We may never see each other but your advice will forever change my life. I've watched almost 70% of your video & it blow me away, I try to comment on every single video but it's really time consuming because I quite busy running my own company (Travel Agency). Love all of your video, please keep uploading better & better content for us to feed our mind. Thanks Pat!


I was just scrolling through to see what video I wanted to listen to in the car and this one just popped up! Crazy perfect timing !


Very true Patrick, majority of my clients are more than clients now. I have been to their homes and they have been to my home. We invite each other to our family functions and so on, the relationship is completely different and improved both of our businesses.


This is indeed the GREATEST channel on YouTube for entrepreneurs. Thank you Patrick


I am so glad you came back my man, you have touched my life in so many ways with the power of your words.


Patrick your recent videos are helping me understand how to articulate and become a great leader. One of the best videos i have watched on my birthday. Thanks!


Thank you for the coaching, sir. We appreciate you and the impact you have


Such a great tactic to warm up a lead, you are BRILLIANT. Wow. You are such an inspiration. THANK YOU FOR SHARING!


Pat, I watch Valuetaiment for past 3-4 weeks. You don't even have a clue how much influence you giving. So much Valuable information's and point of view in every single video. It's just unbelievable. I'm from Poland and I'm just 21 Years old. but I can see a lot of similarities in myself to things and qualities you talking about, but I can see loads of weak side's that I have to work at as well, what I'm actually doing not just talking about it. Hopefully one day I'll step up in this ladder of " game of doubles" :) Appreciate all your work that you doing to educate people. Greetings and Big respect!

Lukas Paprocki


Think out side the box... Very important!!! Been instilled since the military!! Thinking outside the box facilities productivity, boost morale, and increase innovation.

Pat you’re awesome man!!!!


I started thinking like a Seal, waling like a Seal, & then other people started seeing me as a Seal.


Everytime I listen to you, I learn something. If it's not one thing or another. Your videos ranges from reading great books for growth to emotional intelligence.
