Suicide Prevention: Understanding Suicide

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Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shares his thoughts on the importance of understanding suicide and talking about it within a community.

“What we need to do as a church is to reach out in love and caring to those who have suicidal thoughts, who have attempted suicide, who feel marginalized in any way. We need to reach out with love and understanding,” he says.

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My sister was having thoughts of suicide last year, and she told me one of the reasons that kept her from committing suicide is she didn't want to leave me behind as her little brother that means so much to me. We do have our moments, but I'm greatful to have her in my life each and every day!


The attitude addressed to people who have taken their own life has been painful. How can we condemn a man who felt he had no other choice, but to end his life? His mind was broken. His heart gave up hope. His pain was beyond our own comprehension. RIP son. I know God loves you, and is healing you as I speak.


My brother Jack took his own life this past August. We are left with completely different lives. Its hard to make sense but this video warmed my soul. I needed this video.


“Mourn with those that mourn, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort”


“Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved.”—President Thomas S. Monson


Today, before going to church I watched this video and all the "Suicide Prevention" series.
While watching every story, just tears come to my eyes, because I saw in them my story. My struggle with depression and suicidal thoughts during my adolescence and as young adult.
While watching this videos, I felt that there is a Heavenly Father caring for me, for every single sons of Him

thank you


I always believed that suicide was a one way ticket to hell. It's very comforting to know that is not true.


I'm a bit shocked, thought maybe I shouldn't be. This is a surprisingly non-judgemental statement. I'm actually feeling a bit choked up here. Thank you Apostle Renlund. God Bless.


I've known this for a long time and I am so happy that the church is finally talking about it! Right on! Thank you Elder Renlund.


I have had no experience with mental illness or suicide beside maybe some short lived depression that I feel like all teenagers get at least once as a teenager but it makes me so mad that someone fighting cancer is portrayed as a hero and someone fighting suicidal thoughts can be portrayed as selfish, both of these ppl are hero’s and both of them need help


I've always been able to rationalize these thoughts away... I think about it too much, but I've never truly had the drive to go through with it because of how it might affect my family; and I see it as the ultimate form of giving up, which is something I hate doing. I love this Church so much, and I love what it stands for... I just wish more people would give it a chance, and on the flip-side I wish I had the courage to be more useful in conveying our beliefs...


Ive bin suicdal from last year i fight it everyday with all my strength and gods and ask jesus to help me i was baptized in 2009 and didnt read but last year i read the bible and took the message in and the jesus videos have really helped me alot as i find im more of a visual learner


Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a great day today! This sweet video reminds me of a beautiful quote by Elder Uchtdorf in his April 2012 general conference address,
"Remember, heaven is filled with those who have this in common: They are forgiven. And they forgive. Lay your burden at the Savior’s feet. Let go of judgment. Allow Christ’s Atonement to change and heal your heart. Love one another. Forgive one another. The merciful will obtain mercy."

I'm praying for all of you, especially those of you who hurt right now! Just know that the Savior loves you and stands prepared to heal and comfort you and those you have lost. :)


I know several people that wanted to commit suicide but didn't because they were afraid of going to hell. Guess that won't be a deterrent any longer. I hope anyone contemplating suicide will somehow know that if they just hold on it will get better. You are of worth, you are valuable, you are loved and you are needed. You have something to add to this world. Don't rob yourself or those who love you of YOU!


Thank you for addressing this and offering help.


I was suicidal years ago, severely depressed. I testify that our Savior delivered me and wants us to be delivered from the bondage of depression. I am a school counselor now, and the director of a mental health education program that teaches natural, simple but effective ways to heal from depression and anxiety (The Nedley Depression/Anxiety Recovery Program). I have seen students and individuals heal in wonderful ways. I have been blessed with healing! The Savior truly led me by the hand. Please hang in there and look for answers, let people help you, and let the Holy Spirit be your guide. Bless you!


Thanks everyone for your prayers. It’s not everyday for me now


I had a friend commit suicide this last July 2019. I still cry when I think about him....this was very comforting!


I so much agree with Elder Renland's talk on suicide. I believe that Gabby was a hero who took it as long as she could and is now in the comforting loving arms of her Savior!


I have been told, and always disagreed and never believed that suicide meant consignment to hell. I hate hearing that, I don't understand why anyone feels compelled to say that and I am so glad to hear Elder Renlund support the same belief I have.
