Mental Health, Suicide, & the Power of Community | Haley DeGreve | TEDxYouth@Davenport

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"Our brains are literally more resilient when we're together." Wow! Very inspiring.


i just recently went through a moment of thinking about taking my own life. i stood in my bathroom with a handful of pills in my hand. in my mind i thought my wife kids and family would be so much better without me. like no matter what i did i failed. failed as a husband as a father an as son and brother. the pain would never go away. that ending it all would be a quick and easy fix. as i was standing there with those pills in my hand(my wife was banging on our bedroom door cause i locked the door, screaming my name to please open the door) but i couldnt hear her voice. everything was silent. only thought was i dont want to hurt anymore. sec later i finally hear a sound and it is my daughters voice like it was echoing in my head, "daddy i love you" then came my 2 boys voices saying the same thing. their faces popped up in my head one by one. an it was like i could see again and relised what i was holding and what i was thinking about doing. i looked up into the mirror and i was balling tears down my face. didnt even know i was crying. that is one of the scarest moments of my life. when i relised that i wouldnt see those 3 beautiful faces anymore and it was going to be because of something i did. i never want to have that feeling anymore in my life. and since then i have been talking more to my wife and kids about my problems. thanks for listening.


This was extremely moving, as someone who is currently working through a crisis. Thank you so much for this ❤


It hasn't been temporary. In the back of my mind, I know that it's going to get much worse before it gets better.


your words are wonderfully sincere, but I have been looking for someone to care for 50 years. They never did care, but it is astonishing how much more they can care less as time goes on. And the people who are supposed to love you are actively trying to hurt you. This world makes no sense to me. my heart hurts so much. some of us really do have no one.


You are such an inspiration Haley. I attempted to take my life few years ago. When I came to in the hospital 2 days later, my thoughts was "God was not ready for me yet"


It’s not about feeling worthless. It’s about being in physical pain. Every. Single. Day.


This is wonderful, I listened a couple of times, and I find it powerful every single time.


I've found myself thinking about a friend of mine named Butch who once asked me about getting a gun from me I went to his house with my unloaded .357.
I showed him the gun and said "I can't give this to you without knowing why you asked me for it."
He told me and I confronted the person he had the issue with him and to all appearances they never had another problem, I didn't give him the gun.
Then about five months later we me some of our friends and him were at his house drinking.
He said something about a game and went in the house coming out with a gun and said let's play russian roulette.
I got up and started walking toward totally unsure exactly how to get it out of his hand.
I was about six foot away when I said you know the rule the one you ask plays first.
He put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger.
I lost one of my best friends that night and I thank God I wasn't the one that gave him the gun.
Me and his father helped each other
Through the days that followed by talking about it.
I'll see you when I get there my friend.


Even the brightest glow sticks have to break first to shine! ❤


It's great that she got the help that she needed and people rallied up for her, but it's not as simple as asking for help Or having a good intention to help. I have tried many therapy sessions, spoken to my friends but ultimately it lead no where, I can explain why that is but this comment will get a lot longer. My point is
People's life's are complex and long term support is draining on people even with the best of intentions, there are so many factors at play where it all boils down to you or the person you are trying to help.
In the long run for cases where providing support gets exhausting is the thing we need to come up with some solution, or " Every life matters " Will always be just a phrase.


A truly beautiful woman. The world is a better place with her in it!


Good for you what if it’s like my son no one knew anything was wrong. He died and no one saves him. What do you say to this one. Saying all suicides are preventable leaves a lot of people thinking they could have done more and it’s just not true. I don’t know the answers at all. I appreciate what you’re doing. Awareness is the key indeed


Suggestion: Please read the new book by Marie Lisette Rimer concerning the suicide of her son (a twin), called "Back from Suicide". It proves the idea that suicide is a function of depression, but those actually going there have removed the concern about all others and the damage suicide causes. This young man was the least predicted to be suicidal and the damage is long lasting and very painful.


A truly amazing young women, the QC is better because of her!


I could never imagine how someone would feel before suicide ... until i used lyrica for four months. It was the worst thing that ever happened to me ... Within a week i went from feeling depressed to extremely suicial. My body shut down completely, i had no energy left for anything, when i tried to eat i threw up, i turned my back on frinds an family and was completly isolated ... I lost all control of my thoughts and actions and i thought i was going to die
My body basicly told me that it was time to. i couldnt even talk to someone even though may friends and family cared...
I took valium for a week and stopped taking Lyrica and it was way better afterwards. I think im still a little traumatized after that ... i dont know if it would heva helped me, if someone aked me if i had these thoughts ... but i think so.
If you feel someone is having such thoughts, please ask them, because they cant tell you!


Shes right. Ive felt so much worse since living alone. Im single and choose to be, but maybe i need to do stuff with other people without romantic intentions.

My daughter lives in the next town.


What about when you are in a place where its external forces and you cant seem to be moving forward and are stuck in that do you get from there? All the talks or mental health help does not help external problems in your life.


There's no such thing as community/society anymore. Western societies have become more and more individualistic and everyone cares about their own survival only


Here’s an idea to anyone struggling including myself delete social media and turn off the damn news!
