Natural resources: How China is trying to charm Afghanistan | DW News

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China has become the first country to appoint an ambassador to Afghanistan since the Taliban came to power two years ago. Ambassador Zhao Sheng was welcomed in a lavish ceremony as he presented his credentials to de facto Prime Minister Mohammad Hassan Akhund in Kabul. The appointment is a major boost in the Taliban's quest for international recognition which has evaded it so far, over its restrictive policies against women and girls.
On the other hand there's the relationship between Pakistan and the Afghan Taliban. It isn't going well and tensions are most visible at their disputed border. Both sides exchanged fire recently at the Torkham border, the main frontier crossing between both nations. It was then closed, opening only after a week. Each time the border is closed, it's people who suffer. So what interest does China have in Afghanistan?
And why seem the Taliban to prefer to do business with China over Pakistan?

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As an Afghan I welcome the Chinese companies to invest and trade in Afghanistan 🇦🇫❤️


China is cosy up with the Taliban, they are there to help the Afghanistan to get out of the American 20 years of occupation & destruction. After 20 year of US led occupation there is a humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan & if they are left alone many will die. China is there to building diplomatic relationship is always the best way & cooperate trading for mutal benefits to save life since the whole of west had already condemn them to death..


The contrast of how China enters Afghanistan to how Americans entered. China has partners, USA has subjects.


As an Afghan I like China, they didn't kill Afghan in different name. They never bombed their or send weapons to Afghanistan.


NATO has lost the 20 years war in Afghanistan. China just recognising the Taliban won that war, this is a fact and she moves on. What can you blame over this at China?


An Indian and Pakistani talking about China and Afghanistan in Germany. This is called globalization


2 Indian hosts are discussing China's position for Afghanistan. How funny??


Never heard DW asked even once, what interest do the west (europe/us) have when military troops were stationed for 20 years in afghanistan.


Afghanistan is the super power country in resources in all over the world, may Allah keep peace in our beloved Afghanistan,


When Indians and Pakistanis discuss Afghanistan off off the TV, rubbish. DW has found no Afghan or Chinese to comment


Afghanistan is the only country in the world, where there is no corruption.


How can you hav good security piece if u don't hav good relationship with your neighboring countries very smart move from the Chinese something Indian government refused to acknowledge u will never hav peace as long as u hav problem with your neighboring countries no amount of money will give u that peace an security may the almighty Allah bless the Chinese for helping Afghanistan in this very difficult time 😢😢😢😢


Women said 20+ terrorist group operating in afganistan 😂😂😂 funny how she ignore 150+ UN designated terrorists group running in pakistan 😂😂😂😂😂 even afganistan accused pakistan of spreading terrorism


One of the biggest reasons is Afghanistan’s rare mineral reserves which is very important for China.


China is always working on cooperation, mutual benefits


Pakistan right now regretting all the times they harbored Taliban fighters during war in Afghanistan.


British, soviets and American all failed in Afghanistan but our superpower paxatan thought they have strategic depth in Afghanistan 😂😂😂😂


Afghanistan has been obliterated by America war on terror and occupation since 2001, further America did not bother to build anything meaningful in Afghanistan except military facilities. Afghanistan needs lots of cash to rebuild, they have no cash but only natural resources to offer. China on the other hand have lots of cash but short of natural resources. This is a win-win solution for both, furthermore, China and Afghanistan are neighbors, they have common interests to ensure stability.


She is a good memorizer ..has memorized her lesson quite well


If you think of what Xi has done before the US China trade war: 1. build one belt one road to export extra capacity of domestic real estate construction and labor and effective use of Dollar reserve 2. Invest in memory chip design and manufacturing (DRAM and NAND flash) basically he believe Chinese can easily catch S Korean. 3. Create domestic aircraft designs and manufacturing company COMACC. 4. Incentivize EV and Hybrid car industries to allow domestic car manufacturer to catch and exceed seemingly German and Japanese car power houses. Now in less than a decade, Xi has seen his vision bear fruit. So tell me any leader from G20 is as capable as Xi? CCP might be unpopular overseas, but they flawless execute their vision and led China into a world superpower.
