Lawyers React to Johnny Depp being Copied by Amber Heard again

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@LegalBytesMedia @NateTheLawyer @HoegLaw
Lawyers React to Day 5 Copying of Johnny Depp by Amber Heard
#lawyersreact #johnnydepptrial #amberheard
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She’s trying to show they are both victims and similar, but that just shows her manipulative tendencies


She weirds me out. She’s quoted trashing him for not having style so Dior wouldn’t want to work with him. Then she shows up copying his style. If that isn’t a massive hint toward her being mentally manipulative idk what is. She’s just so unsettling.


She’s playing the role of a victim and the closest victim to her is Depp. Hence copying how he dresses and acts… but she can’t pull it off. She’s a monster


She's clearly trying to upset/trigger him... It's crazy just how Sociopathic she is.


I think that's called "mirroring", something malignant narcissists do to the people they wish to control. She is obsessed with him, in a purely negative way.


It shows she's totally obsessed with Johnny. It's stalker-ish. After all these years, she is 100% obsessed with him. Kinda scary how she mirrors him, every, single, day.


Its disturbing and sick how she has been copying him and how today she stared at him the entire time he gave testimony yet has looked down or away from all other witnesses.


It's mirroring/copy cat syndrome.. anyone who has a possessive obsession with someone they perceive as their property will possibly do this to the person who they are obsessed with. Usually always their victim they have preyed apon or currently preying on. This is a stereotypical behavior of someone with a cluster B personality disorder (borderline, narcissism, sociopathy/psychopathy [anti-social], and histrionic). It's psychology I've been studying it for close to 6 years.
Also, in other parts of Johnny's testimony you'll hear him say at the beginning of their relationship they seemed to have had so much in common even with their music taste. This is also something they do to manipulate, it is mirroring and love bombing. They will copy cat and pretend to have your interests and even personality, bait and hook tactic. Johnny couldn't believe how much they had in common it was almost to good to be true to him. She's fake. She's manipulative. She played a part to attract him.


Narcissists usually copy their victims a lot.


There's definitely something wrong with her. And it's not just the abusive behavior.


I thought it was kind of coincidental, too until I saw her earrings. They are almost identical to Johnny's. Remember when Kate James stated that in the beginning of AH & JD she started copying everything of JD's? She styled her apartment like his, wore clothes like his, started collecting old typewriters like he does, got rid of her paperback books for hard copies of Johnny's favorite books, and had him buy her first editions bc they had a mutual love of the same book? Sad thing is after seeing JD testify today, he still doesn't realize that she staged and planned the whole thing to trap him into a relationship with her. She thought he was going to make her so famous. Well he did! Just not in the way she wanted it. Lol


Bullies play mind games and try to intimidate and outsmart anyway they can. She's a violent person.


She's copying his style just like she copied someone else's assault story


Yeah, that was weird. I noticed when he was on the stand and wearing those glasses, all of a sudden I saw her, who had been writing down notes without glasses, suddenly wearing them. During my life, I had women who seemed to hate me, another woman, yet they would start doing the same things I did. I worked in non-traditional jobs and they would make remarks about me being a flat chested tomboy, and it seemed to drive them crazy why men liked me, but then they would try to do whatever I did. When I saw the movie, Single White Female, it started to make sense.


Yeah that's pretty obvious. And she wants it to be obvious. Do her lawyers realize what she's doing? Because some juror is gonna bring that up when they're deliberating and how manipulative she appears.


A. is a heartless being who seems to have no conscience at all. Thursday's cross examination included a recording that never, ever should have been made public, and only proved to me that she is capable of terrible defamation of his character. I believe she intended to ruin him by publishing her comments in the newspaper, and that her lawyer is trying to finish Johnny off. If I were on the jury, I would not side with A.
Johnny Depp is no angel, and we all knew that, but nothing has been shown that proves him to have been physically abusive to A. or any other woman.


No you are not thinking to much into it. What amber is doing is the stuff Stalkers and abusers do.


Wow, that's such a narcissist trait, they mirror you to make you believe you are their soulmate in the beginning. And now she's using that tactic on the jury, 'look, we are the same', but hopefully too obvious.


People that have no original emotion would copy others... She's been doing that since the UK trial


"Lacking its own ingenuity, the parasite fears the visionary. What it cannot plagiarize, it seeks to censor. What it cannot regulate, it seeks to ban."
-Andrew Ryan
