Life After Death

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If we dwell on the thoughts of our mortality too much, it can consume us and prevent us from going about our daily lives. What’s the point of it all if life simply ends?

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Somebody once wrote that "looking for consciousness inside the brain is like looking for musicians inside a radio."


It is year 2124
We have experienced this .

Our graves have been lost somewhere. We are forgotten . We are no where . It's horrible, that all of Us Who were alive at the time of this video was uploaded, We All are gone and the world is same as it was . This is our reality!


RIP Joseph "Mitten Squad" Wilson. Your legacy lives on with this narrator that sounds just like you.


When I leave this skin and bone, beyond my final heartbeat, i'll dismantle piece by piece and know that death is not defeat


I wish that you would do a thing about people who can predict someone's death. I dont know if its cus i had a NDE, when i was 4 years old, or what. My mom killed me, when i was 4. She drowned me, in a bath tub. I remember my soul floating to the ceiling. I remember looking down at my body laying there lifeless, however, i had no feeling or connection to that body. I seen a bright white light, and started going faster towards it. Its turned a beautiful blue, and i remember being in the presence of thousands of beings. I felt nothing but peace and happiness. I wont go into depth about my NDE, cuz a lot people thinks you're crazy, when you talk about it. Ill just that i heard the E.R. doctor call my death, the time was 9:24 a.m. My conscious was well aware of everything going on. I woke myself, sat straight up and watched a nurse pass out, cuz she was in shock to see a 4 year old come back to life. I predicted my cousin's death. He died May 16th, just a few days ago. Just a few days before he died, I predicted he was going to die within a week...and he did. He died at 12:30 a.m. on May 16th. The next morning my friend wondered what my cousin was up to, and I said that I would message him. When I went to look at messenger, he had not been active for 16 hours. I knew something was wrong. I knew immediately at that moment, Jamie was dead. 3 hours later, I get a message from a friend of mine stating that Jamie was killed in a motorcycle accident the night before.... His death is not the first I have predicted. I have predicted a neighbor of mine's death, and I also predicted my mother's death.


You should read the essay "Death, Nothingness and Subjectivity" by Naturalist (atheist) philosopher, Tom Clark. Popular atheist Sam Harris did a podcast episode on it. In it Tom discusses what's called Generic Subjective Continuity, which explains why there will not be "nothingness" or an endless black void after death.


"when you die your life flashes before your eyes"
what if it only does that when you've survived an NDE? it could be what happens when your mind reboots after a near shutdown


The concept of life after death is a deeply personal and philosophical topic that varies greatly among different cultures, religions, and individuals. Some believe in an afterlife, where consciousness persists in some form, while others view death as the end of existence. It's a topic that has fascinated humanity for centuries, prompting a wide range of beliefs and interpretations.


Death smiles at us all,
All a man can do is smile back.


Personally, I think nda experiencers revisit the birth canal, not visit death. That's the light, the first light, not the last light. But that's just my own humble opinion.


these recent years, i was experiencing a lot of weird things, n it made me see death n birth in different ways. how memory after death might stick into the next life.. it's weird, but also fascinating. knowing living is not only about living in the moment but has a kind of purpose; that all these living experiences actually have a blueprint.

"till death do us apart" sounds ridiculous for me now ~


As a Muslim, I do believe what Islam says what happens after death. We go to a sort of middle world of souls where we reside until we are all revived on judgement day. I hope that it’s true, or at least we get to reunite with all our loved ones that passed.


There’s been cases in the past where scratch marks were found inside coffins. People who were thought to be dead for days even and somehow woke up. That’d be awful to wake up at a funeral.
Howard Stern is someone who wants his coffin to be above ground with an escape hatch just invade he wakes up. #ThinkinAhead


🙄 Death? What is death? Do you know? Do you even want to know? Yeah because of my advanced stage 4 cancer I have already gone through cardiac arrest 4 times. Sometimes some weird shit happened and sometimes it was like going to sleep and just waking up.


Death is the true essence of bliss
Death is everything

Better help is a shitty service, borderline scam


I was just listening to quotes from Mark Twain


Promoting garbage for money is part of the game unfortunately.


You die. You stop thinking. The end. Like a bug.


this life is a test, recognizing God as one and only and not associating partners, do good deeds, and avoiding hell by entering paradise enjoyment and bless and everlasting life


The most important thing about life is that it ends.
