Tour of the Afterlife: Man Dies and is Shown the Other Side (Near-Death Experience)

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Vincent Tolman shares the story of his Near-Death Experience, occurring after taking an overdose of an unsafe bodybuilding supplement. After showing no signs of life for 45 minutes, he was declared dead by the paramedics and put into a body bag. During his NDE, Vincent describes an encounter with a "guide" who takes him through various levels on the Other Side and teaches him that Love is the cornerstone of all Life and that our time here on Earth is a school in which our soul is here to learn and grow. After waking up from a medically induced coma, Vincent shares his journey of making sense of his Near-Death Experience and how he has integrated the lessons he learned into his everyday life.

“For the first time in my life, I felt like I had finally found my Home” - Vincent Tolman

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Where we explore the meaning and purpose of Near-Death Experiences in the modern age. We write about the intersection of spirituality, life-after death, comparative religion, philosophy, depth psychology, modern culture, and most of all how we can stay connected to the truth that Life doesn't end when we die.

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I suffer from General Anxiety and panic. Ever since I started watching this videos, I began to understand that this world is just a little while and iam going to go back home one day. I feel much better. Thank you for what you do. Thank you God.


I think i listen through over 1000 NDE stories. I believe this story is by far one of the best I heard.


‘Anything you are lacking, go get it and give it to someone else and you will now receive what you need’


My grandma died as I was sleeping. I always asked her to say goodbye when she left this earth. When she died I saw her in my dream, it was a bright light in a cloudy sky and I was looking up at her. I could not actually see her face but she was definitely there. I was crying and said “please don’t go” and she responded “I have to”.

Well I woke up with real tears streaming down my face and as I got out of bed that’s when my mom told me Grandma had died. I fully believe these stories based on my own experiences!❤


"If we could even remember how much God loves us, it would completely change every decision we make." Wow!!


Thank you for coming back, not just for your brother and mum. But for all the souls you have touched by sharing your experience. I'm truly grateful 🙏


One of the best NDE I have ever heard. Touching, beautiful and spiritual.


This has brought me so much peace. My brother was murdered last week and these videos are soothing my pain. He suffered with psychosis and ptsd and it gives me peace to know he his now free of the disease of the human mind. I feel the authenticity of your story and see so much qi in your eyes. Thank you for sharing you have warmed my heart and gave me hope x


Life is a classroom, not a courtroom. Love that😭


After my nans funeral, I had purple lights/orbs in my eyes as I fell asleep (the colour theme to her funeral) that night I dreampt we were dancing together in a beautiful garden. When I woke up the next day, I saw my mother who told me she had an appointment cancel so she went on a walk and found a beautiful secret garden near my nans house and that is where she is going to scatter my nans ashes. She showed me a picture of the garden and I gasped. It was indeed the garden I danced in with my Nan the night before ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


The most profound NDE story I encountered, with so much takeaway and wisdom to transform our lives


This is the best NDE channel. Just straight to the point no bs, quality production. I love it


You cannot say this isnt the most touching and deep experience ever shared, because it has already changed my perception and motivates me to live better and change my thinking/living. Thats how you know this is truly profound if someone's NDE can alter someone elses life for the better, someone they don't even know exists. And i can see from the comments that i am not alone. Truly amazing!


I feel like I was guided to watch this gentleman speak today. I am at the beginning of my spiritual awakening and what he had to say was truly wonderful.


I like the paramedic having an epiphany. Never give up on anyone, and don't leave anyone behind.


The education presented here is exactly what the world needs.


This story made me cry bcoz my partner of over 2 years passed on last March 17, 2024 of massive cardiac arrest in my arms & haven’t had a dream about him yet and I so wanted to see him in my dream 😢😢😢😢.I believed in life after death and believed that we will see each other again


To everyone, you are always loved. Everything will be okay. You will be blessed with overflowing happiness, good health, prosperity and inner peace. Love and joy to all of us.


Every time you release a new video, I drop *everything* to watch Always worth the wait. Thank you for doing what you do🙏🏽✨


Everyone who talks in these videos are so calm & i can listen to them all day.
