BITTEN by the RED WIDOW! My WORST Mistake?

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Please don't try this at home.

While searching for rare praying mantises, I came across one of my favorite spiders in the wild: the red widow. These spiders are incredibly venomous, and unfortunately I found out just how bad the red widow bite actually is. Join me on this very nerve wracking journey!

Here at MyWildBackyard we investigate the secrets of the natural world- secrets that can be hidden in our very own backyards! I want to share the incredible world of insects, spiders and other wildlife with you and inspire you to explore your curiosity. Get out there, and find your adventure!

For those who read the description- we've updated the channel! I'm working on adding more features to videos to better expand our conversations about the secrets we find in the natural world! Introducing the Creature Tier System! There are four rankings:
1. Staple - These are the lowest tier creatures. They are the most common species in a given habitat, and while they're not boring, they're really only exciting when you're exploring a new habitat and you haven't seen them before. Not something to write home about.
2. Neat - These are a step up from Staple. They don't make your entire day, but they are worth taking a closer look at when found. Definitely can be exciting to have a productive day finding many Neat species.
3. Wild - These are exciting to find. Whether they have interesting defensive features that offer a nice challenge in the field, are particularly cool looking, or maybe a little bit rare, Wild species aren't necessarily the MOST memorable of encounters, but they definitely make your day when you see them. An adventure featuring many Wild species will truly be memorable.
4. Gem - These are special. Usually involving extremely interesting biology and significant rarity, Gem species are animals that you really do not see every day. These species can make your whole adventure, and will be very memorable.

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License

#redwidow #spiderbite #bite
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Yikes! Glad to be okay. What creatures are we gonna find next in South Florida?


A friend of mine was bitten by a red widow a while back. He had no symptoms for a couple of years but started getting migraines and night sweats that worsened into spinneret glands forming at the wrist. Very small but strong setules formed at the fingertips and he also was somehow more aware of his surroundings. Haven't seen him since I last visited him in NYC. Hope he's doing ok.


According to Wikipedia you’re the first person to video and document a red widow bite on a human. Congrats!


Man that red widow was having a bad day. I’ve never seen a spider bite that quick lol. I think you actually increased peoples fear of spiders with this one. I hope people know how uncommon that is


What a great friend Jack is! Spencer: "Uh, so I was just bitten by arguably the worst spider in North America." Jack's first reaction? "Lmao omg."


I appreciate your honesty. You could have milked this for views and exaggerated for sensationalism, but you didn't. I can't tell you how refreshing this video was. You earned my sub.


3:46 "Oh definitely worse than the tarantula hawk" Love how he's trolling Coyote Peterson 😂😂😂


If I had to take a guess as to why she bit you was just before you poked her abdomen and she immediately turned looking for the source.


You contacted Jack for advise and his first response was Lmao...


You're nuts dude. Your admiration, love & respect for these creatures is commendable ! Liked & subscribed! 😁👍


I've literally overcome my 45 yr fear of spiders because of your channel. Glad you're feeling better & hope you're gonna be okay. A sincere "thanks" for all you do!


I saw it on your face, right after the bite, I can relate to that spine locking, chilling feeling of not knowing what to expect. The knowledge I've learned from you, when she bit you, she was warning you, I'm not in mood! She probably didn't go for the kill, just a warning. I'm so glad you didn't have any serious, life threatening side effects from this encounter. Please be careful out there Spence!


With each video I watch from this channel, I'm more and more stunned by 2 things: 1. The quality of the content, the knowledge and the respect for the animals and nature and 2. How there's not like millions of subscribers yet? Thank you for your hard work and willingness to share this with us <3


This is probably the first documented bite on camera. Glad you are recovering.


My dad has been bitten twice by red widow spiders. He said the second time was a lot worse whether that was from more venom in the second bite or because the first time made him more susceptible to their venom he didn’t know. This happened a long time ago. I wish I could put him in touch with you bc you & him are very similar. Great video!


Dang! I just discovered your channel like 3 days ago while doing reset on spiders! I have always been scared of spiders, but now I think it has gotten a lot better watching your videos! I am glad you’re okay! I hope you don’t have any lifelong symptoms!


WOW I'm sure you were not expecting this video to be a bite video! Glad to see you're ok. I wouldn't know what to do without your awesome nature content!


I’m in Australia. A family member was bitten by a redback spider on his knee. Within a couple of hours he was in excruciating pain, and had to keep moving his leg around. If he stopped moving the pain would return. He ended up in hospital under observation only for about 12 hours (no anti venom given). He said it was the worst pain he had ever experienced.


Handles dangerous spider…
“And then something happened that I could have NEVER predicted.”


I knew it was a red widow from that sneak peak you gave us! I'm super glad it wasn't anything major and that you documented everything! You took one for the team and added knowledge to the world! You rock!
