Carl Jung's Scary Prophecy about Artificial Intelligence

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Carl Jung prophesied the arrival of Artificial Intelligence in his book Aion

Jordan Peterson called Aion the most Terrifying book he had ever read

I was always suspicious that JBP was being melodramatic, until recently the core thesis of this work “clicked” for me

Jung studies several key symbols to present one the best schizo take I’ve ever heard


Watch this Video if you Want to Join My Uncensored Skool:


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“If the individual, overwhelmed by the sense of his own puniness and impotence, should feel that his life has lost its meaning…then he is already on the road to State slavery and, without knowing or wanting it, has become its proselyte.” (Carl Jung, The Undiscovered Self)


great work steph, I'd be so curious to hear if Jung ever talked about
the gateway experience... Thanks so much for your content, great steak for the brain.


technology isn't the philosopher's stone; it's the technocrat's stone. the philosopher's stone is what we need to use the technology responsibly ie the enlightened religion.


Electricity may be the "lifeblood" so to say, but there's one thing in all of this that does not hold up.
We are organic beings, machinery like computers are mechanic constructs.

Electricity is also generated, we as beings of organic matter are generating it from a different source than a machine would.
To pathological types there is no difference, because they all indeed look at everything as if it is material to be worked with.
They lack a soul within themselves and that is what they are looking for, except they call it eternal life.
The evil fear death, because they know they have never lived a life.

And if there is such a thing as eternal life, it is found in the realm of nature. Not machines.


In Tolkien’s story “the fall of numenor”, Sauron convinced these men to use all their amazing technology to gain immortality by waging war on the gods. Their entire civilisation is destroyed in the attack, and everyone dies…


Chris Langan’s idea of a human versus tech singularity is very relevant here. Great vid!!


So basicaly you sayin that we are entering age of aquarius.


Damn dude. Great topic. I was trying to tell people how "tech-gurus" are today's alchemist looking for the philosophers stone and eternal life for a long time and here you are explaining it in great detail. Today's philosophers stone is a microchip/ AI that can do it all.


Stef's progression over the last few years has been a joy to watch!
I love his conversations with Jason Reza Jorjani.


JRR Tolkien had a very interesting point. He said that machines are always just rubbish versions of what we’ve already imagined. The first people who imagined human flight imagined us with bird wings: we could fly whenever we want, in a beautiful and quick way. When we invent flight, it’s in these crappy, clunky, ugly mechanical monstrosities called “aeroplanes” that you need special runways to fly around with.

It appears we’ve come to the end of that finally. We’ve created AI, mechanical gods, and they’re crappy, clunky, stupid versions of our original conceptions of gods that pump out garbage and don’t give us any useful information.


This connected SO many dots and helped me to transmute my madness into insight. SUBSCRIBED!!!


Even though you’ve got great art in these videos I usually listen to them as a podcast while I work on something.

The music in this one elevated it immensely. Perfect atmosphere for the subject matter.

Pretty cool actually that your stuff can be appreciated in various ways


at 34:00 steph says that we all have a voice in our head, and that actually isn't true. many of us don't have a voice in our head. 50-70% of people do not have an internal monologue. initially i was suprised by this, but then i thought that it explains how people are so easily programmed. a monologue is hearing one voice in your head, and a dialogue is when 2 or more voices are in your head. i believe that we need an internal dialogue to be able to think critically


The “Christianity was the woke movement of Ancient Rome” message is the most important message of our time.


Carl Jung actually said that Christianity has yet to arrive in the soul of the western world and we still live with the pagan gods in our hearts.


Tbh I like it, i think humans have worked with their hands long enough that a little help from our friends won’t hinder our performance. The worst part of my art was always filling in the color and stuff after I created this beautiful visual, all the time spent with the tedious stuff makes me almost lose my connection with the art, and it doesn’t end up how I wanted it to. It’s amazing that some people can draw what they meant to, but some people have visions far too hard to create on a piece of paper. I feel like AI art is more dreamy. From our perspectives we THINK we know what we look like, but collectively, what a fucking mess we are. Organic matter.


As intriguing and enlightening as this program is, I feel that it is incomplete. The references to biblical passages and philosophy ended short of the Bible's climax in it's final book of Revelation. I would more liken the endgame scenario of the merging of mind and machine to the "abomination that causes desolation" than to the antichrist, however, the antichrist is not one person, but as it was said by Jesus himself while he was on earth, "even now there are many antichrists", therefore it could be that a "hive brain" of many into one is both the abomination and the antichrist. Either way, they will be misled by the "false prophet" (mainstream media?!!) and a true separation of the self to have union with either that which is material yet demonic in nature, or holy under God's spirit, lead us to life or death in this "year zero 2.0" (Armageddon ) mentioned.
Either way, the temptation and pressure to submit to the will of men and machine will undoubtedly be very strong, and only with a stronger faith in what is unseen (God) and fear of displeasing Him can an individual overcome Evil in order to survive that pivital point in the very near future.
As complex of a discussion as this is (and I love it!), it's all really quite simple when you realize that there are only two paths, one to life and one to death. It is the traveling to life that is difficult...for now.
Deaths road is easy, but to attain everlasting life, we may need to die first. If we reach for life in the physical sense, we are doomed to die anyhow, but with no chance of returning to life. This is the lie promised by Satan, as he himself stated in the first lie.


The first lie ever told is:
"You positively will NOT die!"


You’re easily one of the top 10 YouTube channels for me


It’s funny something so dangerous can be destroyed so easily lol.