Sony A5100: Best Camera Under $300?

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The Sony A5100 was released back in 2014, but this camera still packs a HUGE punch in 2023 and beyond. This camera utilizes the same sensor as the Sony A6000, which is also a great camera.

I tend to think of the A5100 as a NEX style camera with an updated sensor, user interface, better codecs for video, and a few more bells and whistles.

0:00 - The Sony A5100
0:59 - Compared to the A6000
1:12 - Photo samples
1:58 - Video Samples (XAVC-S)
2:49 - AVCHD
3:45 - Touch Focus Tracking
4:18 - Body Design
5:20 - Menu System
6:00 - Paired with the NEX-3N
7:37 - Overheating?
8:13 - Everyday use


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Perfect camera for the younger set. Not too expensive, good enough for stills and video. With everyone used to using a cellphone, there is little need for a viewfinder until they get serious. I got my daughter the ZV-E10, a great little camera. I also have one, it's so small that it is the choice to outings with the family. Not too big, but big on performance. Also with a PZ lens, it has that easy zoom function.


Got myself a like new condition a5100 and paired it with a sigma 16mm f1.4 lens. LOVE IT. part of why i chose this over the a6000 and others is because of the size. it isnt lacking any features i need and ill be using it as a webcam mainly. subbed!


I bought an a5000 for my daughter just before the a5100 came out and she loves it. She uses her iPhone more often than anything, but when the photos count she opts for the a5000. I’m not sure how different it is from the a5100 outside of the sensor size.


Nice review. I have an A5100, A6000 and an NEX3N. They are all great, love to adapt vintage lenses to them. When ever I feel the need for IBIS tho, I reach for my GX85, also adaptable to vintage lenses.


My first camera was a Canon Eos M100 with a 22mm EFM prime lens, for macro, street photography, portraits, all very practical and fun...
But as with most Canon cameras, it couldn't capture mid tones and mid shadows. And I decided to try Sony mirrorless cameras. Since I like flip up screen, I decided that the best choice would be Sony a5100 because it was released at the same time as the most popular model a6000 and the features were almost the same. I can see the difference in the quality of the colors, exposure and depth in a5100. Except menu usage it will be my favourite camera for a long time.


Absolutely my second camera to my ZV-E10, and it lives on my gimbal when I am A-rolling the E10 as well. I actually plan to buy one or two more 5100s as well, because, as you mentioned its the same sensor as the 6's but it's also the same sensor as the ZV-E10 I am pretty sure. They are at least both 24mp and they color match real easily if I use the same lens on them and take the same shot and compare them in editors.


This man is HUSTLING! Love the content and perspectives!


I have several a5100s. I get a lens I like a lot (like Viltrox 23mm), I just buy an a5100 for the lens. Works fine for my purposes. Cheers


I love all of your Nex videos! keep going man!


I have bought the camera a few years ago and still love it. One downside I found, is the location of the flash. Even with the kit lens 16-50/3.5-5.6 my photos have the shadow of the lens. With bigger lenses it's worst. Another thing I struggled is that it has no hot shoe and working with external flash is not easy (I am still learning photography). Any suggestions and tips are welcome ❤
But overall if you don't plan on using external flash, this camera is very nice and has everything to begin.


Use mostly a5100's for my YouTube channel. So many good features. 3 bodies in my kit now.


I just got an A5100 for 35€, yes seriously 35€. It is amazing. It is my first mirrorless camera and I'm using it with Nikon lenses. Focus peaking is a joy tu use. The WYSIWYG approach is mindblowing : I can preview how exactly my picture will be. Now, I'm asking to myself why I kept buying old Nikon DSLR. With DSLR, you shoot and review if your exposure is correct or not


I shot from the a5100 and the a6400, tbh....anything I could edit/shoot on the a6400 I could do the same with the a5100 it is such a capable camera for such a small body and pair that with the ttartisan 27mm f2.8 its basically a great street photography setup


i got mine last week for 11, 000 THB, it came with a 16-50 kit lens, a rubber body shield (happy overheating!), a screen protector, and a 1-year warranty. that's 313 USD.
i bought it to use lenses like the Fijian 35mm 1.7 (CCTV) and some TTArtisan lenses. all manual. all full glass/metal built. awesome results.


I just bought this camera because of you and I'm super happy about it! do you think that you'll ever do like a guide for the best way to use it or setting up the config? I'm lost in the sea of the unknown aha it's my first digital ever and i don't know what to do with it aha


Great camera, great video 👍🏻but The best part of the video is your lovely family, God bless you all


Great video and breakdown! Never even knew this little camera existed. I shoot on FX30 but my little brother is going through film school online and won’t give up his dinky little Canon Powershot whatever-it-is.

Sent him this video. Maybe he’ll switch to Sony.


Add a speedbooster and BOOM, instant fullframe camera for great video.


I don't mind the nex menu I'm personally gonna get a nex 6 as I can't afford the a 5100


Sadly, refurbed units that are barebones are going for $400+ now.
