What Are The Most Common Types Of Bariatric Procedures? | Continental Hospitals

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Bariatric surgery 🏥 includes various procedures designed to assist individuals struggling with obesity 🍔➡️🏋️‍♂️ to lose weight by making changes to the digestive system. These surgeries promote weight loss by restricting the amount of food 🍽 the stomach can hold or by reducing the absorption of nutrients 🥦, leading to significant and sustainable weight loss.

Dr. Ganesh Gorthi 👨‍⚕️, HOD for Robotic Surgery 🤖🔪 & Sr Consultant for Surgical Gastroenterology at Continental Hospitals 🏨 explains that there are primarily two most common types of bariatric procedures performed in the world over - Sleeve Gastrectomy 🥼 & Gastric Bypass 🔄.
The type of procedure for a patient depends on the nature of obesity, comorbidities, and other factors, informs Dr. Ganesh.

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