Why Your Style Fails: What Every Woman Needs To Know

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Do you want to stop making excuses for your style fails and take your style to where you want it to be - to the level you want to take it? As The French Chic Expert I have helped many women overcome all sorts of excuses, boost their confidence and change their lives. Find inspiration and motivation through Style and become the person you want to be.

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Money was my excuse more or less 15 years ago. I am a little bit obsessive so I wanted to have my wardrobe with everything I wanted overnight. But I couldn’t afford it.
So I began purchasing good quality things that would last many years and making sure everything could match what I already had in my closet. One or two items at a time.
Christmas bonuses were a wonderful thing, because that was my ticket to the things I wanted. But I didn’t buy my clothes by the holidays. I waited until the January clearance and then I could spend less money and purchase more items.
Well and one day Ines de la Fressange came to my life and I learned about mixing more expensive clothes with cheaper ones and even from flea markets!
But my most glorious day was when I found you and your chanel. That was a real epiphany and a true blessing!


My excuse: I am not at my goal weight so I’m not going to bother. When I reach that weight, I will make an effort. Guess what, that time never came! Now I purchase the best I can and tailor as I go.


I finally wore my silk blouse last night for dinner out 🎉 I thought of you ... my style inspiration 💞💞💞💞🇺🇸🌻🌻💐💐


Starting in 2013, I realized that my style was the same as it was in college. Basically none at all. I was approaching 40 and dressed like a sloppy student. I had no idea what style was other than I knew I wanted it and did not have it. I realized that is was probably impeding me in achieving some goals in my life. My excuses were that I was depressed from my mom dying, relationship issues, health issues, feeling bad about myself in general and struggling to get my freelance business really going after making a big move. So, I decided I wanted a real change. Since then, I have been researching and following people like you, Trinny Woodall, Justine Leconte and Audrey Coyne on here. I took a good look at myself and got rid of the excuses. Then I did ALOT of learning. I used in all the information about body type, warm and cool coloring, figuring out one's personal style, etc. that all of you wonderful youtube style ladies make available to those of us who need some guidance. I even bought your one book and some of Trinny and Susannah's What Not To Wear books. Then I edited and re-edited my wardrobe several times over several years until I saw what I wanted when I looked in the closet. I knew that was the only way to real lasting change. I guess I learned to fish, lol. After lots of trial and error and humbling myself, I now dress in a way that makes me feel good for the first time that I can remember and it feels great. This is a continuing journey, though, so I am looking forward to continued learning as life goes on. That is why I could not agree with you more on all of this. I love watching your videos. Thank you for all you do for all of us out here! :D


The excuse of not having money is not going to fly. Years ago in New York I was doing some volunteer work with women in poverty. One of my cases was an elderly French woman living in a SRO (single room occupancy) hotel. She had absolutely nothing, was not well, and was not in a good situation, but every time I would go to see her she looked stunningly elegant. I remember her slim black trousers and crisp white shirt with the collar up. She had nothing. She was incredibly chic. The curve of that collar. I'll never forget it.


Beautiful thoughts in your video ❤️ I have never had a lot of money to spend on expensive clothes. Bless my mother for encouraging me to learn to sew; teaching me to mix and match what I had and for stylish friends telling me to keep a book of outfits from magazines and use my own clothes to recreate them. Now I’m getting great advice and tips from your channel on putting pieces together and staying chic at any age. Can’t wait for your next video 💕


Hello Mary Anne. My excuses are: overweight & Covid-19 - nowhere to go anyway.


Well, despite my overweight I enjoy my clothes, there are no excuses, I wear what I like, in the evening I just open the wardrobe and pick an outfit for the next day


My excuses are often to do with the wrong clothes for the weather - Jersey weather is typically changeable! - or the wrong shoes! I’m gradually addressing that by curating my wardrobe - I’ve started to lose some weight so things are starting to look better on me - and identifying what I need to finish off the outfits which always seem to be missing a final touch! I’m very happy that today I found the perfect pair of pointed toe kitten heel courts (often hard to find but very much needed to lengthen my legs!) and bought a pair in black and a pair in nude which will complete a number of looks! Really like your approach to these particular videos!


Thank you, Marie-Anne; I enjoyed this and will think this week about what excuses I make!


Thank you so much for the motivating videos! It is so easy to get in a rut and get down in the dumps! Sometimes you really have to push yourself to get up, get your makeup on, and dress up. I think Covid has been one of those times and your motivation has given me a reason to keep pushing on. I look forward to your videos and your wisdom. It has been amazing to see how important style is to our mood, our energy, our reason to accomplish so many things in our lives. And, I appreciate your showing me that!😘💕


I live in chronic pain. Some days are better than others. On bad pain days I tend to dress for comfort especially in inter!


I have never let my weight stop my style. No point in buying ill-fitting clothes that are too tight. I lost my light a bit as my first marriage failed...but found it again very soon after lol. I am a people watcher. In my 20s and 30s, I traveled to France and Italy for holidays and saw how to be chic but casual. Once you find and love what works for you, stick with it! I see so many comments regarding ladies who are putting off being fabulous because of waiting to lose weight. Just be fabulous NOW! Buy something that you love and wear it to death if you wish, but, please, don't ever sell yourself short because you are heavier. in fact, you are more likely to lose weight if you give yourself some motivation. And listen to Marie-Anne...she is wonderful! xx


We all need a good pep talk once in a while, and this was SO GOOD!
Thank you so much, Marie-Anne.


I often think how you feel about your style failures are as much a state of mind - some of my favourite outfits were when I was a student and bringing up the children. I had to make a huge effort to dress well on my often tiny budget then as I was more comfortably off I lacked the time so bought what was more expensive and I lost my style. My mother a very elegant lady had a word with me, she said beautiful clothes but who owns the wordrobe and I realised I had lost me. Took some time for my self and adjusted what I had by adding items gradually not a massive buying sprees. I always think twice now do my check list and only then see if it fits my needs.


Moved to and lived in a part of the USA that was wall to wall leggings and fleece. It was a mountain town. I always felt out of place, out of my skin, in constantly being dressed like that. Moved back to the southeastern coast and now feel like myself again. I’m so motivated by asthmatic, be it clothing, interior furnishings, food, etc. I love being in that place again!


What a great video! My excuse is: Covid, I am a mum of 2 and the fact that I live on the country now...almost everybody dresses so plainly and casually. I am afraid that I will stand out...that I will not fit in...


Thank You So Much! Thank you for the woman to woman talk....I so appreciate all the help you have given me.


I have been working on my style thanks to you. I have lost weight using your advice and that helps. I am more casual in style but use your basic rules and it works. Still working on it all but getting there. You are an inspiration.


No excuses! I appreciate your teaching style rules and tips, which work so much better than outfit ideas. A certain outfit might not fit my lifestyle, be my colors, within my budget, etc. With an understanding of style principles, everyone can find what works for their lifestyle, body type, budget, etc.

I feel better about myself if I'm dressed in clothes that I like and can wear confidently around other people. If I'm feeling blah, a bright accessory can bring a smile to my face, even if I never leave the house.
