Find the best bat house & where NOT to place it

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Bats are more closely related to horses than mice. They are part of an order called Pegasoferae that includes horses, cats and dogs, cows, whales and hedgehogs


Also, you failed to mention that they should be mounted between 10-30 feet up. Bats can't just fly way like birds, so they fall in order to gain speed then they fly away.


Southern Illinois here.. I got bats every nite at least, that's when I'm able to see them.. I love em... They're amazing


Great video. We have a bat house with 5 chambers which is rated to house 500 bats. We have had 50 bats in the past. One other important note to touch on would be the height to install the bat 🦇 house. They need to be installed 12 to 15 feet off of the ground or higher so when the bats drop out of the house they can properly fly out. If not it won't work. Great video. Thanks. God bless. 😎 👍 🙏


Thanks for the info I live in rural northern Illinois a lot of ponds around by me the mosquitos have a very strong presence I am gonna set up some bat houses in various locations


These need to be directed toward the South. He didn't say that. But this was a very helpful video. We just got a bat house. Thanks for the wonderful tips! Thumbs up. Beth


They fit really well.over ULEZ cameras, BEST place for them 😊


Thank you for providing bats a house ❤❤


love bats. they live in my neighborhood, so it's great. except when they almost nailed me in the face.


How do I make sure this doesnt become a Bee/Hornet house instead of a bat house?


Yes, Made in the USA ought to be important to everyone who live here!


Use cedar wood and rough hewn wood (they can hold onto its grooves)


I'm pretty sure bats are NOT related to mice or rodents at all. They are Chiroptera mammals, which are more closely related to carnivores like cats, dogs, bears, and hoofed animals like horses, pigs, and strangly even whales. Some bat species may have a similar resemblance to mice, which is where the myth comes from.


Add to your video that the bat-house needs to be at least 10 feet off the ground and not in a tree with branches or other obstacles below the opening. Bats drop out of the opening.


Thank you SO much for this upload. There is a river at the back of all the houses that are on the main street, so hopefully the water part is sorted and for the cat and dog part we have 2 cats but! in our back garden its very quiet so the little guy and gals will have peace. I'm terrified of bats but! i want them to have a home. There is an old house and a couple of sheds that are being pulled down 2 doors down from where i live and the bats that once called those buildings a home now won't have one. The sun comes round to the back in the evening sometimes.


I love bats 🦇 always have they are so cool. I see some sometimes outside my backyard and front yard flying around and they are so tiny. I live in Las Vegas and Hunter Thompson was right about them. 🤟🏻


What about wasps? We have a MAJOR issue with yellow jackets nesting in every crevice around my property. I take it I'll need to check the bathouse every week for wasps?


Thank you. I was going to do it ALLLL WRONG. I was going to place it behind my shed under evergreens. OOPS. Thank goodness for YouTube videos and You. I will place high on the sunny side of our shed. But if bats need warmth, why do they live/nest in caves which are cool? Or is it a matter of different kinds of bats. Teach me, please! Happy Trails!


Thanks for this informative video. There are quite a lot of bats that come out during early evening around our home. We've seen them coming out of our neighbor's chimney. Besides that, our neighbors put a swimming pool in and have let it go terribly. Their pool is more of a frog pond/swamp and now we have tons of mosquitoes and 🐸 frogs! No joke! It's absolutely terrible when darkness gets near; it's mosquito haven! I seriously think I'll be getting probably more than one of these bat houses. Thanks again for the video; it's very much appreciated! 👍


Will bats use an artificial water source like a regularly filled & cleaned tank? There are no brooks or ponds nearby.
