Attracting Bats to Your Yard

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The nocturnal nature of bats make them a mysterious animal for many folks. While it is widely known that bats are a major predator of mosquitoes, there are those who still are not sure they want to attract them to their yards.

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00:00 Introduction
03:54 Common Questions
04:11 Do Bats Sleep Hanging Upside Down
04:49 Are Bats Blind
06:03 Do they Attack people
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We’ve had a bat living under our patio in a crevice for years. Couple years ago on a hot August morning I found a baby bat on the ground, it must have fallen out of the crevice. It was alive but the heat was very hot, we live in the desert area. I put the baby in a washcloth and babysat it until dusk. I built a tall platform of boxes in the middle of my yard and waited for mom to come out and begin her nightly routine. I didn’t know if she would come for her baby, but within a few seconds of me putting the baby on top of the platform she began circling and landed. She cleaned her baby and it latched on to her and she flew off with it. I had tears of joy, bats are amazing!


Thank you for the video! I am into bats this summer, have 5 rather big boxes on two buildings and planing to build one on the pole. I am in Europe, Lithuania and I was told that this would be first pole bat house in the country, unless someone build one very quietly somewere, lol. Very few people know about bat houses here. I hope mine will attract a colony, we have plenty of swamps around, should be plenty of food for them.


I think the bat bridges in San Antonio helped bats get a more positive image.


I want bats in my backyard to eat annoying insects. They are endangered in Pennsylvania and need conservation. Thank you for making this video


Bats in Minnesota caught some diseases and most of them died off


Unless they nest during daylight between your house and deck and poop on your patio. An occasional spray form a garden hose nozzle during the day will encourage them to seek other daytime lodging.


The title is attracting bats to your yard. Thats what I wanted to know!! If this video has that info, its burried in an avalance of nice but totally irrelevant bat factoids. I built a nice bathouse and hung it up 12' high on a large fir tree in Vancouver BC. HOW ELSE CAN I ATTRACT BATS?


When I was a girl, in the 1960’s, our neighbor’s daughter was bitten by a bat. She was walking and a bat came and bit her on the ankle for no reason. She had to go for rabie shots, which were extremely painful. They had to drag her to the car, screaming every time she went for the shots. I’ll never forget that, so I’ll pass on the bats. Yes, they do bite sometimes. Ask Monika.
