Will Constructor Theory REWRITE Physics?

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The people behind the greatest leaps in physics - Einstein, Newton, Heisenberg, all had the uncanny ability to see the fundamentals - see the deepest, underlying facts about the world, and from simple statements about reality they built up their incredible theories. Well what if we all had a recipe book for doing exactly this. Well, one might be just around the corner and it’s called Constructor Theory.

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Hosted by Matt O'Dowd
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Рекомендации по теме

Teaching bleeding-edge science to a general audience (me) without making it feel watered down is done nowhere else as well as here. Thanks to all involved.


Years ago, I was a physics major. Life didn't turn out the way I initially expected and now I'm in CS classes, including Theory of Computation. This video is very much the intersection of stuff I've studied/studying and hits hard.


We've had an "algebra of possibility" for over 70 years. It's called modal logic, and the standardly used semantics for it is possible worlds semantics (also known as Kripke semantics).
It has it's own operators, theorems, etc, and is used extensively in philosophy


So if I understand Constructor Theory correctly...

"In this world there are only two laws that matter. What a man can do, and what a man can't."
- Captain Jack Sparrow, a physicist ahead of his time.


"Be careful! The devs WILL notice." - This has got to be the funniest yet most existentially disturbing reply ever made on this channel.


I sleep with your astrophysics theories & videos. Well, this has been my Naptime channel. Whenever I feel stressed or a need for nap, I watch this. Love from India 🇮🇳


I watched a lecture right here on YouTube about this topic, and while the idea of counterfactuals were discussed at length I walked away from the conversation feeling that the whole thing sounded kind of dumb. But I don't think it was idea of Constructor Theory itself, but instead how the participants danced around the topic, delving into philosophy debates instead of explaining existing ideas behind it. Like they were discussing the meta of Chess without ever explaining what the game even was. But here in just 8 minutes I was able to go, "Oh that's what they meant!"


This sounds reminiscent of Gödel's incompleteness theorem. He was able to abstract away the mathematical operations and describe any possible equation as a binary choice between it being true or false, much like how the counterfactuals are either possible or impossible and allow you to ignore the specific equations themselves.


This is the best explanation of counterfactuals and Constructor Theory I've seen. I am sure a lot of good work went in to making it so simple to understand. Thank you.


This feels a lot like what Gödel did but in the context of physics. Mathematics is extremely rigorously formalised and consistent across all areas of study and as much pain as that brings me in my maths lectures, I think a similar level of purity and formality in our language and axioms could really benefit physicists.


The Devs already noticed, and they're literally making things up for us to measure.


Wouldn't constructor theory fundamentally be assuming we know all the base sets of rules in order to be correct? Otherwise it could rule out things that are possible, but they just don't have a truth statement for in the base set of rules.


Rough shade on Newton with that whole "you can't transmute apples into gold" line


This sounds an awful lot like an approach to leaning geometry through construction. In fact, Constructor Theory seems to have a lot in common with how we do mathematical proofs in the first place. I'm surprised it took this long for it to be applied to physics.


It would definitely revolutionize how science is taught in schools anyway. Whether it is the all in one thing that ties them together, or not. It could be incredibly useful as a learning tool.


Constructor theory seems to parallel David Hilbert's efforts to formalize all of mathematics before Kurt Gödel showed that such a task was impossible.


Isn't this more of an epistemological framework than a theory? Not that there's anything wrong with that. I think everything would be better if physicists and philosophers of science collaborated more or if more physicists were more philosophically inclined (like Sean Carroll, for instance)


oh my god, mobs tapping on walls and measuring frame rates had me rolling


Sounds like it should be called the Sherlock theory - “when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth”.


Do equivalent forms of Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem and Turing’s Halting Problem exist within Constructor Theory?
Could something (say for example Quantum Gravity) be unprovable in Constructor Theory yet still be possible?
