New directions in Constructor Theory and the foundations of physics

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"Can you define heat for a single quantum object?" is a cool question.

I see what you did there.


Where did gravity come from? POOF the magic dragon!!


Helps explain quantum gravity a bit and some other ideas. I like the bad ass, cold war spy fo sho, murderous looking probably( quantum) Russian.


Pop-Sci: Swimsuit edition ;) -- That's not a wink, it's a black eye from Chiara :P


So far as the narrative preamble goes, this is posed in the default format of natural circumstances, a mathematical disproof, because the reasoning is a fairly typical "if-then" classification system.
By the logic of the word-identification of "Constructor", which is the same in active principle as any theory of connectivity, the continuous creation of metastable substantiation structural phenomena, ie "fields" must rely on the inherent communication mechanism of construction, and if the real manifestation of existence is eternally a matter of this communication of phase-locked time, ie Spacetime, then the "Constructor Principle" is the same principle as any other information, the theoretical communication of QM-Time Modulated information.

Therefore it's natural theory angle by default, yet another contributory point of view to objective explanation of Eternity-now. Good work exercise.

The reasonable flaw is the interpretation of orthogonality as disconnection when the logical actuality is the quantized distinction between spin-phase-locked qualities in phenomena. Ie it's the limitations of sense perception induced or imagined by static paradox, and is the flipside of the mathematical disproof methodology, and not the eternally fluid->construction by metastable relative motion/quantum fields actuality. (The inherent problem of thinking about thinking while you are doing it, because the observable universe is wave-resonance in which we are embedded/participant)

All theories "fail" to be Final, in some degree of relative probability in the rolling uncertainty of the eternal now event, ..the fluid substance of Actuality.

To attempt to make GR and QM discrete choices is to leave the connected actuality and head out onto unsupported by time duration timing, branches of incompleteness.
All phenomenological identification is reliant on constant/phase-locked self-defining relative constants in one cause-effect of the Quantum Operator Fields Modulation Mechanism of probabilities in potential possibilities.
